Predyktory poczucia opuszczenia przez Boga u katolików w Polsce: analiza codziennych doświadczeń religijno‑duchowych i moderująca rola poziomu deklarowanej wiar
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the presented research was to reveal the predictors and moderators of the sense of abandonment by God as one of the religious-spiritual experiences of Catholics.THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The primary research question was to determine what relationship, if it really exists, appears between age, level of declared faith, frequency and in- tensity of daily religious-spiritual experiences and the sense of abandonment by God.THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article discusses the psychological conceptualization of the sense of abandonment by God and its operationalization in research tools, as well as the importance of this issue for research on the struggles with divinity.RESEARCH RESULTS: As a result of statistical verification of the hypotheses, the relationships between variables were examined and predictors and moderators of the relationships among explanatory variables were established.CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Although all the accepted hypotheses were statistically confirmed, so that it was possible to identify a predictor and moderator of the feeling of abandonment by God, the article points out the limitations of the present study and directions for further research.