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In the process of creating a contemporary, universal bilingual Bosnian-German dictionary, a number of lexical-semantic challenges emerged. One of them is the occurance of paronyms which are defined in the literature quite differently. Following Storjohannʼs (2021a, 2021b) work on German paronyms, in this paper we define paronyms as formally, phonetically and/ or semantically similar words that may have the same etymological root (e.g. formal - formalistisch, kindisch - kindlich). The previous research showed that paronymic pairs are a source of uncertainty for both native speakers and learners of German as a foreign language due to their semantic and phonetic similarity. However, the existing Bosnian-, Croatian-, or Serbian-German bilingual dictionaries rarely treat this phenomenon neither explicitly, with a note or a separate window, nor implicitly - by taking into account different conceptual referential aspects of the meaning and use of paronyms. The goals of this work are: 1. to offer concrete solutions for a lexicographic treatment of paronyms in the microstructure of the Bosnian-German universal dictionary; 2. to encourage further research into this phenomenon in order to fill an evident gap in domestic and bilingual lexicography. Data comes from the online paronym dictionary of German Language Institute Mannheim, in which their meaning structures are clearly delineated and schematically shown. We investigate their lexicographic presentation in existing bilingual dictionaries and propose more adequate lexicographic treatment in order to offer a more appropriate equivalent. For example, the entry bezbolno (painlessly) occurs in the existing dictionaries with the equivalents schmerzlos and schmerzfrei, suggesting that these two words are synonyms and can be used equally in any context in the German language, even though they are actually paronyms.
Dictionary of Proverbs and Similar Paremiological Expressions lists semantically related entries for each paremiological expression, if they have already been included in the dictionary. The article first presents the first paremiological dictionary of the Slovenian language, which is being created at The Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts). The first dictionary entries were published on the Fran.si webpage in 2020, and since then new dictionary entries have been added once a year. Currently, 400 paremiological expressions (mostly proverbs but also other) are included in the dictionary. The information on semantically related paremiological expressions shows the connections between synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms and antonyms. In the analysis, we help ourselves with the typology of semantic relationships presented by Peter Ďurčo. The lexicographical information on semantically related paremiological expressions also provides a connection between (phraseologically fixed) anti-proverbs and proverbs from which these anti-proverbs were created. Similarly, in the dictionary, wellerisms and the expressions from which they were formed are linked. In the article, we touch upon the issue of a wider group of paremiological genres that are created through parody (so-called antiparemias), which Jozef Mlacek pointed out. The special feature of this paremiological dictionary is the display of semantic relationships between phraseological replies that respond to the same or similar stimuli. All the mentioned semantic relationships are shown in the article with concrete paremiological expressions, their explanations of meaning and examples of usage. The article also explains to what degree the display of semantic connections between paremiological expressions affects the choice of paremiological expressions presented in the dictionary.
The paper is devoted to the language game in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The research aims to examine the phenomenon of the language game in journalistic text and show its effective implementation in the study processes. Language games are considered at different language levels (word-formation, graphics, paremiology and etc.). The article analyzes the definitions of the examined phenomenon and its main functions in journalistic text.
The author of the article aims to introduce Russian poetic texts into the teaching of Czech students on B1 level. The chosen teaching methodology is based on motivating the students with the use of Czech symbolist poetry by O. Březina and a subsequent analysis of a poem by V. S. Solovyov. Work with the poetry of both authors focuses on perceptual lexicon, which plays key role in uncovering the meaning of a symbolist text. Students can thus gain knowledge of polysemous words and their different author’s connotations in an enticing and creative way. This enhances not only their knowledge of the content and language, but also of the aesthetic component related to the main function of an artistic text.
In this work I will focus on using the most common digital technologies in Russian language teaching. Special attention will be paid to the applications and BOYD principle in Czech schools and also to the most popular applications for mobile platforms. All these applications can be used in distance learning in primary and secondary schools, even in teaching Russian as a foreign language.
