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The article describes a software management system developed at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, for the creation, storing and processing of digital language resources in Bulgarian. Independent components of the system are intended for the creation and management of bilingual dictionaries, for information retrieval and data mining from a bilingual dictionary, and for the presentation of aligned corpora. A module which connects these components is also being developed. The system, implemented as a web-application, contains tools for compilation, editing and search within all components.
The aim of the paper is to draw attention to the specificity of innovative new media institutions concerning education and culture animation. Relating to the concepts within the range of media education and sociology of the Net, the author describes practices of Net Generation or cyber bricoleurs as well as media competences characteristic of the users of networked and mobile digital media. The institutions promoting new media activities, i.a. centers and festivals of cyber art and new technologies, and discourses connected with them (i.a. open data, DIY or cyber arts and trans humanism discourses) are perceived by the author as forms of tools, which may be useful for new media education. The paper shows in details the concepts of medialab, fablab and bank of knowledge as well as the origins of American and European model institutions and their innovative features which are important from cultural and educational perspectives.
In Serbia, there are many fortresses from the period 12th to 18th century, most of them in ruins, but a few being reconstructed and open to the public. This paper proposes an integral solution for application of information technologies in providing relatively detailed, visually attractive, and immersive presentation of the historic heritage related to these fortresses.
This paper presents the advent in the presentation of cultural and historical heritage by using augmented reality (AR) technology. The use cases are given on the examples of mobile applications realized as electronic multimedia guides for various cultural institutions in Serbia. Then, a classification of the AR software is proposed based on their usage in the given examples.
Accessibility of websites considers challenges related to creation of web pages adapted to user with different types of impairments. The goal of web accessibility is to remove barriers that may prevent people with disabilities from accessing or interacting with web content effectively. The paper presents some web accessibility standards and challenges related to their complying. A special attention is paid to some popular artificial intelligence tools and how they could be used to solve accessibility issues on web sites development.
In the article, we will explain the concept of alternative tourism and its subtypes, we will dwell on its role in the preservation of cultural and historical heritage of an architectural type by means of technological solutions – an intelligent guide with ontological knowledge.
The paper introduces the concept and framework of a scientific project concerning the printed Catholic books in the Bulgarian publishing system between 1878 and 1944. It describes the purpose and the outcomes of implementing Geographic Information Systems within interdisciplinary studies in the Bibliography and Book History scholar fields.
The report analyzes the current initiatives in the field of digitization in the Regional Library “Ivan Vazov” – Plovdiv, aimed at enriching the digital collections and improving their accessibility in accordance with the modern standards and established practices. The goal is to facilitate access to information resources by both humans and machines for the purposes of automated processing. The participation of the library in the CLaDA–BG project is an opportunity for cooperation with research centers with a diverse profile, some of them specialized in the field of information technologies, and this partnership is mutually beneficial. The library can offer a large volume of content to be used by technological partners for the generation of text corpora and for computerized natural language processing (NLP), which is a prerequisite for the development of technologies related to artificial intelligence.
The publication summarizes the results of a study carried out within the framework of a thematic project of the Department of Library and Information Studies and Cultural Policy, Faculty of Philosophy of Sofia University: “Evaluation of the information value of the websites of regional libraries in Bulgaria. Designing a recommended website model, reflecting the performance of the regional library.” The publication summarises the results of a study by the Department of Library and Information Studies and Cultural Policy (DLISCP) of the University of Sofia on the "Assessment of the information value of the websites of regional libraries in Bulgaria. Development of a recommended website model reflecting the performance of the regional library." Regional libraries (RLs) are seen as modern organisations, which need to increase the visibility of their capabilities in order to find partnerships and to demonstrate their real benefit to people and society. The websites (Internet pages) of RLs play a role in shaping public perceptions of their effectiveness and attitudes towards their activities and services. In the context of the Information Age, the adequate presentation of RLs in the virtual space is a prerequisite for the full use of their potential and for an objective assessment of their importance for addressing the challenges of the period. Within the framework of a thematic project, a survey of the state of the websites of the 27 RLs was carried out according to a system of indicators presented in a matrix. The websites of 12 public libraries in other European countries were also reviewed, following similar indicators. The collected and systematically organised data serve to assess the state of the websites of the Bulgarian RLs, as well as to compare the approaches to their construction with those in other European countries. The results of the surveys and the comparisons that were made serve as a basis for the development of a sample model for the information architecture of the Internet pages of RLs. The principles for its development focus on modern approaches for the engaging presentation of the effectiveness of public libraries in the virtual space.
