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As to my personal project plan for the coming six years on the issue of present concern, I shall in the following present my hypothesis––a hypothesis which is about to take shape, while I am looking up for a moment from behind the heaps of books taken from my bookshelf. The reason why I shall submit my hypothesis at this stage is that I hope that you might prompt me––by expressing your appreciation or doubts to what you read––to advancing new perspectives and new ideas.
The paper presents in analytical way to Fund of the Ottoman documents about Mecca and Medina, kept in the collections of Oriental Department of the National Library "St St Cyril and Methodius". The documents are grouped in six main sections according to their content. The author presents in annotated form multiple documents of that fund. The paper includes an annex of the inventory of documents from fund Hijaz (Arabia).
Information on the 19th century history of pharmacy in Bulgaria is too scarce. Present publication includes documents for the development of pharmacy in Bulgaria from the documentary heritage of the Hungarian chemist Gyorgy Szilagyi, kept in the Bulgarian Historical Archive at the St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library. Gyorgy Szilagyi's pharmacy existed for a period of eighty years, during which rich archival material accumulated. It is unique as a historical source for the development of pharmacy in Bulgaria, because it highlights the many-sided aspects of a foregn pharmacist's professional activities. Part of Gt. Szilagyi's archival fond are letters from his friends, acquaintances and colleagues that contain information on the fate of Hungarian and foreign pharmacists; they also reveal interesting facts about the relationship between Gy. Szilagui and his colleagues (local doctors and pharmacists) and clients as well. Another part of the fond is the documentation to the half-century-old activity of his pharmacy.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to indicate the role of the state in the pursuit of sustainable development of Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The authors assume that historical factors underlie the differentiated development of Polish regions. A critical review of the literature on historical determinants of development of Polish regions was conducted. International legal conditions calling on Poland to take action to reduce adverse climate change are presented. The amount of state budget expenditure on tasks related to sustainable development of the country is discussed. Secondary data from the reports of the Council of Ministers were used. Findings: Differences in the level of the development of Polish regions are historically determined. Compared to other countries, the degree of Poland’s achievement of sustainable development goals is satisfactory, as it ranks 23rd in the world ranking (out of 193 possible places). Budget expenditures on tasks contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals are relatively small. Originality and value: It is pointed out that in the past, the amount of spending on state development financing has varied. Historical conditions continue to affect the uneven development of individual regions. The authors suggest that the unsatisfactory level of the development of some regions is due not so much to the lack of access to funding sources, but to the mentality of people living in these areas.
Revenirea Basarabiei în componenţa României, la 27 martie/9 aprilie 1918, a deschis, printre altele, şi o serie de oportunităţi economice ce urmau să fie puse în practică, măsuri care, de altfel, trebuiau să facă parte dintr-un ansamblu general menit a integra şi economic provincia cu teritoriul Patriei-Mamă. Găsirea unor soluţii noi era necesară, deoarece lunga ocupaţie ţaristă a provinciei (1812-1918) dirijase fluxul majorităţii exporturilor basarabene către est, către centrul fostului Imperiu, şi, în consecinţă, infrastructura de transport terestră a Basarabiei în momentul Unirii cu România corespundea acestei realităţi.
Anul 1940 a marcat apogeul efectelor politicii dezas- truoase duse pe plan intern şi extern de către guvernele impuse de regele Carol al II-lea, începând cu 10 februarie 1938. Între 26 iunie şi 7 septembrie 1940, România s-a aflat la cheremul puterilor europene care hotărau, prin acţiuni politice, diplomatice şi militare, soarta unui continent scăpat de sub controlul democraţiilor lumii (SUA, Franţa, Marea Britanie), hipnotizate parcă de personalitatea şi acţiunea unor lideri ai forţelor extremiste, naziste, fasciste şi comuniste.
