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This study investigated the consequences of cost management quality on the effectiveness of internal control and reliable decision-making in Thai industrial firms. With this information, the firms were then tested against performance. A sample of 354 new manufacturing industries in year 2017 of Thailand was chosen and data was collected through mailed questionnaires. Only 340 (96.05%) respondents contributed to the database of this report. The result of ordinary least squares regression revealed that the cost management quality was positively related to the internal control effectiveness and decision-making reliability. In addition, internal control effectiveness and decision-making reliability also had positive effects on firm performance. This implied that without accounting information system quality, a firm had a greater chance of failure. Contributions and suggestions for future research are presented.
The aim of the article is to study the notions of crime and punishment in the Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth”. It analyses the role of supernatural elements and metaphorical symbols as key components of the images of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Complex metaphors and poetic symbols go through the play’s plot. They follow the development of the characters’ inner struggle, reveal their intentions, and finally reflect their fall. Most symbols represent the supernatural dichotomy of the heaven (king Duncan’s virtues are compared to angels) and the hell (Macbeth is called a devil). Even the scenes of nature are depicted fantastically. The words of Hecate and the ‘weird sisters’ express the idea of existence in the external human world of something unknown that affects people’s internal motivation. At the end of the tragedy, metaphors in Macbeth’s soliloquies embody the themes of death, destruction, moral disintegration of the personality of the person who lost the meaning of life. The results of the research show that metaphors and symbolic elements are implied in the tragedy to create a psychological portrait of main characters. On the one hand, Shakespeare used them to show individuals. On the other hand, these characters become the collective images of sinners and righteous men.
Today, under the background the ecological civilization construction, many scholars are focusing on the issue of how to keep the balance of the economical, social, political and cultural development and try to make all of them in a sustainable development way. In this paper, we put forward the concept of ecological accountable government. On the analysis of the responsibility system of an ecological accountable government, we try to construct the ecological accountable government in the contract way. Then, we consider that the ecological accountable government’s contract system was composed of three contract levels, which including the moral contract, the political contract and the executive contract. All these three levels of contract have different functions and definitions, but their goals are the same, which is to try to make the government fulfill its ecological responsibility. Finally, we talk about the constructional thoughts which including six different dimensions, such as the administrative value’s construction, the theory basis of the political ethics and some relevant background system settings, the subject of responsibility, the responsible receptors, the content of responsibility, and the responsible mechanisms.
The terms from the sphere of lexeme piatra (stone) are developing metaphorical meanings. The images based on the term piatra (stone) are spreading their semantics on different dimensions, from the usual meaning to a plastic representation viewed vertically. To fulfill the proposed purpose, we will stop at a research minicorpus composed on the basis of some phraseology dictionaries, as well as of a series of verses which belong to the biblical text. At the same time, we will emphasize the produced pragmasemantic effect, to force the interlocutor to pay attention in the sight of decoding the messages which contain the lexeme piatra (stone).
In sistemul de educaţie, comunicarea este privită drept circulaţie a informaţiilor în fluxuri continue. Limbajul şi para-limbajul asociat acestuia, îmbracă forme scrise, rostite, imagistice, gestuale, simbolice, conform cu nevoile de comunicare, pentru a asigura transmisia-recepţia mesajelor într-o situaţie dată. Specialiştii în ştiinţele educaţiei au preluat elementele teoriei comunicării adaptându-le fenomenului educaţional. Didactica modernă nu impune folosirea metodelor şi procedeelor drept reţete, ci lasă libertate deplină cadrului didactic, încât asistăm la un proces continuu de diversificare şi restructurare a metodelor şi procedeelor, ceea ce dă o notă dinamică şi deschisă actualei metodologii a învăţământului.
Intercultural competence and cross-cultural aspects in education are among the most important trends in the education of the 21st century. The development of key competences for lifelong learning is a constant concern among the educational policies of the European Council. The multicultural society of our times calls for a reconsideration of what culture, nation, identity, and interculturality mean. Our study tackles the issue of intercultural education, cross-cultural competence and the development of cultural competence, highlighting the most important aspects connected to these issues as well as providing some recommendations for the development of cultural competences. We have also conducted a quantitative research and applied a questionnaire on a sample of 300 undergraduate students enrolled in Bachelor programmes at the Faculty of Humanities within the ”Aurel Vlaicu”2University of Arad (Romania). The results of the study revealed that most students are interested in developing their intercultural skills especially as there are foreign students enrolled at the university.
This article does an extensive analysis on some issues involved in the process of promoting and sustaining the image of a city. The analysis is built upon distinct elements of the current promotion process of the event scheduled for the year 2021: the city of Timisoara (Romania), European Capital of Culture. The study follows two major concepts. The first one concerns legitimacy with some derivative concepts. The second one discusses the concrete action of promoting such an event by different means to the public sphere. The concept of legitimacy is analyzed on two distinct dimensions. The first one tackles the issue of general legitimacy regarding the entire act of electing a city as a European Cultural Capital. The second one deals with the legitimacy of developing the actual process of promoting this type of an event. The concept of promoting by different forms of public campaigns is analyzed starting with some of our previous studies although the analysis goes2further and tries to establish new elements through which the process of promoting could have more chances of success. The role of the intellectuals and that of several distinct social segments are also discussed.
The migration phenomenon has always existed, fluctuating depending on the historical context, as well as the economical, political, social and demographic disparities between the Central and East European countries and the EU Member States, the interdependencies between the origin and receiving countries and the European integration processes. In Romania, the migration of parents to foreign countries, in order to stop poverty, is constituted as a social phenomenon that in time will have consequences against the family and children.
Starting from the premise that one of the words with the darkest resonance, no matter the language, is the one which denotes abandonment "(D, Magdalena, 1998, p.5), M. Ainsworth has defined the concept of safety by matching the attachment system with the exploration system (1974). In this paper, we are highlighting the affective, cognitive, somatic, social and behavioural problems in children currently facing these life situations, in once abandoned children, in children currently in foster families or foster care, waiting for an eventual adoptive family. In this respect, the main purpose is to examine the existing relationships between the problems of children adopted or in placement, evaluated from 3 perspectives: scales2measuring syndromes, DSM derived scales, ADHD problems and internalization problems and outsourcing.
Man is a social being in essence. The complexity of human nature led to the development of theoretical perspectives on its characteristics, psychologists and sociologists alike, trying to identify those aspects of human behaviour specific to each individual, social group and also man in general. From this perspective, social psychology deals with the construction of human personality not as a result of the specific personality traits in the foreground, but especially the social environment, the characteristic social context. As a result, an overall explanatory theory is outlined, experimentally grounded and conducted by scientific methods, a perspective from which the personality is especially a social construct, is the one that gives meaning to his world.
In international relations national stereotypes play a very crucial role. Since they have an influence on our subconscious level, they also decide about our sympathy or antipathy to¬ward individual nations. Fields, German, Russian, Chinese etc. stereotypes make us project images which are built on the vision of a nation that was inherited by us in the process of growing up in a particular cultural environment. Based on research conducted in Poland and as well as my own research survey I will pre¬sent how the eyes of Poles are presented by the Chinese