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Extract from the issue 1/1938 of the journal Znanost i život
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Extract from the issue 1/1938 of the journal Znanost i život
This study, based on the ground of unpublished Ottoman tax registers (tapu tahrir defterleri), analyses the "population-area" relationship in the Sakar Mountain and the adjacent area in the 15th-16th century. After detailed selection and translation of the Ottoman tax registers and analysis of the information in terms of settlements, as identified in the registers, the borders of the kaza of Edirne have been established as well as the changes which occurred in that territory; the extent and methods of occupying this administrative area and the ethno-religious structure of the population, within the studies region, have been specified. It has been found that the East, West and North borders of the region of Edirne did not undergo significant changes in time. Only the South border was changed over the years, including towns and villages, adjacent to the kaza of Dimetoka. A typical feature of the settlement network, withing that region, was its instability at the end of 15th and the first half of the 16th century. The small weak settlements prevailed in it - probably still newly populated areas, founded when liberated slaves or colonized population settled the area or they were just old settlements in decline. Int the second half of the 16th century the settlement network became stable and strong and increased its density. Within the period 1485-1570 most densely populated was the area with and altitude of up to 250 m. Together with the process of settling the lowlands another process was taking place - settling of the foothill and the mountain areas of the region. The towns and villages, located in the investigated region, were occupied by Muslims and non-Muslims, as the total number of the households of both religious communities gradually increased in the years.
The debate of the identification and definition of the askeri cifliks lies at the center of the Ottoman economic history. Their existence arises important questions related to the balance in the Ottoman classical economic and social system based on the state land property, the legitimacy of the political power of the Ottoman ruling class and the revenue collection of the agrarian surplus. A typical case of land usurpation and private control over the appropriation of the agrarian surplus can be investigated in the detail thanks to a wealth of historical data consisting of tax registers (tapu-tahrir defters), inventories of vakf's revenues and complaints against the ciflik-owner dated from 16th to the beginning of 18th century. The foundation and practice of administrator (mutevelli) of the Sofu Mehmed Pasha's and Mustafa Aga's vakfs (charitable donations), in the beginning of the 18th century demonstrates the genesis of such farms by occupation of abandoned lands. In addition, the investigation of the genesis and character of Veli Efendi's ciflik shows different ways of violation of the land law by the ciflik-owner as a result of his attempts at accumulating land, power and riches. The information included in the documents concerning the case of the ciflik presents the importance of political and economic factors such as the impact of the military campaigns on the population and the possibility of usurpation of abandoned lands as a result of the flight of the villagers for creating big askeri cifliks. The administration and control over the vakf's revenues and properties as part of the ciflik-holder's official duties are also of great significance for making high profits through concealing the ciflik's population and workers, misappropriation of arable lands and tax evasion. In other words the investigation of the case of the Veli Efendi's ciflik sheds light on the basic debatable questions in the Ottoman historiography related to the genesis and development of the askeri cifliks in the Ottoman Empire and some violations of the law and taxation by their holder, especially during 17th-18th centuries.
The paper aims to add some elements to the portrait of hired workers (ter oglani, irgat) or share croppers (ortakci) in the askeri cifliks. The inheritance documents of several men and one woman who had died in the cifliks present a rare opportunity to examine aspects of the life of this category of people. The inheritance inventories (terke/ muhalleft defters) of these people were registered in the kadi court registers of the towns of Sofia, Vidin and Ruscuk (mod. Rousse). The first part of the paper analyses the main elements of the contractual relations between ciflik owners and the people they had hired and taxation of the workers. The second part of the paper examines some aspects of the portrait of these workers, based on a structural analysis of inheritance inventories of their representatives, who were either peasants or town dwellers.
U borbi za razvijanje socijalističkih samoupravnih društvenih odnosa u procesu stvaranja društva slobodnog rada, ukidanja ostataka klasnog društva i svih oblika potčinjavanja i otuđenosti čovjeka, SKJ se, u razdoblju između 12. i 13. kongresa, suočio u mnogo čemu s novom društvenom situacijom i novim izazovima, nastalim prije svega ekonomskom krizom i proturječnostima društvenog razvoja što ih ona nosi. Rezultati postignuti u prevladavanju proturječnosti u materijalnoj osnovi i strukturi društva, u svijesti radnih ljudi i njihovih organiziranih socijalističkih snaga - pa i u SK, iako nedovoljni, pokazuju da imamo dovoljno snage, znanja i iskustva da brže unapređujemo samoupravljanje. Tražeći pouzdane odgovore za svladavanje nagomilanih teškoća izraženih u ekonomskoj krizi s ozbiljnim socijalnim, idejnim i političkim posljedicama, došli smo do dubljih spoznaja o zakonitostima i proturječnostima samoupravnog razvoja, o snagama koje ga nose, o interesima što ih one zastupaju. Na toj osnovi rješavali smo i riješili mnoge probleme.
