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Studija Zvezde supermarket kulture, s podnaslovom Medijske zvezde u potrošačkom društvu, analizira aktuelni sistem vrednosti građana Srbije, njihov odnos prema slavi i prema medijskim zvezdama. Centralno pitanje ove knjige jeste uticaj tabloidizacije medija na stvaranje vrednosti, kao i na odnos publike prema slavi i slavnima, s posebnim osvrtom na taj fenomen u specifičnim društvenim i kulturnim okolnostima današnje Srbije. Potreba da se postane slavan i živi životom zvezda naročito je svojstvena mladima i predstavlja primarni efekat hedonističke vrednosne orijentacije. Autorka ukazuje na neslavnu činjenicu da medijske zvezde predstavljaju ključne eksponente vrednosnih obrazaca u periodu tranzicije. Stoga je njeno interesovanje usmereno prevashodno na istraživanje da li i kako zvezde utiču na svakodnevni život publike. „Posvećujući pažnju analizi robnog karaktera zvezda i njihove suštinske neautentičnosti oblikovane medijskim delovanjem, Vukadinovićeva uočava ključnu ulogu publike u tržišnom vrednovanju medijskih ličnosti, kao i u procesu interpretacije medijske slike slavnih.“
W tomie opisane zostały teorie wyjaśniające procesy różnicowania władzy, statusu i prestiżu w sieciach i grupach społecznych, a także procesy związane z dylematami kooperacji i wyzwaniami dla współpracy w grupach.Miarą rozwoju omawianych teorii jest to, jak bardzo zmieniały się w czasie. Zarówno teoria stanów oczekiwań, jak też teoria władzy i zależności, a także inne teorie, o których tu mowa, w pierwotnej wersji dotyczyły jedynie stosunkowo prostych problemów. Obecnie obejmują swoim zakresem wiele rozbudowanych modeli opisujących i wyjaśniających najprzeróżniejsze problemy badawcze. Książka przynosi najnowszą wiedzę z zakresu teorii procesów grupowych. Może być bardzo przydatna w nauczaniu metodologii badań eksperymentalnych w psychologii i socjologii.
The development and growing popularity of the new media on the one hand becomes the source of significant cultural and social change, but on the other hand, it constitutes a challenge for the humanities, including the philosophy of technology. Thus, digitalization leads to universalization, which, in turn, allows for a more varied use of new media, including the results of their popularization. The challenges posed to the philosophy of technology manifest, among other things, in the fact that while the discipline returns to the traditionally debated issues but concretizes them through the prism of the new circumstances arising from the development of new media. One of such issues is the relationship between technology and culture, which, in turn, poses fundamental for the philosophy of technology questions regarding technology and its place in the cultural and social order. In this respect, the monograph refers primarily to the stance of the modern German school of the philosophy of technology and engages in a discussion of the so-called reflective perspective on technology as well as the issues of digital ontology. Other debated issues include the question of the status of virtuality and the functioning of technology in the context of transcultural exchange. Moreover, the monograph touches upon various specific problems concerning the development of technology, including: – the processes of globalization and the idea of sustainable development, in which technology constitutes one of the crucial factors facilitating change;– the processes of the so-called reflective modernization, where technology becomes a factor in various risk situations;– the changes in the relationship between science and technology and their influence on the social sphere—the idea of technoscience as well as RRI (responsible research and innovations);– the perspective of the fourth industrial revolution, the so-called industry 4.0, as well as the questions concerning the liminal character of the development of the contemporary civilization, on the example of bioetics and ecophilosophy;– the necessary changes concerning science education, which should also engage in a discussion concerning STS (science, technology and society).What connects all of the abovementioned issues are the ethical questions with which they engage, in particular, the notion of responsibility, around which the author centers the main argument.Contemporary culture, as a culture of communication, poses an additional challenge to the individual, their subjectivity and identity, as well as their wisdom and rationality. As a result, the questions regarding the human nature become particularly topical alongside the popularization of the ideas of transand posthumanism. This, in turn, constitutes an additional angle for reflection on the nature and development of technology, as well as its ethical challenges, which ultimately focuses on the role of collective responsibility as an importantfactor in regulating the development of the modern civilization.
