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World music is a hybrid musical form which is based on traditional elements. Being a product of growing interaction between people, intensive cross-cultural flows and technological achievements, world music became a complex cultural phenomenon. Some authors think that this concept presents a new kind of imperialism over, so-called, Third World countries, while the others see it as a possibility for promoting I#$ @#her", I-Western" music. Popularity of this musical form is evident in numerous specialized festivals, magazines, new performers, but also in the fact that world music became a relevant topic of academic researches and curriculums. In Serbia, world music presents a phenomenon in the making, the scene is not developed enough (the lack of media coverage, publishing and so forth). Despite all that, there is an evident effort that this type of musical expression comes to life locally. World Music Association of Serbia is one such example. The members of this association launched series of activities that seek for better visibility of this phenomenon. They started a magazine Etnoumlje, established an independent recording company WMAS Records and SWM internet radio, a project of registration of Serbian world music groups and musicians. The first festival, Etnomus, was active from 1997-2006. In August 2012, the new festival in Takovo – Serbia World Music Festival was started. This study presents an anthropological analysis of world music phenomenon. The attention is focused on interpreting the term "world music", in Western and local context, and then it reviews the perceptions and usages of this concept by musicians and audiences. Theorethical frame of this work consists of perspectives of two ethnomusicologists – Lauren Aubert and John Blacking, who treat music as a cultural phenomenon. The analysis is divided into three parts: world music in Serbia, world music in the world, and comparison of local example and global flows. Material that is used in the first part of the analysis consists of interviews with informants who deal with ethno music, while the other part is based on relevant literature and internet sources.
In this study the author presents the phenomenon of "Romani Hip Hop" in Serbia - its origins and circumstances under which it has developed, and analyzes if this "cultural practice" initiates change to the bad situation of the Roma youth in our society. Since Hip hop culture (music, dancing, graffiti writing) was initially a cultural expression of "black", discriminated and stigmatized America, it has been often interpreted as a specific form of political expression, a strong echo of the youth social rebellion and global socio-political injustice. Therefore, "symbolic potential" of Hip hop has been appropriated by many ethnic minorities and immigrant groups around the world – the art production of racialized and oppressed ethnic/racial minorities (eg Afro-American music, AngloPakistani cinema or postcolonial literature) is seen as part of a broader process of their identity claims. The main feature of the Roma hip hop in Serbia is that it is created "from above", by non-governmental organizations which seek to strengthen creative potentials of young Roma in order to help them integrate into broader society.This musical form has also been developed in the Republic of Macedonia (Shutka), Hungary, the Czech Republic where, in contrast to Serbia, it is a self-sufficient musical and cultural expression that comes "from below", from "the streets" and is not institutionally supported. This study is a result of field research carried out in three cities (Belgrade, Novi Sad and Subotica), based on interviews with members of the Roma Hip Hop, both those self-organized and those organized by non-governmental organizations. The research also encompasses attitudes of non-Roma who are members of the Serbian Hip hop scene, collected by interviews and textual analysis of Internet portals and discussion forums dedicated to Hip hop culture in Serbia. In this study the author tries to answer following questions: how does inclusion of Roma youth in hip hop practice influence framing of their group identity in an environment where they are often exposed to discrimination and stereotyping? Has Hip hop culture become an important part of their lives? Can Roma hip hop in Serbia act as subcultural inclusive strategy or does it remain only a part of the wider Serbian Hip hop subculture? Is there a potential for Roma Hip hop to become scene of its own, or its future will stay dependent on NGO’s support.
