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Human action is the basis for building existence both in the individual dimension and in all social relations. At the core of every action that a person undertakes there are three essential elements that determine the fact that we are talking about human action, and not just the occurrence of a specific effect as a result of the action of an impersonal cause. These factors, specifically human, deeply rooted in the nature of man as a person, are the ability to know the truth, freedom of choice and the conscience. That is why we can talk about the existential structure of man. Precisely because human activity is connected with the possibility of knowing the truth, not only the technical one, that describes the world of objects, but also the truth of wisdom, revealing the meaning of things, and the human ability to make autonomous choices, following the axiological criterion (good-evil) that reveals itself apparently in the experience of conscience, man is responsible for his actions. This responsibility has its consequences not only in the moral but also legal dimension.
The article is a synthetic approach to the vision of Europe from the perspective of phenomenology treated as philosophia perennis proposed by Edith Stein / St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. It covers the following issues: the absolute character of truth, the universality of philosophy, elements of personalist anthropology, the answer to the Nietzschean “death of God,” the answer to the “civilization of death” and the Cross as Hope. At the end of this study there is a seven-point conclusion.
The paper includes an interdisciplinary approach to philosophy, which can develop interdisciplinary links with other fields, which are carried out through current philosophical practices, manifested mainly in the form of philosophical counseling. Some of the areas in which these connections have been identified are presented, namely theeducational field, life sciences and environmental sciences, interferences with the spiritual or theological field, as well as economics and business, materialized through organizational consulting and ethics applied to organizations and institutions. Theconclusion is one of supporting and promoting these practices, which can be further researched and developed on multiple levels, as well as the implementation of a new specialization, in the form of philosophical counseling, as a practice for persons, organizations and communities.
The paper discusses the psychoanalytic interpretative possibilities for understanding Europe's reluctance to accept the UK's decision to leave the union. It develops an interpretation based on Lucan’s concept of 'Name of the Father' to inquire whether the 'European identity' is in fact a neurotic identity, marked by a blocked presence of the primary Lacanian psychoanalytic signifier and the resultant erratic and ineffective policy which can be considered as a group equivalent of the neurotic symptoms that, in psychoanalysis, are treated as primary individual symptoms. This perspective aims to test the limits of the debate over whether psych diagnostics can be applied to political collectives as well as to individuals, and attempts to do so by drawing parallels between the behavior of individual people, on the one hand, and institutions, on the other.
Having been invented in ancient Greece especially as a way of coping with,and even gaining advantage of,personal and collective crises faced by people, philosophical counsellingseen as phronesis –practical wisdom–has been relaunchedfour decades ago under the need of philosophy to retrieve, in modern form, its original social utility. The current pandemic represents a time of multiple distress and unease that philosophy under the diverse facets of its counselling potential, is fully capable of addressing in complementarity with other forms of help.
This paper is a summary of my practical research regarding to the particularities of applying Philosophical Counselling in developing high performing teams in corporate environment. Considering that most of the employees from corporate environment, at least in Romania, are not yet familiar with this new domain, the research is focused to investigate the possibility of obtaining practical results in developing high performing teams and to highlight the value added of practicing Philosophical counselling in corporate environment.
This paper looks into the works of anthropologist ErnestBecker, sociologist Jacques Ellul, and the field of terror management theoryto understand how technological culture has developed from man’s fear ofdeath. It should be seen that the fear of death along with the obsession withtechnological efficiency leads to a world wherein most of people’s drivesare geared toward reaching an immortal state of being, either symbolicallyor materially. From this understanding we can then see how problems mayarise in a technology world, of which I propose four.
Ethics was defined as "the science that deals with the study of moral principles” or better said “the science that includes all the norms of moral conduct corresponding to a certain class or society”. If we are getting more deeply into the essence of this topic, we realize that ethics can be “risky” because it can easily generate conflicts, often at the individual level. This aspect comes from the fact that the society does not understand the values of a healthy ethical attitude. Only the adoption of a healthy ethical attitude can reveal the very essence of a civilized society. The objective of the paper consists in analysis of ethical principles applied to accountants in light of the new code of ethics. Ethics is the foundation on which all our relationships are built, including our way of relating to employers, employees, subordinates, colleagues, customers and suppliers. Ethics does not refer to the connections we have with third parties, but to the quality of these connections. This approach allows a better understanding of how ethics and morality influences the business environment, especially the accounting field. The new version of the code places greater emphasis on the independence of professional accountants to build confidence in the services they provide.
Nowadays, the notion of phronesis has acquired multiple translations, while the concept of self-love – multiple understandings. Since each translation and interpretation highlights an aspect over another, this study aims to philosophically outline the Aristotelian phronesis on the basis of its etymological development, seeking to determine whether self-love can be cultivated through phronesis on an experiential level or not. Thus, the analysis is of a qualitative nature, establishing the pre-Aristotelian and Aristotelian understandings of phronesis as intertwined with virtue and good life, an intertwinement which is, in essence, fundamental to philosophical practice, revealing its intimate connection with phronesis on both conceptual and experiential levels. Finally, it is concluded that a philosophical practice is in itself an art of phronesis and a virtuous activity, since it involves a conscientious self-understanding leading to eudaimonia, aiming to pursue what is good for oneself, the other and the humanity in general, on which basis the right stance of self-love is fostered and cultivated, for one should love what is noble, that is wisdom, and aspire to it.
: Ethical issues of one form or another are a constant in a business executive’s daily life. Given the degree of impact which some of their decisions tend to have those issues many times take central stage. At the same time, many of the ethical issues that emerge in business contexts are not addressed in a satisfactory way. In this paper I offer a description of the sorts of ethical problems which can be commonly found in business contexts, focusing on dimensions of that ethical reality which are particularly promising in terms of the potential contribution which philosophical practice can give. I also briefly introduce an explanation for the causes of those problems.
