Elementy nacechowane kulturowo i ich opis w tłumaczonej audiodeskrypcji do dzieł plastycznych na przykładzie Muzeum Julio Romero de Torres
The key issue of this article centers on the proposal of the translation of audio description of works of art as a method of creating a new script of the work of art. The inclusion of audio description in the scope of Translation Studies and, in particular, within intersemiotic translation in line with the triadic division of Jacobson, gives the possibility of using translating strategies to transfer culture-specific elements denominated here as cultureme. The aim being to explain to the recipients occurrences that are foreign to them. Our starting point in this analysis are the audio description extracts of work of art of cultural values which a featured in the virtual guide of the Museum of Julio Romero de Cordoba. The translated audio description fragments contain specific culturemes, which can evoke doubts or incomprehension in the Polish recipient of the translated script. Key words:.