New Horizons for Innovation in European Higher Education Institutions
In today's European society, the first signs of economic recovery is facing difficulties in recruiting qualified staff with a high level of skills that can adapt quickly to changes that appear, in order to meet our European ambitions: to create a Union of Innovation. The transition to a green, smart and innovative economy, in line with the objectives of “Europe 2020” strategy can only be achieved by decisive actions oriented to labor factor development. Thus, one of the vectors of labor reconstruction starts from the principle of “lifelong learning” and envisages the validation of non-formal and informal education, the orientation towards learning outcomes and last but not the least, it aims to integrate learning and career guidance systems. This paper intends to guide and inspire those people that have the responsibility for management and coordination of HEIs, as well as those engaged in academic activities like professors, students, alumni or other stakeholders, by searching the answers to a simple question: What global society needs and/or desire from HEIs?