Ostvarivanje trajnih zajedničkih ciljeva i interesa društvenog i ekonomskog razvoja naše zemlje, svladavanje golemih teškoća u razvoju i izlazak iz ekonomske krize, daljnja izgradnja i jačanje socijalističkog samoupravljanja, dinamičan i skladniji društveno-ekonomski razvoj, brže uključivanje u međunarodnu podjelu rada, učvršćivanje ekonomskog jedinstva zemlje i stalno unapređivanje uvjeta života i rada radničke klase, radnih ljudi i građana zahtijevaju odgovarajuće promjene u sistemu društveno-ekonomskih i političkih odnosa i razvojnoj i ekonomskoj politici i djelovanju Saveza komunista i svih drugih subjektivnih samoupravnih socijalističkih snaga.
У Крагујевцу 22. Јануара; ПИТАЊА; Како се подиже пољоделство; Са велике школе; ДОПИСИ; Београд, 18. Јануар; У Књажевцу, 11. 1874. год.; Копривница, 15. Јануара; Јавна благодарност; Јавна коресподенција; Књижевни Огласи; ОГЛАСИ;
Крагујевац 10. Фебруара; Са велике школе; Из записника Небојше; Народној скупштини: Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Предлог за нов грађански поступак у округу (кантону) циришком; Спољна политика немачка; ДОПИСИ; Крагујевачка новост; Мојим ђацима у крагујевачкој гимназији; Књижевна вест; ОГЛАСИ; ФАБРИКА ШЕШИРА КОД ЗЛАТНОГ ЧИЛИНДЕРА на бившој Стамбол-капији;
Слободна штампа и народна скупштина; Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; ДОПИСИ; Јевропска дипломација и афера босанска; Београд 27. Фебруара; Баградан 15. Фебруара; РАЗЛИЧНОСТИ; ОГЛАСИ; На знање;
Крагујевац, 7. Марта; Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Најновији научни предлог; ДОПИСИ; Јевропска дипломација и афера босанска; РАЗЛИЧНОСТИ; Уредништву ''Јавности''; ПРИПОСЛАНО; ОГЛАСИ; На знање;
Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Земљедерско-шумарска школа у Пожаревцу; ДОПИСИ; Београд 28. Фебурара; Јагодина 6. Марта; Пожаревац 24. Фебурара; РАЗЛИЧНОСТИ; ОГЛАСИ; На знање;
''Завере око ''Јавности'' ''; Спаситељ друштвеног поретка; Штудије о стању пољске привреде у Србији; Земљеделско-шумарска школа у Пожаревцу; ДОПИСИ; Опет спаситељ друштвеног поретка; Јавна благодарност; Ценовник; Књижевни Оглас; ОГЛАСИ;
Zašto? Uzmimo Jugoslaviju, poređenja radi. Kada se raspadala Jugoslavija verovalo se da će, bar sa ekonomske tačke gledišta, Srbija proći bolje od Slovenije. Jer, dokazivalo se, Slovenija više zavisi od srpskog tržišta nego Srbija od slovenačkog. Takođe, verovalo se da će manje razvijene republike i Kosovo proći najgore. Konačno, hrvatski su političari i ekonomisti dokazivali da će se Hrvatska fiskalno rasteretiti jer se neće prelivati dohodak, kako se govorilo, od razvijenih u nerazvijena područja. Ništa od toga nije bilo tačno.
U ranu jesen, na ulicama Kikinde počinju da se pojavljuju plakati okačeni na bandere: „Pažnja! U blizini živi Mihalj Kertes, pljačkaš i saradnik ratnih zločinaca“; i: „Oprez! Zlikovac na slobodi“. U početku malo ko obraća pažnju na upozorenja izvučena na jeftinom štampaču. Kiša natapa papir, slova se razlivaju i ubrzo postaju nečitka. Ipak, preko noći se pojavljuju novi plakati, ovog puta napravljeni u vidu oznaka za radove na putu: „Na 500 metara od vas živi nekažnjeni otimač“; „Sada ste na sto metara od opasnog kriminalca“. Sutradan u predvečerje, istim ulicama prolazi grupa od stotinak ljudi sa sličnim transparentima i plakatima na kojima su uveličane fotografije Kertesa iz devedesetih i citati njegovih izjava. Kolona se zaustavlja kod Kertesove adrese i jedan od demonstranata počinje da govori u megafon...