This article describes Russian and Polish polyprefixation on the material of the group of verbs of silence. The analysis of historical and modern dictionaries combined with the functional-analytic approach to the text enable us to identify the hall marks of this language phenomenon in the Russian and Polish languages, to identify the most productive secondary prefixes and the specifics of their functioning.
The paper is devoted to the word formation of diminutive forms of nouns of the neuter gender (NG) in Russian and Czech. The paper presents diminutive suffixes of NG nouns in Russian and Czech according to grammars, as well as derivational dictionaries of both languages. In the last part of the paper, corpus data is provided regarding diminutives formed from the words слово, окно / slovo, okno that belong to the basic vocabulary of both languages.
This paper aims to analyse the use of evaluative adjectival lexicogrammatical patterns in selected British online newspaper discourse in terms of genre specification. It focuses both on the normalised frequency of the patterns as well as on the evaluative semantic groups of the adjectives embedded in the patterns analysed. The genres chosen for the analysis are politics and crime. 282 articles from six national British online newspapers (the Sun, the Mirror, the Express, the Guardian, the Telegraph, and the Independent) were downloaded to create the corpus. These were then analysed via Sketch Engine for the evaluative adjectival patterns introduced by Bednarek (2009). The adjectives found in the patterns were further examined and manually divided into semantic groups introduced by Collins COBUILD. The data were then compared in an attempt to identify discourse patterns and contrasts, and valuable insights were gained into the lexicogrammatical features studied. The analysis indicated that evaluative adjectival patterns are indeed embedded in newspaper stories and both the tabloids and the broadsheets employ these patterns more or less equally for the same genres. Both types of newspaper mainly embed patterns ‘v-link ADJ’ and ‘v-link ADJ prep’ in both genres. However, when broadsheets report on politics, the use of the ‘it v-link ADJ finite/non-finite’ pattern, can be considered marked.
V příspěvku se na základě diplomové práce seznámíme s alternativními výukovými metodami ve výuce českého jazyka a literatury na střední škole. Nejprve se zaměříme na téma a cíl příspěvku, krátce si popíšeme program RWCT, třífázový model myšlení a učení E-U-R a definujeme kritické myšlení spolu se stručným přehledem možných metod, které lze ve výuce užívat. Stěžejní část příspěvku bude věnována modelovým hodinám, na nichž prakticky ukážeme práci s alternativními metodami.
The article deals with the forms of assessment, recommended by New Methodology Curriculum designed within the joint project of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and British Council Ukraine ‘New Generation School Teacher’. The new approaches to training future English language teachers suggests changes not only in the content of Methodology course, but also in approaches to teaching, that are intended to promote high levels of interaction and student involvement in their own learning processes. These consequently implies the alteration of traditional forms of assessment aimed at checking theoretical knowledge of the discipline rather than practical skills needed for the profession of a teacher. So, assessment tasks are designed to reinforce learning throughout the programme. Each module has specified outcomes, assessed by a combination of stand-alone assignments and portfolios including two or more assignments. Final assessment is based on school practice as well as in-course assignments and qualification paper defence.
In this paper is presented the word “havra” from semantic point of view – its meanings, matchability, use, as well as the origin of the word “havra“ in Bulgarian, Greek and Russian with fair relevance in the examined three languages.
As designated as signs for second nomination, through its internal form the phraseological units are characterized with their feature to carry more enlarged knowledge and help to make more explicit the peculiarities of its world perception in comparison to the signs of first nomination. The present paper is an attempt the semantic aspect of the phraseological units of the semantic field of the concept „bread” to be analyzed and in particular the phraseological units of the model „wealth-poverty”, which belongs to the same semantic field. It is emphasized the central position of the bread in the linguistic consciousness of Bulgarians, Russians and Greeks, as well as its fundamental role in the culture of these three nations.