This paper aims to analyze the economic and political relations between Albania and Yugoslavia after the Second World War and their presentation on primary and secondary school history textbooks, by offering comparative approach of the way Albanian-Yugoslav relations are treated by different schools of historiography. On July 9, 1946 the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance was signed between the Albanian Prime Minister, Enver Hoxha and the Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia, Stanoje Simic. According to it, the two countries would take the necessary measures to ensure their independence and territorial integrity in case of aggression. They engaged to collaborate for the protection of international peace and security in conformity with the principles of the United Nations and confirmed their friendship by furthering the economic and cultural cooperation. The textbooks authors described the bilateral relationship as a result of the political intentions of Beograd to turn Albania into the seventh republic of Yugoslavia. It was perceived as “the other” in regard to Yugoslav efforts to exploit the weakness of the Albanian state and the risk of domination by a foreign power, claiming to represent it diplomatically. The inclusion of Albania in the Yugoslav Federation was argued in favor of solving the difficult problem of ethnic Albanians in the Yugoslavian state. Tito insisted on the impossibility to recognize the rights of Kosovo to self-determination because of the strengthening of Serb reaction. Due to the Yugoslav pressure, the Albanian leadership under the direction of Enver Hoxha was declared against the unification of Kosovo and Albania. History schoolbooks of both socialist and post-socialist period described the deterioration of the bilateral relations when the Albanian delegation headed by Enver Hoxha and the Soviet government ended an agreement in Moscow for the development of agriculture and industry and Albania received a Soviet loan. The Yugoslav leadership accused the Central Committee of the Albanian Communist Party of the anti-Yugoslav position, putting under pressure the government of Tirana. But it was the information about the Soviet Union Central Committee’s letters, criticizing the Yugoslav leadership for its domestic and foreign policy in deviation from the Marxist principles that helped the Albanian government deal with the pressure of Yugoslav authorities. It adopted unanimously the resolution of the Information Bureau of the Communist Parties, which broke off the Yugoslav-Albanian diplomatic relations in 1948 and shifted to the pro-Soviet orientation of the Albanian government.
Many authors consider the 1980s as the time of the “Second Japanese miracle”. The decade has its tops and drops and has a long-term impact on Japanese socio-economic, political and cultural life. Thanks to the intensive implementation of the advances in scientific and technological progress and energy saving, Japan has managed to move from industrial to post-industrial society. The desire of the young Japanese to feel different, more special, their new musical preferences lead to the shaping of many subcultures that influence fashion, design, and music trends not only in Japan but also abroad. The development of animations and comics makes popular not only their creators but also many composers, performers and Japanese culture as a whole.Many authors consider the 1980s as the time of the “Second Japanese miracle”. The decade has its tops and drops and has a long-term impact on Japanese socio-economic, political and cultural life. Thanks to the intensive implementation of the advances in scientific and technological progress and energy saving, Japan has managed to move from industrial to post-industrial society. The desire of the young Japanese to feel different, more special, their new musical preferences lead to the shaping of many subcultures that influence fashion, design, and music trends not only in Japan but also abroad. The development of animations and comics makes popular not only their creators but also many composers, performers and Japanese culture as a whole.
Catalonia’s national identity has its roots in the Middle Ages and Early modern times. In the 19th century, the Catalonian search for independence was encouraged by romantic and revolutionary concepts spread across Europe. After the First World War, we can notice a significant increase of political actions as regards the Catalonian nationalists-separatists, including violent episodes and riots in main cities. As for the contemporary period, the financial crisis in 2007-2008 acted as a new booster for nationalist-separatist ideas leading eventually to referendums in 2009 and also in 2017. The present study is exploring in a historical register the process of Catalonian’s independence. In doing so, I intend to identify and examine theCatalan’s main reasons in claiming complete political independence. The study tackles particularly recent interviews presenting opinions of several Catalonian citizens, some of them with political or administrative responsibilities, concerning regional independence and its potential consequences.
