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In this paper we deal with the problem, whether number is a property of external things. It is divided into three parts. Firstly Mill’s empiristic concept of natural numbers is summarized, then Frege’s arguments against this conception are put forth and finally viewpoints of some contemporary analytical philosophers (first of all G. Kessler), who reject Frege’s critique, are set out. Kessler and his followers in fact revive the abandoned theory of Mill.
Review of: Jan Dejnožka: The Concept of Relevance and the Logic Diagram Tradition Ann Arbor: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform 2012, 170 pages
Review of: Enzo De Pellegrin (ed.): Interactive Wittgenstein: Essays in Memory of Georg Henrik von Wright Dordrecht – Heidelberg – London – New York: Springer 2011, 219 strán
The paper deals with semantic content of elliptic sentences and its relation to semantic content of the corresponding non-elliptic sentences. On the basis of certain kinds of examples it is shown that syntactic theories of ellipsis have serious limits. It is also demonstrated that the so-called Property Theory, which is an example of a semantic theory of ellipsis, bears serious limitations. Another semantic theory, namely that of Minimal Indexicalism, is analyzed thereafter. Theoretical tools of the theory - in particular, its criteria of linguistic expressions identity and three layers of content - that are vital to its handling of ellipsis are discussed in some detail. Finally, a new theory of ellipsis based on Transparent Intensional Logic is proposed and argued for.
This paper argues that English quantifier phrases of the form ‘every F’ admit of a literal referential interpretation, contrary to the standard semantic account of this expression, according to which it denotes a set and a second-order relation. Various arguments are offered in favor of the referential interpretation, and two likely objections to it are forestalled.
According to the positivists, all our knowledge is based on experience which is the foundation not only of every empirical science, but also of those disciplines that are usually considered to be a priori. The paper consists of two main parts. Firstly, a positivist concept of number defended by J. S. Mill is presented; secondly, it is shown how this conception can settle some objections coming from apriori-oriented philosophers. Mill’s theory of number is interesting for at least two historical reasons. It is developed in connection with a relatively rich scholastic logic which is why its methodology is similar to the contemporary philosophy of language; it is indispensable for an appropriate comprehension of the concept of number that was proposed by Mill’s most famous opponent G. Frege.
This paper surveys a new approach to interpretation of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - the resolute reading. The proponents of the resolute interpretation (especially Cora Diamond and James F. Conant) have argued that the central point of Tractatus is § 6.54. The reading of the section should be resolute, which means the sentences in Tractatus are simply nonsense (einfach Unsinn). Thus, the Tractatus’ aim is not a theory or doctrine of aspects of reality, language or their relation. On the other hand, the main point of the text should be elucidation of the reader’s points. The paper analyses two assumptions in the resolute reading and submits criticism of them. The basis of the criticism is to verily the validity of resolute reading’s assumptions by reference to Notebooks, Prototractatus, correspondence and some manuscripts and typescripts from the Tractatus period in Wittgenstein’s thinking.
V ostatnom roku vysli na strankach dvoch našich domacich filozofickych časopisov - Organonu F i Filozofie - dva podnetne polemičke prispevky, jeden od Roberta Maca (2012) a druhy od Eugena Zelenaka (2012). Autori v nich reaguju na moju prezentaciu (a na mnou navrhovane riešenie) tzv. novej zahady indukcie, ktorej som sa venoval v praci Bielik (2011c). Kym Ze- lenak sa v praci (2012) okrem kritiky mojho spracovania Goodmanovej novej zahady indukcie venuje aj kritike mojej prezentacie tzv. paradoxu havranov (pozri Bielik 2011a), ktory Hempel približuje vo svoj ej študii o kvalita- tivnej teorii potvrdenia, Maco sa obmedzuje len na kritiku mojich argu- mentov proti Goodmanovej novej zahade.