Socjologia muzyki to monografia naukowa o muzycznym wymiarze życia społecznego ludzi oraz o refleksji socjologicznej na jego temat. Pierwsza część pracy poświęcona została teoretyczno-metodologicznym zagadnieniom związanym z muzyką i społeczeństwem. Jest to część, w której na nowo ukonstytuowane zostały fundamenty socjologii muzyki, pojmowanej jako odrębna subdyscyplina wiedzy naukowej. Druga część książki odnosi się do takich zagadnień, jak muzyka i edukacja, muzyka i polityka, muzyka i religia, czy też muzyka i nowe technologie. Socjologia muzyki to praca, która ma na celu wskrzeszenie dyskursu naukowego na temat ludzkich praktyk nakierowanych na muzykę oraz ożywienie tradycji badań nad muzyką i społeczeństwem. Z pewnością książka ta zainteresuje socjologów, kulturoznawców, muzykologów oraz wszystkich tych, dla których sztuka dźwięków jest ważnym elementem codzienności.
Praca, którą z dużym zainteresowaniem przeczytałam, wpisuje się w rozważania nad sposobami rozwoju obszarów wiejskich i nowego [...] sposobu/modelu tego rozwoju, określanego takimi przymiotnikami jak: zrównoważony, wielofunkcyjny, neoendogenny. […] stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, na ile nowe instytucje – trójsektorowe partnerstwa terytorialne – są w stanie sprostać wymaganiom współrządzenia (governance), czy idąc dalej – na ile lokalne społeczności są do tego gotowe, czyli na ile chcą uczestniczyć w rządzeniu, a na ile chcą być tylko dobrze rządzone. z recenzji prof. dr hab. Marii HalamskiejPraca posiada bardzo solidne umocowanie teoretyczne oraz doskonałe umiejscowienie tematyki badań w ustawodawstwie polskim i unijnym. [...] Autorki pokusiły się na – w mojej opinii udane – połączenie metod ilościowych i jakościowych. Efektem jest bardzo frapujące, bogate w treść oraz mnogość inspiracji dla kolejnych badań studium kondycji LGD [...]. /// z recenzji dr. hab. Wojciecha Kniecia
W Polsce sektor think tanków nie jest silny, ma jednak pewne cechy, które pobudzają jego żywotność. Dzieje się tak między innymi dzięki niezależności tych organizacji od partii politycznych czy wielkiego biznesu i wynikającej stąd ich wiarygodności w oczach społeczeństwa. Dziennikarze traktują model think tanku wręcz jak kamień filozoficzny posiadający magiczną moc odmiany polskiej debaty publicznej. Aby uzyskać dostateczne zasoby finansowe, think tanki działają w różnych dziedzinach i wciąż poszerzają zakres oferowanych „usług”, wychodząc poza tradycyjną aktywność analityczno-badawczą. Temat podjęty w tej publikacji zwraca uwagę oryginalnością i aktualnością. Piotr Zbieranek zestawia teoretyczne podejście do modelu organizacyjnego think tanku z praktycznym wymiarem tego zjawiska. Tworzy konstrukcję interdyscyplinarną, łączącą elementy socjologiczne z teoriami organizacji, elementy politologiczne z koncepcjami nauk zarządzania i elementy instytucjonalne z public policy. Autor traktuje te wzajemne zapożyczenia jako wartościowy wkład w wypracowanie metody opisu zjawiska do tej pory niezbadanego. Książka może przyczynić się do upowszechnienia i wykorzystania w innych analizach socjologicznych i politologicznych tematyki modelu organizacyjnego think tanków.
The book provides a broad cultural scene as well as moral and ethical dimensions of the Christian perception of work and wealth from the beginning of the European Reformation to the American Enlightenment. The concept of work and wealth is identified through, and measured by the Protestant, and specifically the Puritan work ethic. Contemporary consciousness is here reconstructed through e.g. letters, diaries, journals, poems, prayers, alongside normative writings, which document the attitudes to work and wealth acquisitionThe book provides a broad cultural scene as well as moral and ethical dimensions of the Christian perception of work and wealth from the beginning of the European Reformation to the American Enlightenment. The concept of work and wealth is identified through, and measured by the Protestant, and specifically the Puritan work ethic. Contemporary consciousness is here reconstructed through e.g. letters, diaries, journals, poems, prayers, alongside normative writings, which document the attitudes to work and wealth acquisition
Legal Communication: A Cross-Cultural Perspective proposes an integrated interdisciplinary framework for describing and explaining legal communication. The pragmalinguistic analysis of English and continental legal discourse combines two areas of expertise: linguistics and jurisprudence. Legal discourse is treated as an instance of cross-cultural communication and explained against tendencies of globalization and Europeanization.This book is intended for legal translators and interpreters as well as other specialists in the legal domain, first of all legislators, judges and academics specializing in theory and philosophy of law. It brings both lawyers and linguists closer to the understanding of legal texts in new contexts of legal communication.
