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The article focuses on the description of one of the main features of current multilingualism and its complexity through a selection of issues related to its role in L2 acquisition, seen as a social and multidimensional phenomenon. Nowadays, multilingualism is one of the most relevant social phenomena, and therefore, it is an issue of utmost interest both for study and research, given the large amount of studies from different fields and disciplines. Learning a second or any other additional language might occur in any learning environment and it is always bound to external and internal factors, however, very little is still known about their influence on the language acquisition process. Bilingual or multilingual children acquire and learn languages at a very early age and they gain unprecedented experiences, which might be considered a valuable treasure and heritage for the future of the society.
The following paper aims at describing the position of German loanwords in the modern Bosnian language. The main focus of the paper is laid on the origin of German loanwords and their sociolinguistic variation in Bosnian. The vast majority of German loanwords in Bosnian hails either from the Austrian variety of Standard German or from Bavarian-Austrian dialects. They were adopted in Bosnian mostly during the Austro-Hungarian time (1878 to 1918). In Bosnian, these loanwords can be found in all language varieties nowadays: from the standard to the colloquial language and sociolects. This paper describes some important aspects of the diatopic (standard and colloquial language, sociolects) and diaphasic (formal and informal style) variation of German loanwords in modern Bosnian.
The mediation between two languages is inevitably linked to anisomorphism, which in turn arises from the fact that languages conceptualize the extralinguistic world differently and produce terms for these concepts according to their needs. The present work deals with this phenomenon from the perspective of lexicography and theoretically and empirically investigates how anisomorphism manifests itself in bilingual lexicography, how it affects the equivalence relationship between two expressions and which strategies and instruments are available to deal with anisomorphism in lexicography. The first part of the work deals with the concept of anisomorphism and its manifestations in the form of divergence. In the second part, different means of equivalent discrimination in the case of divergence are discussed. In the next empirical part of the work, concrete cases of divergence in the bilingual dictionary by Jakić/Hurm are examined to propose improvements regarding the procedures in the case of divergence as they were applied in the bilingual Bosnian-German dictionary. Particular attention is paid to the use of glosses and examples since they are an indispensable lexicographical tool in productive dictionaries in the equivalent discrimination.
This paper aims at investigating the functional usage and the frequency of Germanisms in Croatian language. In order to reach this goal, we analyzed the news portal 24 sata in a three months span (from 1st December 2018 to 1st March 2019). We did a semantic analysis of the headlines and subtitles in the categories NEWS (World, Politics) and SHOW (Celebrities). We included a contrastive description of the meaning and meaning changes as well as speaker specific, regional and stylistic characteristics. Additionally we are concerned with the issue in which way and how historical and identity aspects lead to the sarcastic and ironic meaning of the Germanisms, that are expressive linguistic tools for newspaper headlines and subtitels.
The author aims at analyzing a group of lexical variants in three thematic areas, namely names for land surface and natural relief, for tools and equipment and for persons engaged in agricultural activity, according to the most important Slavonic witnesses of the Byzantine Farmer’s Law. These are the Russian compilation Law Books, and Ms. Slav. 466 from Hilandar monastery, both dating from the 15th century. Despite they attest two different translations, the author argues that they could represent the continuity with the more archaic state in the written dissemination of the Code, conditions for whose translation first arose in the 10th century Bulgarian kingdom.
The article is devoted to the problem of understanding the Old Bulgarian basis of the Slavic written tradition in Russian philology. The relevance of it is due to the importance of assessing the continuing debate on the origin of Slavic writing, in particular the writing of the East Slavs. The aim of the article is to show the patterns of the dynamics of the views reflected in the literature on the question of the roots of the East Slavic script. The author traces the evolution of ideas about the origin of the Old Russian literary language and writing – from the establishment and recognition of the Old Bulgarian basis in the works of Russian Slavists of the 19th century – up to the hypotheses about the “own roots” of Old Russian writing and literary language in the Soviet period and the subsequent criticism of these hypotheses.
The article discusses the features of LABLASS – the first Bulgarian web-based system, and its humble contribution to the field of associative lexicography. The system, which is used for research on verbal associations, makes use of some of the most common technologies – MySQL Database, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. The article offers a schematic presentation of the LABLASS model, its main modules, and the users’ options for working with it. There is also a graphic representation of its interface. At this stage of its development, only a pilot version of the LABLASS system is available to users, and it is periodically updated. However, its technical capabilities are not limited to the inclusion of ready-made lexicographical sources, but also allow for the creation of new dictionaries, and visualization and comparison of data from different dictionaries. As an example, a brief preview of the collections of associative data entered in LABLASS is provided.
The perception of discourse type is a factor in discourse processing and production which brings together our perception of sender/receiver, topic, function and other factors. What is important from pedagogic point of view is that we should, as early as possible, alert students to different discourse types, so that they may classify the interaction they are involved in, and make as productive a use of that classification as we do ourselves. The article represents some observations concerning the usage of frequently used communicative models by foreign students learning Bulgarian and presents examples of computer-based exercises with emphasis on the specifics of the communicative situation.