Review of: Hartry Field: Saving Truth from Paradox Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008, 432 stran
50th Anniversary of the Department of Logic and Methodology of Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava
25 Years In Contradiction (University of Glasgow, 7-9/12/2012)
The purpose of this paper can be described as follows. The contemporary philosophical logic cannot work without using some terms well-known from mathematics and (mathematical) logic. Among such terms that play an important role in logical and philosophical analyses of language, meaning and the like we can find function, procedure and construction. One problem is that various authors use these terms in various ways, another problem consists in the well-known fact that many philosophers do not have any idea of what those and similar terms could mean. The present paper tries to explain why an exact explication of the three mentioned terms can contribute to understanding and even solving many problems with semantics of natural language, which a philosopher should be (and frequently is) interested in.
The paper deals with a problem in formal theory of quantification. Firstly, by way of examples, I introduce important parts of the theory. Using type analysis, I present a problem which stems from inadequacy of a rule concerning semantic interpretation of sentences involving n-ary predicates and quantifiers. I propose four distinct principles for specific types of sentences. They are generalized into a general semantic rule, which is, finally, applied to particular examples.
Úvahy této statě byly inspirovány úvahami Pavla Cmoreje, který je nedávno uvedl v rámci diskuse o existenci, která je vedena v tomto časopise. Mým hlavním problémem je, zda se univerzum mentálních entit může měnit, protože odpověď musí být negativní. Následně je třeba řešit i problém, jak je při neproměnlivosti univerza mentálních entit možná kontingentnost jejich existence. Poté úvahy zpřesním adekvátnější explikací mentálních entit ve smyslu představ, které jsou odlišné od mentálních entit ve smyslu intencionálních objektů (v užším smyslu). Tímto dojde k exaktnímu zachycení pojmů existence, které začaly být v probíhající diskusi uvažovány.
Review of: Douglas Patterson (ed.): New Essays on Tarski and Philosophy New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, 434 pp.
Analyzing the process of keeping promise we identify its sequence structure and its phase sequences in time. This allows us to arrive at a time order principle forming according to which obligation performance cannot precede in time its sufficient or necessary conditions performance. We further observe that a given promise must always be taken as an element of a certain system of promises. As a result we review definitions of the terms sufficient condition and necessary condition as no more allowing their mutual defining, or symmetry (conversion). We try to discover the compliance rules concerning the condition – the conditioned vector, the course of events vector and the time vector. We conclude that it indicates an incorrect use if, provided the condition – the conditioned vector complies with the course of events vector, the negative time difference in the descriptive use of sentences involving either the if-then connective or the only if connective is obtained. Only when using sentences for abductive explanation with a dominating epistemic vector the negative difference of time does not indicate erroneous use; however, this is possible only for the term of sufficient condition. We further suggest reviewed definition generalization involving the terms of sufficient condition and necessary condition containing always a parameter element denoting a given modality type, or a particular system of rules, laws, etc. Such definition satisfies Brennan’s requirement of a “general formal scheme” where the notion of sufficient condition and necessary condition symmetry (conversion) does not apply.
We contend that since what is true cannot be false, foreknowledge is transparently incompatible with free will. We argue that what is crucial to the conflict is the role of truth in foreknowledge and that the identity of the one who foreknows is irrelevant.
Za další náměty v uvažování obtížného ba i kontroverzního tématu teorií holých individuí (HI) vděčíme Martinu Schmidtovi (2011). Ten diskutuje následující tři teze týkající se HI: 1) Každé individuum je holé v tom smyslu, že všechny netriviální vlastnosti může nemít.1 2) Holé individuum je produktem pouze konceptuálního odlišení (netriviálních) vlastností od jejich nositele. 3) Holé individuum je mereologicky jednoduchá jednotlivina.
Považuji právě probíhající diskusi o existenci pro svou osobu za zajímavou a inspirující. Záleží mi proto na tom, abychom v ní pro množství nadhozených otázek neztratili červenou nit a nenechali ji rozpliznout. Nejvhodnějším nástrojem k dosažení toho cíle se mi zdá, budeme-li si občas připomínat, oč v ní vlastně běží či čeho se týká. Jen tak dokážeme rozlišit podstatné otázky, které řešíme, od nepodstatných (třeba o sobě velmi zajímavých) odboček. Pokusím se o to napoprvé sám.