Ove nedelje obeleženo je 66 godina od početka proizvodnje legendarnog fiće, zvaničnog naziva Fiat 600, koja je u pogonu Stara prikolica nekadašnjeg Vojnotehničkog zavoda u Kragujevcu (nakon 2. svetskog rata preimenovanog u Zavode Crvena zastava) startovala 18. oktobra daleke 1955. Prethodno je, 1954. kupljena licenca od Fijata, čemu je 1953. prethodilo izjašnjavanje radnika kragujevačkih Zavoda o početku proizvodnje putničkih vozila u Kragujevcu.
Prikaz knjige E.P. Thompsona „Pruga. Avantura izgradnje“ iz 1948, u prevodu Slobodanke Glišić, koja sadrži svedočenja članova britanske radne brigade koja je gradila prugu Šamac-Sarajevo. Tekst je objavljen u zborniku radova o ovoj knjizi, pod naslovom „Duh pruge“. Knjigu i zbornik je u jednim koricama 2020. objavila Fabrika knjiga.
His Excellency Mr. Golob, Distinguished Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this seminar in Portoroz, Slovenia. Before proceeding, I wish to thank the Government of Slovenia for graciously allowing us to hold our seminar in beautiful Portoroz. Why this seminar? Why this topic? And. Why now? Perhaps those questions have crossed your mind as you received your invitation to participate in this seminar. “Why this seminar”. To answer this question I will briefly recall some events over the past few years that have led us to Portoroz today. The Agreement for Confidence – and Security Building Measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Article II, Annex 1b, Dayton Peace Accords) contains one particular provision for “voluntary measures”. Under the auspices of this provision we have, over the past few years, conducted numerous seminars on topics such as “Democratic Control of the Armed Forces”, “Military Support to Civilians in Cases of Man-Made or Natural Disaster”. In particular, the seminar on Democratic Control spawned a whole series of initiatives involving NATO and OHR, as well as a number of bilateral initiatives, most notably with Switzerland and Sweden which focussed on members of the BiH government and senior military officials. In tandem with these initiatives, my office, with the gracious help of a number of OSCE countries, has sponsored Code of Conduct seminars targeting junior and mid-level officers. These seminars are an introduction into the OSCE as a body and the Code of Conduct measures adopted by the OSCE. In addition to these efforts, and still under the auspices of the Article II Agreement, the members of the Joint Consultative Commission, the body that oversees implementation of the Agreement on Confidence – and Security-Building Measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina agreed that in the interest of greater confidence and transparency they would allow a team of international auditors to conduct an audit of their respective military budgets. The aim, of course, was to show that the budgets could no longer sustain the relatively large military forces maintained in Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This audit process was hugely successful and evolved into a mammoth initiative that was given to Ambassador Beecroft and his staff. Arguably, it was this initial audit decision that has subsequently led to the tremendous restructuring and demobilization process that is on-going. This is of course a painful process but a necessary one that will lead to a military structure more compatible with actual defense and security needs and will move Bosnia and Herzegovina one step closer to European integration.
His Excellency Mr. Golob, Distinguished Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this seminar in Portoroz, Slovenia. Before proceeding, I wish to thank the Government of Slovenia for graciously allowing us to hold our seminar in beautiful Portoroz. Why this seminar? Why this topic? And. Why now? Perhaps those questions have crossed your mind as you received your invitation to participate in this seminar. “Why this seminar”. To answer this question I will briefly recall some events over the past few years that have led us to Portoroz today. The Agreement for Confidence – and Security Building Measures in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Article II, Annex 1b, Dayton Peace Accords) contains one particular provision for “voluntary measures”. Under the auspices of this provision we have, over the past few years, conducted numerous seminars on topics such as “Democratic Control of the Armed Forces”, “Military Support to Civilians in Cases of Man-Made or Natural Disaster”. In particular, the seminar on Democratic Control spawned a whole series of initiatives involving NATO and OHR, as well as a number of bilateral initiatives, most notably with Switzerland and Sweden which focussed on members of the BiH government and senior military officials. In tandem with these initiatives, my office, with the gracious help of a number of OSCE countries, has sponsored Code of Conduct seminars targeting junior and mid-level officers. These seminars are an introduction into the OSCE as a body and the Code of Conduct measures adopted by the OSCE.