Author(s): Laura Mihaela Mancă-Pătrașcu / Language(s): Romanian
Issue: 13/2023
The present work aims to sustain the idea that the man Wittgenstein can`t be separated from his work. Such that, the fascination he gives us, comes from how he succeeded in intertwining what he thinks with what he lives, and in this way living in the idea; the same idea which designed his life, and which gave him a sense, of an authentical one. Thus, any separation between life and creation, at Wittgenstein, became, more than at anyone, a void of meaning, an expulsion of understanding, a departure from the closest understanding of what he wanted to convey. Any separation between these perspectives leads us, for sure, to the misunderstanding of honesties, total implications, and full thinking as well as total belief affirmed by rationality and experience. Also, this work intends to highlight the few key moments, which can sustain the purpose of this paper, namely that the creation and the life, by default the ethics, at Wittgenstein, constitute a unitary whole of meaning sense undivided.