Rytmus a událost krásy
This article starts with an exposition of Whitehead’s conception of beauty in his Adventures of Ideas as a quality exemplified in an actual event. On the basis of his distinction between lower and higher forms of beauty we may reasonably infer that beauty, more precisely an experience of beauty, is formed by several nexuses of events, and eventually by a society of events in the special meaning of ‘society’ in Whitehead’s metaphysics – that is, a multiple interconnection of structured contrasts. Comparison of the phases of the constitution of an actual entity, the rhythm in the process of education, and the role of reason in human cognition and behaviour results in the notion of rhythmical interconnection between the ‘horizontal’ and the ‘vertical’ dimensions of the aesthetic experience, in which the vertical means the realized relationship between the affective and the ‘intellectual’ strata of human consciousness, so that the rhythmical interconnection or rhythm of rhythms forms an inherent component of every aesthetic experience, including an event of beauty.