In this essay I will bring together a number of pretextsrelated explicitly or implicitly to the theme of friendship – experiencesand concepts (§ 1), case studies (§ 2), exercises (§ 3), and again patterns(§ 4), variations (§ 5), and styles (§ 6) – which raise significant issues thatI will use as an introduction to philosophical counseling. The aim is anoriginal introduction to philosophical counseling starting fromphilosophical counseling itself and to show concretely, I hope alsoeffectively, what a pretext function means.
: Starting from the 18th and 19th centuries the concept of alienation has gradually attracted the interest of philosophers and sociologists. This phenomenon has been receiving even more attention ever since the onset of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, leading to an increase in the interest to investigate its meaning and implications. This is the theme that the current article is also examining, aiming to determine whether university students in Timisoara were experiencing alienation from others in the current context. In this endeavor, we have proceeded by investigating the concept of alienation in order to figure out which philosophers have dealt with alienation from others amongst the many that have written on the subject, continuing with an analysis of the concept of philosophical counselling and the view of philosophical counsellors on the subject of alienation. The study itself is of a quantitative nature, the participants having received a questionnaire where they were asked to rate their level of alienation from others compared to the one they were experiencing prior to the onset of the pandemic. Most respondents scored a “neutral” level of alienation, indicating a not bad, but also not good situation. This neutral result still implies a level of alienation towards others and the need of philosophical counselling in order to reduce its level.
Postoje ljudi koji, kad im je prvi dio dana sretan i pun dobrih vijesti, nakon toga ne žele ni s kim komunicirati. Sakriju se, ne javljaju se na telefon, ne otvaraju vrata, odmiču se od prozora, da im se taj dan ne bi pokvario. Nekom lošom viješću. Nesrećom. Pa ni srećom za koju se nikad ne zna kako bi se mogla odviti.
Civic friendship is a good way to illustrate how some central themes in John Rawls’s thought reveal a sense of philosophical unity. While his theory of justice takes different shapes along decades of philosophical writing, there is a constant interest in how members of a well-ordered society cooperate and interact to each other. This paper invites the reader to reexamine some places throughout A Theory of Justice and subsequent writings and aims at showing how important it is to reach not only a just social organization but the right form of interaction between people who take part in the political forum and aim at reaching decisions for their everyday life. The right political relationship between people who don’t know each other but share the same core values cannot be described otherwise than through the ideal of civic friendship. As a matter of fact, it could be argued that the far-reaching goal of a just society and its most valuable good is to achieve this kind of relationship for all of its members taken as a collective agent.
A detailed and objective presentation of feeling in the context of a capitalist society whose main preoccupation is commercial transactions, Henry Mackenzie’s Man of Feeling leaves room for interpretation in terms of the main moral values guiding the individual in the late 18th century. Interpreted within the limits of the close interdependency established between literature and historical background, Harley’s conduct, as depicted in the novel, seems to reflect the powerful contradictions between the individual’s mental representation and attitudes and the ideological system, the patterns of value and mental structures featuring the European society at the time. By revealing his mental and psychological structures as such, Harley becomes, a hypostasis of the human condition which should be looked for somewhere in between the two contradictory viewpoints in vogue at that time: a determinism caused by the existence of the divine providence opposed to the causal sequence of innate feelings, that is somewhere between virtue or vice.
The present paper aims to reopen the debate about the relationbetween love and nature, starting from a representative case study for theEuropean history of such a topic. Taking into account the very specific literaryand philosophical context of its time, we try to underline the importance of thevision propose through this key concepts. The nature of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre and Rousseau now become a very explanatory for all major constructionof speculative philosophy. In the real order history, love takes place in society, inthe territory of a story that gives it a place and supports economic ingredientsand time. Practically, we can’t discuss about love outside the context of theworld and history that produced her. Love outside history, recte only in thesimple nature, is not discoverable in what is already known. But is it possible tothink such a love? Can we suggest a love out of a minimum standards,conventions and strong moral, all what define a society?
At the very beginning of Fichte's philosophy, in his early writings, the key ideas of his overall philosophical development are clearly visible - a focus on practical philosophical questions and an obvious intention to unequivocally address his philosophy. At this stage, Fichte predominantly deals with the critique of pre-revolutionary society, exhausted by a crisis at all levels, and the benefits that the revolution can bring to it. The basic theme of this phase of his development is the same as in the later stages - the personal and political liberation of man in the community. Regardless of the internal evolution of his philosophical development, and the numerous transformations that will take place later, Fichte's obvious aspiration not to build his philosophy exclusively in the theoretical and academic spheres, but to seek its meaning in influencing society, will lead to its clear and precise addressing remaining until the end a key topic of his understanding of philosophy.
Most of the time, when we are talking about relationships between people, within a community, we do not think of someone who deeply establishes these relationships and puts himself as the foundation of that community. In such a case we rather have in mind someone's relationship with someone else, or, it is just a timeless relationship of someone with themselves. In other words, someone is in herself another to someone, just as another one is, in himself, someone. It is not a question here of a passage in time, as something arriving to be to something else. It is as Hegel stated once, that time has been suppressed. According to this thinker, the relationship of one person to another as something that is passing from someone to someone else takes place outside time; it is timeless. On this relationship that is inscribed in timelessness, the temporal relations between people are constituted and thus the concepts of loyalty, compassion and peace are established, concepts on which any community is based, because they result in the reunion of someone else with someone. Sacrifice as a voluntary renunciation of something precious in favour of someone else finds its justification in these concepts based on the timeless relationship.