The study presents the results of a survey conducted on the websites of regional libraries – their main resources and community relations. The survey is structured according to the preset criteria within the survey. A comprehensive and quantitative analysis of basic headings related to the overall presentation of the library (for us), library resources and community relations as well as comparison with the practices of several public libraries in Europe have been made. Conclusions on the more effective presentation of the regional library in the virtual space are suggested.
The timeliness of this topic is indisputable having in mind the current volume of scientific production and the need for analysing and evaluating the increasing information flow. Of particular interest is the growing tendency to link industries to scientific excellence: on the one hand, in their application in the production of new products (goods, services), and on the other – in the application of new business models for the development and promotion of scientific excellence. Today there is an expansion of the scope of publishing systems, the number of Internet based platforms for the exchange of scientific results, the providers of scientific information (especially in electronic format), open access systems, and the large repositories of scientific products. One of the most pronounced wires for this distribution is the quoted indexes/pointers. They have been recognized globally as a quality, prestige and a wave of significant changes in policies to regulate scientific activities. At the same time, many problems have emerged, both in terms of freedom in the creative process of scientists and in the availability of dissemination systems. In Bulgaria, the problem is particularly relevant and significant. In the areas of natural sciences and technical sciences, the citation of the work of Bulgarian researchers could be identified by foreign scientific databases. In the field of social sciences and humanities, however, this is difficult to apply, and in number of thematic sub-areas – not applicable (e.g. related to national identity or the protection of national interests). In fact, although there are sporadic examples, at present there is no established practice in our country to track the authors' citations and publications in the field of social sciences. This is a real and significant barrier to popularizing the results of Bulgarian scientists as well as maintaining a high level of their scientific prestige. Getting a real idea of the scientific and research achievements of these individuals at present is not possible. The article explores two effects of the problems mentioned above: the emergence of multiple platforms for scientific production (in response to the monopolized market from 2-3 corporations) and the emergence of free access platforms (mostly pirated) to full-text content of costly articles.
Library infrastructure is seen as a part of the infrastructure of culture, education and science in the country. The article reviews the organization of libraries in territorial systems and networks, as well as the availability and development of the hierarchical and coordinative relations between them. An attempt to delineate and expand the notion of library infrastructure – in addition to libraries and library networks are included several components, that are not typical for this infrastructure, but are significant for its develoрment. These components are library education and library science (library research); library associations and library literature and publication (media). The aim is to focus on developing a strategy for library infrastructure that is based on the vision of widely available, high quality and efficient library services that meet the needs of users in today's society.
Global transformations necessitate a re-evaluation of training models for library and information specialists and the modernisation of educational programmes to meet new professional challenges and competencies, including entrepreneurial skills. The aim of the article is to analyse the conditions for ensuring the development of entrepreneurial competence elements among bachelor’s degree students in the specialty 029 “Information, Library and Archival Affairs” at higher education institutions in Ukraine through the lens of evolutionary transformations in higher library and information science education. The research employs a systematic approach, including analysis, synthesis, generalisation, and various analytical methods. Effective professional training in the library and information field relies on adapting educational programmes to rapidly evolving professional demands. Analysis of educational programmes at four institutions shows their potential to develop entrepreneurial skills through a variety of mandatory and elective courses, fostering competencies such as creative thinking, management, communication, and teamwork. Mastery of these skills is increasingly crucial for modern library and information professionals. It has been found that the compulsory educational components as well as the elective educational components from the catalogue of elective disciplines, selected from the educational programmes to assess the development of entrepreneurial competence in future specialists, highlight the uniqueness of each programme and reflect the educational institution’s overall approach to training bachelor’s students in this field. It is noted that the list of compulsory and elective educational components, according to a particular educational and professional programme, demonstrates a positive tendency in understanding the current needs of the industry and social requirements in general. The research results can be used to improve the content and structure of educational programmes for training specialists in the specialty 029 “Information, Library and Archival Affairs”, as well as to develop new syllabi and working programmes for educational components.