Instead of an Abstract/Summary here, please refer to the Introduction PDF-file
The volume is the second part of a collection of articles devoted to the issues of social media – a phenomenon of the contemporary participatory culture. The texts comprising this volume examine the social media issues from a social, cultural, and public relations perspectives, which provides a continuation of the first volume. The authors have made an attempt to study social media both in macro and micro scale, with attention paid to the use of social media in communication in contemporary society. The opening article by Ewa Gębicka deals with the role of social media in the process of film and TV series promotion. The author focuses on the potential of viral marketing, whose benefits accrue from social networking services. It is the Internet that creates tremendous opportunities to enhance entirely new quality and room for communication with viewers. Hence interactive forms of film and TV series promotion are becoming more and more popular these days. The author also points to the way social media are pertinent to advertising campaigns, that is, a phenomenon of crowdfunding.The subsequent article concerns Facebook and its role in the contemporary world of social communication. Katarzyna Forst explains the principles governing this social service as well as opportunities and dangers that its users may face. The Internet, which has already permeated nearly all spheres of contemporary life, is an essential communication tool, especially among young people. The Internet is the source of recent news and social media are becoming its more and more important source. The following article by Janusz Musiał takes us through culture and media, indicating the functions they perform, from cave paintings to the Internet. The author illustrates that the advent of new media has influencedthe process of transformation of contemporary national cultures.Barbara Bogacka in her article “Gender Issues in Social Media – A Case Study” takes up different problems. The author has studied a story of an American girl who used social media to reveal her new gender identity. The last article “New Media – A Social Change” written by Piotr Dziki discusses the influence of new technology on society, which in consequence leads to cultural changes. The author emphasizes new divisions into public and private spheres that are becoming more conspicuous these days, and provides an analysis of the so-called cultural recalibration.
W książce przedstawiono obecne we współczesnej prasie analityczne konstrukcje leksykalne, które mają syntetyczne odpowiedniki. Praca ma charakter analityczno-materiałowy, zbiera dotychczasową wiedzę na temat tytułowego zjawiska. Autorka poddała obserwacji materiał pochodzący z wybranych periodyków polskich o zróżnicowanej tematyce i przeznaczonych dla różnego kręgu odbiorców. Treści teoretyczne łączą się z analizą zgromadzonych przykładów pod względem strukturalnym, semantycznym i pragmatycznym. Publikacja przynosi odpowiedź na pytania, z jakich komponentów zbudowane są analityzmy leksykalne mające jednoelementowe odpowiedniki, jakie relacje znaczeniowe zachodzą między omawianymi jednostkami, jakie kompetencje nadawczo-odbiorcze są wymagane do właściwego odczytywania peryfraz i ich ekwiwalentów oraz jakie funkcje przypisywane są konstrukcjom analitycznym i syntetycznym we współczesnych periodykach.
In this publication the attempt was undertaken to present the economic history, spatial development and contemporary image of two cities – Lviv and Łódź. Lviv is situated on an upland in the western part of Ukraine, and Łódź in a lowland area in the central part of Poland. In the interwar period Łódź was the second and Lviv the third biggest city of the Polish Republic. Currently, both cities have a similar number of inhabitants, but they differ substantially as regards the city area within administrative boundaries and average population density. Although so different in their historical course of development, both cities encounter at the moment many similar problems and challenges, facing the necessity to create their future prosperity exploiting their specific local potentials and to continue their best traditions of urban growth in all aspects – spatial, social, cultural and economic.
The level of social capital is one of the important factors conditioning sustainable and multi-function development of European and Polish rural areas. The LEADER approach plays an important role in developing this capital. All “editions” of this programme in Poland have contributed to creating and developing territorial partnerships described as Local Action Groups (LAGs). Despite the fact that these structures are still fairly new, they are expected to exert considerable impact on the development of Polish rural areas.
This paper reflects on the challenges facing the effective implementation of the new EU fundamental right sarchitecture that emerged from the Lisbon Treaty. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and its ability to function as a ‘fundamental rights tribunal’. Thepaper first analyses the praxis of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and its long-standing experience in overseeing the practical implementation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Against this analysis, it then examines the readiness of the CJEU to live up to its consolidated and strengthened mandate on fundamental rights as one of the prime guarantors of the effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We specifically review the role of‘third-party interventions’ by non-governmental organisations, international and regional human rights actors as well as ‘interim relief measures’ when ensuring effective judicial protection of vulnerable individuals incases of alleged violations of fundamental human rights. To flesh out our arguments, we rely on examples within the scope of the relatively new and complex domain of EU legislation, the Area of Freedom, Securityand Justice (AFSJ), and its immigration, external border and asylum policies.
Both the EU and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are major political and economic actors, and the development of strategic partnerships in selected areas between the regions is among the priorities on their respective agendas. The existence of complex visa policies and practices between the two regions, however, constitutes a fundamental barrier preventing the promotion of exchanges between these regions when encouraging people-to-people contacts, developing commercial relations or exchanging knowledge. This paper aims at evaluating the possibilities for the visa rules of both regions being modified in order to reflect the privileged partnership that the EU and the GCC are willing to further develop. It concludes by putting forward policy recommendations and three scenarios on the possible ways to overcome current issues and implement new strategies for visa policy in the context of public diplomacy and outreach in EU–GCC relations.
