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Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Articles, pictures and interviews can be reprinted only with the consent of Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS - Sofia). Any citations should be duly acknowledged.
Following the dissolution of Yugoslavia, its successor states have regulated their pension insurance relations by bilateral social security agreements. Such agreements regulate the relations between two countries; therefore, a problem of aggregation of the insurance periods acquired in third–country–successor states occurred, which periods are requisite for granting of the pension entitlement. Therefore, the author suggests the application of the Convention ILO no. 48 Concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of rights under Invalidity, Old–age and Widows’ and Orphans’ Insurance, 1935, applicable to all successor–states of the former Yugoslavia.
With an 16-pages introduction of the »Société Slave en Bulgarie« acting as editor of this small booklet under issue Nr 10 of its series »Bibliothèque Slave«
A print of the Military Journal, September 15, 1915, referring to Italy's policy on the Balkans.
Kada sam, 1989. godine, prijavila doktorsku tezu o srpskim intelektualcima i njihovom odnosu prema jugoslovenskoj državi, u istorijskom vremenu koje pripada prvim decenijama XX veka, nisam mogla zamisliti da se bavim istorijom koja će me zapljusnuti kao cunami, koja će razrušiti, opustošiti i uništiti moju savremenost i temu mog istraživanja. Počeo je rat, a sa njime je počeo i moj lični i profesionalni pakao u koži istoričara i učesnika istorije. Kako uopšte pisati o stvaranju jugoslovenske države u trenutku njenog nepovratnog sloma, kako se izvući iz dva toka istorije koja se međusobno isključuju?
Izgleda da je 2005. godine suočavanje sa bliskom prošlošću novih balkanskih država pod pritiskom izvana dobilo nove tonove. Zaoštrena je debata oko ratnih zločina unutar i između država. Hrvati grčevito brane dignitet Domovinskog rata, a Srbi nastoje da ublaže neuporedivost genocida u Srebrenici ističući i ostale zločine. Domovinski rat se ne smije kriminalizovati, a Srebrenica je rezultat smišljene propagande – jesu parole kojima se umiruje povređeno vrelo ponosnog nacionalnog osećanja običnog čoveka. Ne manje je upadljiva retorika po kojoj su se svi branili od agresije, a ako je i bilo preterivanja, reč je o ekscesima.
The presented disertation deals with selected essayists associated around the polish exile magazine "Kultura" published in maisons-laffitte in paris in the second half of the 20the century (1946-2000). its managing editor was Jerzy Giedroyc. the oeuvre of the closest magazine associates (so called "kultura group") is disscussed with regard to the aspects of the art of essay. research in this paper is limited to the so called first generation of the culture associates (1946-69). apart from the spiritus agens of the periodical - jerzy giedroyc, the analysis looks in detail at these personae from the closest magazine circle: witold gombrowicz, jerzy stempowski, konstantyn a. jeleński, gustaw herling-grudziński and józef czapski. essay as such goes beyond mere literary genre. at the basis of this texts of this nature lie more general attributes and essay can be placed among texts structured by strict logic and texts so called "litterary". as such, these are grasped in the sense of a statement inferred from several basic principles, whereas literary texts as those of which structure is based on digressions.