Author(s): Mirela-Ioana Borchin-Dorcescu / Language(s): Romanian
Issue: 1/2023
The mechanism of metaphorical induction, detailed in Eugen Dorcescu’s studies of metaphor, provides a peremptory argument for the equivalence between the trope of tropes and discourse. The identification of living metaphor with discourse is the fundamental principle that guides the research of this figure by Paul Ricoeur. For us, the possibility of equating the two notions (metaphor and discourse) constitutes a working hypothesis in the approach of spun out metaphors. These broad metaphorical structures will prove that metaphor can generate a special type of discourse, infiltrating its logic, semantics and syntax and increasing its aesthetic value. If we accept that a literary discourse / text is distinguished from all those made up of linguistic signs by its aesthetic value, we will also accept that metaphor, through presence and reverberation, ensures the specificity of such a discourse. Therefore, we will demonstrate that noun metaphor induces verbal / adjective / participle / adverbial metaphors in discourse, establishing a network of interrelated figurative meanings, also increasing / multiplying the syntactic structures necessary for the development of the idea / ideas conveyed, in 25 conditions of progressive compatibility of co-textual, coherent elements. Spinning metaphors, which, according to H. Suhamy, develop, predictably or unpredictably, a guiding theme or even more, go beyond the scope of the sentence and fit, in countless variants, into broad discursive structures. Their analysis in Romanian poetry will allow the illustration of various springs of cumulative metaphorization, which ends up encompassing the entire lyrical discourse. Most frequently, the spun metaphors represent the consequence of some semantic-stylistic inductions, exerted especially on some predicate-verbs which, being themselves metaphors, widen the metaphorical area until the overlap with poetry.