Између декаденције и револуције: формативни распон српске лирике у првој половини 20. века
This paper, intended as a critically intoned history of Serbian poetry of the first half of the 20th century, consists of three segments. The first («Borders, inspirations, influences») deals with problems of periodization and aetiology, and centres particularly on external (French poetry) and internal (V. Ilić, L. Kostić) formative influences. The second part («Parnassianism-Symbolism, Impressionism, Decadence») is devoted to the poetry of Serbian Modernism (J.Dučić, M. Rakić, D. Marković, S. Pandurović, V. P. Dis etc.) with an accent on the shifts in the lyrical subject’s status and poetic sensibility in general. The focus is on the neglected importance of decadence as a phenomenon interpreted mainly ideologically and not aesthetically. The poetry and reflections of Stanislav Vinaver hold a liminal position - he started out as a Symbolist and later inaugurated and consequently defended avant-garde aesthetics. Apart from certain poets that created outside groups and schools (M. Nastasijević, D. Maksimović), in the final part («From Sumatraism and Zenithism to Dadaism and Surrealism») the author deals with avant-garde generation poetics and their influence on a formative evolution of modern Serbian poetry, focusing on the poetic radicalism of Dadaism and outstanding authors (M. Crnjanski, R.Petrović, R. Drainac, M. Dedinac, O. Davičo).