Along several millennia, sealift capabilities have played a significant role in shaping the political international arena, and the global strategic landscape. We cannot imagine, for example, a fully operational Roman Empire without a massive set of sealift capabilities, able to deploy large armies anywhere around the Mediterranean, and to bring huge amounts of Egyptian grain to Rome. The study is briefly exploring some pivotal moments in global history when sealift has been massively present; and then it explores, with some details, the present situation of the US strategic sealift capabilities. As far as we know, the ability of the United States to use, in case of need, fully effective strategic sealift is clearly facing important problems and shortages, and this feature of the US national power might generate a lot of problems in many future scenarios, massively impacting strategic evolutions on the World Ocean, in Europe, and mainly in the Asia-Pacific
Ni nakon više od dvije decenije u Srebrenici, ali manje-više i u svim povratničkim mjestima, ne samo da nije izrađen i primijenjen održivi model ekonomskog oporavka i razvoja već je ostao nerazjašnjen sam koncept postratni/genocidni ekonomskog oporavka. I pored zvanično promoviranog i izdašno donacijski podržanog procesa ekonomske obnove, na sceni su krajnje nepovoljna demografska, socijalna i ekonomska kretanja u ukupnom postratnom periodu. Naravno da se zbog toga otvaraju brojna pitanja ovakvog neuspjeha – od ponovnog preispitivanja samog pojma ekonomske obnove do niza „nenaučenih lekcija” iz dvadesetogodišnjeg procesa ekonomske obnove u ovoj općini.
Općina Srebrenica nalazi se u istočnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Graniči s općinama: Bratunac na sjeveru i sjeveroistoku, Višegrad i Rogatica na jugozapadu, općinom Milići (dio bivše općine Vlasenica) na zapadu, a na jugu granica ide rijekom Drinom u dužini od 40 km koja je i međunarodna granica između Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Srbije. Površina teritorije općine Srebrenica je 529,83 km2. Prema popisu stanovništva 1991. godine na prostoru općine Srebrenice živjelo je ukupno 36.666 stanovnika ili 0,84% od ukupnog stanovništva Bosne i Hercegovine. Bošnjaka je bilo 27.572 ili 75,20%, Srba 8.315 ili 22,70% i ostalih 779 ili 2,12%1. Gustina naseljenosti u općini iznosila je 69,6 st/km2 (u Bosni i Hercegovini 85,6 st/km2). U političko-administrativnom pogledu 1991. godine Srebrenica je imala 19 mjesnih zajednica u kojima se nalazilo 80 naselja od kojih je jedno pripadalo gradskom, a 79 seoskom tipu naselja. Prema prirodnom priraštaju koji je iznosio 13,2‰ 1991. godine, općina Srebrenica bila je na petom mjestu u Bosni i Hercegovini i to poslije općina Žepče, Velika Kladuša, Živinice i Kalesija. U periodu 1992‒1995. godine na području općine Srebrenica, kao i na prostoru cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, dogodile su se krupne demografske promjene. Masovni zločini koje su nad nedužnim bošnjačkim stanovništ-vom vršile tzv. Vojska RS i policija RS, pod vojnom komandom ratnog zločinca Ratka Mladića i političke direktive ratnog zločinca Radova-na Karadžića, dostigle su vrhunac u općini Srebrenica kada su srpske oružane formacije okupirale “sigurnu zonu UN-a” Srebrenicu, jula 1995. godine, i počinile genocid nad nedužnim bošnjačkim stanovništvom.
For centuries, the Croatian lands have been at the crossroads of traffic routes and different civilizational frameworks – Mediterranean, Western European, and Eurasian. The consequence of this position in a contact zone was that the Croatian society in the 19th century was multiethnic and multireligious, multilingual and subjected to different cultural influences. Croats made up just over 70% of the population, Serbs a little less than 25%, and Italians, Germans, and Hungarians were the most numerous of other ethnic communities. Affiliation with the Catholic and Orthodox churches roughly coincided with these percentages, while the share of Protestants and Jews was slightly higher than 1% of the population. Until 1847, the official language was Latin, which was then replaced by Croatian. German was very widespread as a language of commerce and every-day communication of the higher social strata in Croatia and Slavonia, while in Istria and Dalmatia Italian was the language of administration, the judiciary, secondary education, and communication among the higher strata of the society. In the second half of the 19th century, its role was gradually taken over by the Croatian language. The lower social strata, largely illiterate, spoke Croatian. Croatia and Slavonia were strongly influenced by the Austro-German cultural circle, and towards the end of the century cultural influences from other Western European countries were increasingly felt. In Istria and Dalmatia, which in the previous centuries had been under the rule of Venice, retained a strong Venetian and Italian cultural influence. In the border areas towards the Ottoman Empire, there was a rather limited cultural influence of the neighbours south of the Sava among the lower social strata.