Greek loanwords in Bulgarian constitute a significant share of the total number of foreign words in it. In some Bulgarian dialects the number of Greek words, in comparison with other foreign lexemes, is larger owing to the proximity of these vernaculars to those of Greek, and also due to the historical and cultural processes transpiring in Bulgarian lands in the past. In a considerable number of Greek words that have entered the Rhodopi vernaculars semantic changes have occurred. There also are loan words that have preserved the central meaning they have in the source language. Depending on the semantic characteristics of Greek loan words in the Rhodopi vernaculars, three main groups can be differentiated: a) words where no change in meaning has occurred, b) words that have acquired new meaning, and c) new words that are derivatives of lexemes from the former two groups. The study also traces penetration routes of Greek words in the Rhodopi vernaculars. The frequency of use of loan words is analysed in a diachronic aspect.
An abridged version of the Slavonic Scaliger Patericon is shown to be copied both from Cyrillic and Glagolitic antigraphs; the same circumstance is observed in the translations of the Scete Patericon and Athanasius of Alexandria’s Homilies Against the Arians. Twofold transmission makes it possible to contrast the features of copying from Glagolitic with those of copying from Cyrillic.
U ovom radu problematizirat će se feministička lingvistika kao novo polje istraživanja u našem kontekstu, unutar kojeg se otvara pitanje na koji način su ženski rod odnosno žene vidljive u jeziku. O rodno osjetljivom jeziku počelo se polemizirati 70-ih godina 20. stoljeća u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Europi, pa potom globalno. Danas je rodno osjetljiv jezik postao društvena realnost jer u jeziku imamo mnogo primjera u kojima je potvrđena i dokazana diskriminacija žena u odnosu na muškarce. U Bosni i Hercegovini postoje tri službena jezika (bosanski, hrvatski i srpski). U svakom od navedenih prisutna je kategorija gramatičkoga roda u određenim vrstama riječi, kakve su imenice, zamjenice, pridjevi, glagolski oblici, tako da nije moguća upotreba nijedne imenice bez oznake gramatičkoga roda. Upotreba rodno osjetljivog jezika podrazumijeva da u jeziku postoje muški, ženski i srednji rod. Međutim, je li navedena praksa dovoljno zastupljena u svakodnevnom govoru, pisanom i usmenom izražavanju? Koliko je prisutna upotreba rodno senzitivnog jezika u tiskanim medijima? Da bismo na ova pitanja mogli dati adekvatan odgovor, proveden je sedmodnevni monitoring Dnevnog avaza, najtiražnije tiskovine u Bosni i Hercegovini. Analizom tekstova utvrđeno je da rodno osjetljiv jezik još nije prioritet u izražavanju ženske uloge, zanimanja, njenog doprinosa i njenih pogrešaka u društvu. Sedmodnevnom analizom uočeno je da je upotreba rodno osjetljivog jezika u Dnevnom avazu diskriminatorna. Polazna pretpostavka ovoga rada jest da se žene posredstvom jezika sustavno diskriminiraju, a da bi se ženu moglo i u pisanom i govornom jeziku početi tretirati ravnopravnom, promjena je nužna.
In an era of global connectivity, language and literature education faces the challenge of navigating multilingualism, cultural diversity, and technological advancements. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities in language and literature education in the era of global connectivity. Through a qualitative research approach, interviews, focus group discussions, and classroom observations were conducted with 30 Arts and Sciences students and teachers. The findings reveal significant themes related to cultural diversity, multilingualism, and the integration of technology in language learning. The study emphasizes the importance of inclusive pedagogies, critical thinking development, and the incorporation of authentic and diverse literary works. Recommendations are provided for educators and policymakers to promote intercultural understanding and enhance language and literature education. The limitations of the study suggest areas for future research, including long-term language proficiency and diverse contextual considerations. Overall, this paper calls for ongoing innovation and collaboration to meet the evolving needs of language and literature education in an interconnected world.