Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) translated as Basque Homeland and Freedom, was founded in 1959 by a group of men from Bilbao, Spain. This organization had an extreme impact on Spanish politics and society in Europe and one of the most important factors of ETA’s radical nationalism were women members. Basque women were active in all areas of ETA, including the military wing, political party’s trades unions, etc. After Scotland’s vote against its independence from Britain, it is possible that other separatist movements across the globe, from Europe to Asia, to the Middle East, to Africa will start sending signals for breaking all borders. The political fights all over the world, Scotland, China, fighting with the Uighurs in Xinjiang and Tibet, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran, started a fire in people’s hearts. Catalonia and the Basque Country in Spain and Flanders in Belgium, are considered the most influential regions and similar with the political and socioeconomic conditions of Scotland. In October 2011, the Basque separatist group ETA announced the cessation of its armed activities, but no one will assure that terrorist actions will not happen again.