Perspektívy formovania spoločnej migračnej politiky Európskej únie
The outbreak of the migration crisis in the European Union in 2015 and the mismatch between the European Union's expectations and its ability to solve the problems connected with the migration issue has initiated a process of questioning the legitimacy and confidence in the common European project. Global changes, caused by various factors, have raised security concerns and questions at the national and European levels of how European states should face global challenges and how the European Union should look like. The issue of migration policy has given rise to a dispute between the Member States of the European Union, which has seriously jeopardized the Union's internal political stability, and which persists to this day. The aim of this paper is to propose possible solutions and recommendations in the field of European Union migration policy based on an analysis of European Union measures in the field of migration and on the basis of an analysis of current and future global trends.