In April 2011, France reintroduced internal border checks with Italy to prevent mobility by North African immigrants who hold temporary residence permits issued by Italy and who had entered the EU from Tunisia as a result of revolutions and war in the southern Mediterranean region. This has caused a diplomatic row between the two countries, as well as reactions by other EU member states and at the EU levels. This paper examines the compatibility of the Italian and French measures with EU border legislation and legal principles as well as the foundations of the Schengen regime. It argues that the Franco-Italian affair illustrates a ‘race tothe bottom’ on European principles of solidarity, loyal cooperation and fundamental rights. The affair ultimately reveals the very limits and unfinished elements of the EU’s immigration and border policies. Finally, the paper puts forward policy recommendations to the parties involved.
This paper examines the impact of labour migration on unemployment in the context of the EU’s accession of Bulgaria and Romania and EU rules on the free movement of workers. It addresses in particular the following two questions. First, does intra-EU labour migration correlate with employment/unemploymentrates in host or home member states during periods of unsettled growth? Second, how have member states reacted in terms of restricting or allowing access to their labour markets by EU-2 workers during thetransitional periods?
The book entitled "Socially maladapted behavior of children and adolescents" stemmed from the author's desire to present in one place the most indicative forms of socially maladapted behavior of children and youth, and present them as they occur in certain stages of growing up. We have supported all forms of socially maladapted behavior with numerous examples and newspaper articles in order to present this social problem as objectively as possible. The content of this book is actually an introduction to the field of social pedagogy. Although we have dealt with numerous forms of socially maladapted behavior, we have focused on socially maladapted behavior of preschool children, peer violence, electronic violence (cyberbulling), and juvenile delinquency. These four forms of inappropriate behavior are certainly the most risky and the most recognizable in the media, in this time we live in. Considering numerous classifications of behavioral disorders, there would certainly be some criticism from the scientific aspect, due to the choice of these topics, but from the aspect of social pedagogy and its subject of study, we believe that these topics are the burning problem of our society when it comes to socialization and healthy growth. We believe that it is especially important to present and analyze these deviant phenomena at children and young people in one place, in order to actualize behavioral disorders and see the consequences they cause. For preschool children, it is evident that there are numerous indicators that indicate socially maladapted behavior of children at that early age. Therefore, it is very important to identify such behavior by preschool children and provide adequate professional assistance, so as not to lead to more serious consequences and disorders in the later development of personality and social behavior.
Knjiga kolumni Tomislava Jakića sugerira istinitost činjenice pretočene u naslov: Nisu svi (bili) slijepi. Pred onim što se dešava unaokolo po svijetu i kod kuće. Nisu slijepi ni svi oni kojima se serviraju laži i neistine pored zdravih očiju ni oni koji te laži i neistine šire – novinarski. Mnogi među “kupcima ponuđenih magli” vjerojatno i slute da su istine negdje drugdje, ali teško pronalaze dokaze za ispravnost tih svojih šutljivih slutnji. Podjednako tako nije malo ni novinara koji razumijevaju da su plaćeni da bi širili neistine, ali prodavanje duše nije više ni blizu stvar profesionalne časti kao nekada, već nova realnost u cijelom svijetu. Oni među novinarima koji ne pristaju na tu realnost i znaju što se može znati, to nastoje da artikuliraju na pošten i zanatski jasan način. Takvi, iako su daleko od većine, nisu spremni na prodaju vlastitog ljudskog i profesionalnog digniteta. Oni i dalje više vjeruju vlastitim očima, činjenicama, iskustvu i pameti nego ciljanim nalozima. Nažalost, i u nekada istinski respektabilnim medijima na cijeloj planeti sve ih je manje. Uostalom, izmanipulirane “istine” odavno nisu tek namjenska piljarska laž, već prije cilj novinarstva projektiranog interesa. [...]
Helena Krasowska's "The Polish Minority in South-Eastern Ukraine" presents the Polish cultural heritage in Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Oblasts, including the current state of the local Polish language, its scope and functions, as well as the local determinants of Polish identity. Presentation of linguistic research is preceded by an extensive chapter on the region's history, and ethnic and national situation, with an overview of the legal status of minority organizations, focusing on the post-perestroika situation of the Polish minority. This historical and legal information helps grasp the complex subject-matter of the region's languages.
As connected individuals, part of a modern society, we generate data with everything we do. Every card-payment, website visit, browser search, social media post, and online message yields data points. Our phones register every action taken in every downloaded app; if the GPS is active they register every place we visit; and if we use biometric data monitoring they register our every heartbeat. It is virtually impossible to get an overview of the data we use and generate—data are everywhere. The overwhelming abundance of data has ushered in the ‘age of analytics’, where data informs the decisions, strategies, and activities of governments, corporations, and individuals.