This paper focuses on words that the early 21st century monolingual Bosnian language dictionaries categorise as originating from the English language. The purpose of the research is to determine whether the etymology of these words has been correctly determined in these dictionaries and/or interpreted. In that respect, a comparative analysis of the corpus consisting of two monolingual dictionaries was conducted. The analysis determined that in many instances the etymological interpretation is either insufficiently precise and/or imprecise. Such reasons accentuate the need for a stronger inclusion of linguists from the field of foreign languages, in this case, English, in the process of compiling the Bosnian language dictionaries.
In the process of learning a foreign language, a mastery of means of expression is a prerequisite for a mastery of speaking skills. This article mainly focuses on the problem of learner language accuracy, as well as that of errors in the process of second language acquisition. The article presents the results of a study of Czech lower secondary school students’ language that aims to qualify the accuracy of speech during a dialogue in selected communicative situations.
Verbal aspect is one of the grammar “risk zones” of the Russian language. The purpose of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the author’s teaching method which makes it easier for foreign students to grasp the concept of Russian verbal aspect. The techniques and recommendations described in this paper can be applied while teaching students of different levels (A1 - C2).
The article is devoted to the analysis of linguacultural dominants in modern word-formation processes. The high degree of expressiveness and evaluation characteristic of the language of modern media is manifested quite clearly at the level of word formation. Neologisms, in which the internal form appears in the most naked form, are an indicator and exponent of certain value orientations in society.
The article analyzes the syntactic nature of the infinitive in the comparative aspect. The goal of the study is to identify cases of divergence in the use of the infinitive as various parts of a sentence in the positional structure of a Russian and Czech sentence. Examples taken from the Russian Language National Corpus and the Czech National Corpus served as the material for the study.
Based on key aspects of the analysis and interpretation of the poem Rural Cemetery (Сельское кладбище) by one of the main representatives of metarealism Alexei Parshchikov, the concept of Literary-interpretive seminar for university students of Russian as a foreign language will be outlined. Decoding of individual metaphors and metabols can lead to increased interest of students in historical, social, cultural and technical topics as well as the expansion of knowledge in various areas of life.
S oubor příspěvků Mladá slavistika V je již v pořadí osmým ročníkem1 publikace, která reflektuje výsledky práce mladých badatelů, doktorandů a doktorandek působících na Ústavu slavistiky Masarykovy univerzity. V letošním svazku najdeme celkově osm příspěvků tematicky zaměřených na problematiku dotýkající se slovanských jazyků a literatur. Nechybí témata klasická i nová nebo nově nastíněná.
This paper is discussing kinship terminology of Southern and Western Slavonic languages in generations above ego (+1 and above). Based on secondary literature and dictionaries, a set of possible terms was prepared, that was then checked against national corpora of these languages. As a result, we can determine which terms are in use, which are dominant, and (based on data from earlier periods) even draw possible future development. Several interesting outcomes from the research are summed up at the end of this paper, such as tendency towards acceptance of foreign terminology (or patterns of formation) and tendency towards simplification of certain parts of this terminology. As we found out, languages in question have different attitudes to preserving the Proto-Slavonic terminology and are prone to foreign influences on different levels. Some of them even developed in unexpected ways (f. e. towards analytical lexicology).
This paper investigates the use and syntactic properties of non-finite clauses in different types of written academic discourse. Non-finite clauses are defined narrowly as the forms not inflected by categories that are marked inflectionally in language, as tense, aspect, mood, number, gender and person. Considering their syntactic and semantic distribution, non-finite clauses serve as markers of formal language variety. The present study tries to look at the formal realization and communicative use of non-finite forms in language.
The Czechoslovak-South Slavic league (established in 1921) played a significant role within the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav relations during the interwar period and so did the Union of South Slavic-Czechoslovak Leagues (established in 1925) in Yugoslavia. The aim of the paper is to map the mutual relations set up in Zagreb through a local league and to describe the activities as well as importance of this association which worked on the convergence and strengthening the cultural as well as economic reciprocity between Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia in Zagreb. Initially, the activities had a manifestation character, later they were more organized. In the following decades, the league became an important part of public life in Zagreb and its surroundings—courses of Czech language, various lectures, theatre and singing performances, celebrations and other cultural events, the league started to publish its own magazine, a library was founded in addition to a reading room and it actively cooperated with other associations (Česká beseda, Československá obec). The collaboration resulted in the building of a Czechoslovak house in Zagreb.
Příspěvek přibližuje tvorbu e-learningových materiálů pro portál Umíme česky.cz, který vzniká na Masarykově univerzitě. Jedná se o online cvičebnici českého pravopisu, která je založená na principech adaptibilního procvičování. Tvůrci projektu nabízejí pestrou škálu úloh, prostřednictvím kterých si uživatelé mohou procvičit pravopisné jevy. Proces procvičování se autoři projektu rozhodli zefektivnit tím, že se uživatelům v případě špatné odpovědi objeví vysvětlení daného pravopisného jevu. Naším cílem se stala tvorba vysvětlení pravopisných jevů, která by byla vytvořená uživatelům portálu na míru. Jaká vysvětlení jsou pro uživatele nejlepší, jsme zjišťovali prostřednictvím dotazníku, který jsme zadali žákům a studentům na základních a středních školách. Podle výsledků dotazníku jsme vytvořili novou sadu vysvětlení, která byla do systému doplněna.