The term “information” is in operative use, to a changing degree, in many legal norms obliging in Poland. At the same time, notwithstanding law branch, both in legal science and judicature, “information” is emphasized as a very complex notion. Recently, with the development of information socjety and technological progress, within doctrine there have started to gradually evolve distinct views which describe the semantic scope of information. However certain lack of consistency in terminological issues concerning information generates serious doubts as to ascribing its legal status. Information, thus far has not been subject to complex considerations of law science. In this respect, judicature either, does not provide plausible material for analysis. In order to establish the range of the term “information” it was first of all necessary to reach for other domains’ achievements (for example to economy) and colloquial language as well. A connection between information and personal data, and databases was shown. Another part of the publication was also dedicated to presenting the term “information” in a functional aspect against the term “information” in an objective aspect.Besides, information regulation in constitutional law, administrative and criminal ones were mentioned. Further part was dedicated to terminological issues concerning information, however viewed through exact civil law regulations. The analyses concerning legal interdependencies between an advertisement, a commercial and economic information were performed. Moreover, the regulation dealing with the press law was presented with information perspective.
Two further volumes of The late style in music, literature and culture, i.e. volumes three and four, consist of lectures which were delivered at a conference which was organised in 2014 by the Academy of Music in Katowice and by the University of Silesia. This was a third meeting of the series “the late style”, which was attended by musicologists, theoreticians of music, specialists in the field of history of art, cultural studies and philosophers. The set of problems discussed in both of the publications is proof that the phenomena of “lateness” and “decadence” continues to be a source of controversy and that they elude attempts at unambiguous classification and description.The third volume consists of articles associated with the problems of the late style in European culture starting from the 18th century. The problems which were discussed, ones that are examined by the authors from the perspective of the late style and “decadence”, include the following: Polish Enlightenment artes poeticae of Golański, Dmochowski and Krasicki, the empire style in the context of the entire period and Hegel’s thinking, Brahms’ Klavierstücke op. 118 as a cycle, the music of the Burgundian school and the works of the French composers of the end of the 19th century, Gabriel Fauré’s Piano Trio in D-minor op. 120 against the background of his chamber music works, Nowowiejski’s 4th Symphony op. 58 and a solo organ musical poem, In Paradisum op. 61, the individualism of Rachmaninov’s style, Mahler’s works, “decadence” in the novels of Wilde, Joyce and O’Brien, Lawrence’s poetic works in the perspective of the aesthetics of existence and Said’s book On Late Style, the rhetoric of dynamic “staticness” as a new philosophical and cultural paradigm.
The monograph concerns two fields of studies of a theatre: woman’s studies and popular genres’ studies. The author analyses a double relation between the femininity and the performance using the category of “glamour”, understood as a visual code rising in the city milieu. This code generates and controls the spectators’ desires. The author examines not only the historical genres (in which the actress was glamorized and as result the new model of femininity “glamour” was shaped) but also the attempts of impeachment of this model made in the theatre from the second half of the 20th century.
A versatile and multi-faceted approach to the evolution of marketing and its impact on companies, a market economy and economics as a discipline. The author presents the changes that determine the development of marketing practices and succinctly describes the phenomena and processes generated by marketing. The book analyses the economic, social and cultural context and therefore it joins the trend of holistic approaches to the long-term development of key areas of a market economy.
