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At the very beginning of this year the Igman Initiative started with the implementation of the project Integrating Roma interests to the Sarajevo Housing Process supported by the Foundation Open Society Institute. Within the framework of the project the expert team worked on mapping and documenting Roma refugees, determining their housing needs as well as drafting recommendations for finding housing solutions within the RHP. After a comparative analysis of the documents obtained from government bodies and data obtained from Roma rights organizations, and after the outlining of independent expert reports on state of affairs in this area the Igman Initiative organized round-tables in all four countries in order to support the authorities in their efforts to permanently resolve housing issues of Roma refugee. During the months of September and October the leadership of the Igman Initiative met with the representatives of competent government bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia as part of lobbying campaign to ensure that special attention is provided to Roma refugees within the Regional Housing Programme, considering that they are the most vulnerable group. They also lobbied for the adoption of the expert team recommendations aimed at securing equal position of Roma refugees in relation to other citizens with the same status in the framework of implementation of the Regional Housing Program. In the second half of 2014 the experts of the Igman Initiative provided free legal aid and assistance in obtaining documents to Roma refugees.
In 2023, the European Commission channeled the funding for European Semester 2024 to deal with the challenges facing European countries in ways that would develop their competitiveness potential. The problems pointed out are the insufficient labor market participation of women, of people with low levels of education, of disabled people – all of which are needed on the labor market. Over 20% of the population in an active age of Europe is economically inactive, including 8 million young people who are neither in employment nor in education (NEETs). These challenges face all European countries, including Bulgaria.
Innovative assessment tools based on neuroscience can be powerful tools for developing critical competencies among employees in the aviation industry. This new branch of science leads to a more vibrant understanding of the biological processes involved in learning, the relationship between the cerebral hemispheres and sensory dominance, the impact on cognitive control, the meta-concept of learning ability, personal motivation, and social and emotional learning. Some neuroscience tools can measure individual risk of human error, which directly affects all aspects of human factor, aviation safety levels and risk management.
The application of a balanced scorecard (BSS) is a relatively innovative approach to assessing the effectiveness of the public sector in Bulgaria. Its application in the field of public higher education could contribute to improving the quality of educational services in higher education institutions, which are forced in modern economic and demographic conditions to rationalize the processes related to the provision of educational services and the conduct of scientific research. The implementation of such a method for assessing effectiveness allows public universities to deploy their administrative and academic potential for the successful implementation of their strategic goals and sustainable development, breaking them down through the specifics of the main directions set out in the model.
An overview of the new world movement uniting the three main pillars of human knowledge - art, science and technology. An emerging ecosystem embodying a comprehensive vision of the multidisciplinarity of human knowledge and the time we live in, and that creates the conditions for the intersection between innovation, knowledge exchange, new forms of research and pedagogy. Why is the integration of art, science and technology such an important future skill for solving 21st Century fragmentation of culture, society, perception, research & education?