Apie terminografiją ir terminų standartizaciją
In the works of Lithuanian linguists terminography and terminology standardization (preparation of terminology standards) are commonly viewed as two different branches of terminology ordering. Terminography is usually defined as the practice and theory of compilation of terminological dictionaries and terminology standardization is viewed as the preparation of terminology standards. The scope of both terminography and terminology standardization is wider: terminography covers not only compilation of terminological dictionaries but also sets of term entries presented in various forms; terminology standardization deals with terminology standards and sets of term entries presented in non-terminology standards. It is a common perception in Lithuanian linguistics that terminology standards cover microsystems of terms of very narrow fields of manufacturing or technology and are used by a small number of specialists, while terminological dictionaries present macrosystems of terms and have a much wider use. This is true only to some extent. The development of new fields of knowledge and the growth of terminology create the need for specialized dictionaries. There are highly specialized terminological dictionaries comprising a small number of terms as well as large terminology standards which include terms widely used in several fields. Terminology standards and terminological dictionaries are not so different – they both comprise a set of term entries compiled according to the same terminographical principles. Therefore, terminology standardization could be viewed as part of terminography. Terminology standardization is a relatively new kind of terminology work in Lithuania – the first national terminology standards were published in 1993. During the following few years a large number of national terminology standards were prepared each year, but when Lithuania became a member of international standardization organizations this number decreased significantly. At the same time publication of Lithuanian versions of international terminology standards has been started, but the number of translated standards comprises only a small proportion of all adopted standards.