Wpływ inwestycji z dofinansowaniem unijnym na rozwój przestrzenny w wybranych miastach aglomeracji łódzkiej
The purpose of this article is to identify and describe changes occurring in thespace of a number of small towns in Łódź agglomeration, which have resulted fromrealization of selected investments made with the help of EU funds, as well as a briefassessment of the effect of these investments on the environment and spatialdevelopment of the city. Investments which are directly or indirectly related to publicspaces have been analyzed in five towns: Ozorków, Konstantynów Łódzki, Łask,Głowno and Stryków. They are divided into the following categories: investmentsrelated to recreation and leisure, investments related to the communication system,investments related to water and sewage management, investments related to technicalinfrastructure (roads and also the water and sewage system). All the investments shouldhave a positive influence on the spatial development of the towns, which will help toensure their spatial order and sustainable development.