MILOSEVIC: DÉJÀ VU ALL OVER AGAIN? Briefing on the Yugoslav leader’s latest manoeuvres (ICG Balkans Report Nº 53)
In the past few weeks the Belgrade authorities have sacked a number of key public officials. The two most prominent were security chief Stanisic and head of the army general staff Perisic. The firings triggered much speculation in the international media about the stability of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic’s regime. According to one interpretation, the sackings signal a fundamental weakness in government ranks, with Milosevic moving pre-emptively to oust potential rivals to his authority. Alternatively, the sackings may represent an attempt by the Yugoslav President to further consolidate his power base and to effectively rule with the backing of Yugoslavia’s military and security establishments. Both Stanisic and Perisic were seen as Milosevic’s opponents on several key policies, notably Belgrade’s handling of relations with the Kosovo Albanians. Both Perisic and Stanisic, reportedly moderates not favouring the use of severe force against the Kosovars, have been replaced by Milosevic “yes-men” regarded as proponents of a violent resolution of the Kosovo question. If this is even in part the case, Stanisic’s and Perisic’s sackings do not necessary reflect a weakness in Milosevic’s rule. Instead, the sackings may only signal Milosevic’s resolve to return to force as a means of regional problem solving.