Донорството на органи – помощ или търговия?
A great deal of the problems of bioethics originate from developments in biomedicine. Both medicine and society as a whole face nowadays unprecedented moral problems arising because of the progress in reproductive, transplantation, palliative etc. medicine. The paper discusses a particular problem emerging from the practice of organ donation. The question is whether could be justified moral obligation to donate organs for transplantation between siblings. The clarification of the problem is based on a story from the Bulgarian TV series “Stolen Life” (2016-2017). The story is about kidney donation between sisters. The main conclusion of the analysis is that the moral value of the kidney donation in general and between siblings in particular depends on the way we describe this action. Under the description as “help” the donation has almost always positive moral value, whereas under the description as “trade” its moral value is undefined. In both cases, however, it seems impossible to find convincing justification of moral obligation to donate organs between siblings.