Praca zawiera wprowadzenie w tematykę przedsiębiorczości etnicznej wraz z prezentacją zastosowanych metod badawczych, wyniki badań oraz sugestie dotyczące przyszłych działań, tak indywidualnych (porady dla przedsiębiorców) jak i instytucjonalnych, skierowane do instytucji niemieckich oraz organizacji polonijnych i przedstawicielstw Polski w Berlinie. Izba Handlowo-Rzemieślnicza w Berlinie podaje, że w Berlinie mieszka ok. 55 tysięcy Polaków z Polski i co dziesiąty z nich jest właścicielem firmy. Jest to jednak obraz nieprawdziwy, statystyki bowiem pomijają zarówno osoby naturalizowane, w tym osoby o podwójnym obywatelstwie, jak i Polaków przebywających w Berlinie nielegalnie. Wśród firm polskich większość stanowią tzw. firmy jednoosobowe, korzystające z formuły prawnej, która umożliwiała Polakom podejmowanie pracy w latach 2004 -2011. Polskie firmy w Berlinie to w 80% firmy budowlane i sprzątające oraz przedsiębiorstwa handlowe. Resztę stanowią nieliczne przedsięwzięcia w innych zróżnicowanych dziedzinach: gastronomii, usługach graficzno-marketingowych, obsłudze biur i księgowości, modzie, grafice, IT oraz wolne zawody, jak lekarze czy adwokaci. Poza branżą serwisową dla polskich firm i kilkoma sklepami, firmy polskie nie mają oferty skierowanej do własnych rodaków. Analiza polskiej przedsiębiorczości w Berlinie obejmuje zagadnienia dotyczące zakładania i warunków działania firm oraz ich problemów i perspektyw.
The monograph discusses the presence of psychoanalysis in the French literary criticism in the years 1914–1939. The analysis of critical works written in this period and relating to psychoanalysis reveals a clear evolution within this methodological orientation – from the first, often superficial attempts at transplanting Freud’s method directly to the discourse on literature, to mature critical proposals only referring to psychoanalysis or adapting it creatively to their own purposes.
This publication presents a collection of selected texts on territorial aspects of sustainability – including the natural, the political, the cultural and the economic ones. Complexity of development of sustainable territory is easier to be understood on the basis of examples highlighting diverse sustainability issues. The ongoing discussion concerning sustainable development includes differing ways of understanding the concept itself. Therefore the implementation of procedures and activities is often being shaped by diverse interpretations of theories of sustainable development. This volume is a result of a joint project of scholars from the Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of University of Warsaw, Poland and academics from the University of Manizales, Colombia.
An anthology of translations of several dozen texts on various aspects of memory studies as a modern field of research and anthropological reflection. The texts present the problem of cultural memory in the context of anthropology of the body, things, media, space, as well as different types of social and historical anthropology.
Fundamentals of International Migration is prepared as a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate courses/modules. This book is a collection of articles and book chapters published in various journals and volumes carefully selected to cover a comprehensive range of topics and issues in contemporary human mobility. Students and tutors of the module would find it useful to guide and enhance classroom discussions. There are 8 parts with 28 chapters. Each part of the book begins with a list of essential and further reading to offer a wide range of views and perspectives to the students of international migration.
Misinformation and disinformation disseminated online are a relatively recent phenomena, as are initiatives developed to limit the effect of such content. Questions remain over the effectiveness of two key counter-measures, fact-checking and debunking. This report makes a start in examining best practice: what it is, who does it and how it might be evaluated. Today’s information environment is increasingly characterised by the spread of misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation refers to verifiably false information that is spread without any intent to mislead. Disinformation refers to the creation, presentation and dissemination of verifiably false information for economic gain or to intentionally deceive the public. Whether it be published in a news article or an online blog, broadcast from a newsroom or government press conference, misleading and false information is frequently produced and reproduced, both intentionally and unintentionally.