The National Statistical Institute has introduced a new software platform for its digital library, enhancing access to both contemporary and archival statistical data through an advanced information searching library system. Users have the opportunity to search the system by various characteristics of the editions in order to gain access to the digital copies. The new platform features a user-friendly interface, with enhanced search and access capabilities that reduce information clutter for clearer result visualization. The library system was developed by the Department of Mathematical Linguistics at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The collaboration between the National Statistical Institute and leading information technology experts facilitates the use of digital library resources, marking a significant advancement in modernizing communication channels with the public.
The paper is devoted to various creative approaches that an artist can apply to book design and illustration. These approaches are accompanied by examples of works by famous artists. The conclusion is made that the systematic analysis of creative approaches to book illustration in classes with students is important for increasing their visual literacy, activating creative thinking and developing professional skills.
Goal: The goal of this research is to explore the patterns related to authorship and collaboration of authors of the papers published in the journal Bosniaca: Journal of National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 1996 to 2023. Approach/Methodology: During the selection and preparation of the corpus for analysis, bibliographic identifiers of published papers were analysed, and Subramanyam K. formula was used for calculation of the degree of collaboration. A total of 328 papers and 392 authors by occurrence were analyzed (227 unique authors). Results: Identification data of published papers in the period from 1996 to 2023 are gradually stabilizing, and standardization of bibliographic data is accompanied by the strengthening of the international network of authors, and the indexing of the Journal in bibliographic and citation databases. The number of single-authored papers published in the Journal is 85.98%, while the degree of collaboration in Bosniaca from 1996 to 2023 is 0.14, with the number of co-authored papers increasing from 2019. Of those analyzed, the largest number of unique authors comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina (132), followed by the countries of the region (69), and when it comes to the gender structure of unique authors, women are far more represented (159 authors, 70.04%), of which the majority, 88 female authors, also come from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Limitations: This research does not have firm criteria for selecting papers for analysis, also, nonstandardized listing of identification data of paper published in the first issues of the Journal, and manual entry of collected data can affect the research results and possible errors. Originality/value: So far in Bosnia and Herzegovina no bibliometric analysis of Bosnian and Herzegovinian journals in the field of library and information sciences have been conducted. As a contribution to such analysis, this paper presents the first bibliometric analysis of journal Bosniaca: Journal of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Objective: This paper aims to explore the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in academic libraries in Croatia and its potential impact on library services. It seeks to present the challenges and opportunities in AI implementation and the factors that may influence its adoption. Methodology: To research the application of AI in academic libraries, a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques, was employed. Specifically, an online survey consisting of 21 open- and closed-ended questions was conducted. The survey targeted academic libraries in Croatia to gather comprehensive data on the current state of AI implementation. Results: The research showed a low response rate to the survey, with only 22%, as AI implementation in Croatian academic libraries is still in its early stages. The results revealed that barriers such as a lack of funding, expertise, and institutional support hinder wider adoption, along with concerns about AI’s impact on critical thinking and human roles. The lack of training and strategic planning around AI oversight may have contributed to the low response rate, complicating the drawing of firm conclusions. However, the survey did indicate the potential for AI use in the surveyed higher education libraries, as they recognise its possible benefits in work processes and user experiences. Originality: This study is among the first to explore the current state and future implications of AI adoption in academic libraries in Croatia. It provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of AI implementation and its potential impact on library services in the country.
Compliance is an important concept for information security managers to understand. Compliance means adhering to a rule or set of rules. In the case of information security, compliance refers to the rules to which people, systems, and processes are expected to comply - these are typically laws, regulations, policies, standards, guidance or specifications. Effective compliance management requires a disciplined, repeatable approach to enterprise security management that, among other things, should include development of baseline enterprise security standards - the identification of all the security categories and controls applicable to the organization. In this paper, we talk about the approach that, based on good industry practices, information security managers in Bosnia and Herzegovina can use to develop a baseline enterprise security standard for effective compliance management.