Майнонгианството и онтология на математиката
The aim of the present paper is to present the ontology of mathematical objects using the Meinongianism. Exactly in this framework we can accept abstract objects as non-existing, which are an object of knowledge, because they bear properties. We can apply these facts on mathematical objects, which are а type of abstract objects. So we can talk about non-existing math objects instead of their existence. I will use the dilemma of Benacerraf to prove the consequences of this acceptance of math objects as existing. But there is one deficiency of them being non-existing objects. First I will review the approach in the ontology and in the abstract objects. The next step will be to apply Maiong`s method to ontology of math objects and to demonstrate its strengths and weaknesses. And accordingly to the results, how far can we use this decision of the problem of abstract objects and special to math objects.