Identification of the non-professional territorial armed formations on the MENA Region
Since the start of the "Arab Spring" ongoing socio-political destabilization of the MENA region, has led to the outbreak of numerous of an intra armed conflicts. An important role in these territorial conflicts play a non-professional armed forces - the militant organizations based on local material and human resources, operating on a specific area. To described type of military organizations include territorial defenseformations, tribal police, national guards and anti-government groups conducting military operations. The conflict, which illustrating in a comprehensive manner the role of these formations and the whole situation in the MENA region is a civil war in Syria. In that conflict in which a significant share of military actions has described formations, which can be found in the composition of each of the six warring parties (government forces, the forces of the Kurdish formations associated around the Free Army of Syria, Sunni groups, al-Nusra Front, the Islamic State). Increased involvement of operational forces of foreign countries and also increase the inflow of foreign volunteers, mainly serving in the armed Islamic State, led to the creation of national alliances in the descriptions formations. The deepening of this process is the expected step in the development of these armed organizations.