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The risk represents a future probable event and its appearance could cause damages, could represent a danger or a possible incovenience. Therefore the risk is characterized by probability, exposure and vulnerability. In practice, most of the times exposure is included in consequences’ evaluation. Risks analysis represents the activity of objectively establish the risk, the probability and the consequences of its appearance. Obviously risks analysis will also produce the necessary signals for finding alternatives, for evaluating the probability that distortions may appear along the path and for defining the necessary elements in decision making process in the analyzed field. There is always a risk in public administration that is also assumed by the partners when supplying services with the explicit or tacit acceptance of the manager of that authority or public institution.
In this article we intend to characterize the dynamic effects of shocks in government expenditure (treated and components such as public spending for economic activities, social and cultural costs) and tax revenues of consolidated budget on economic activity in Romania the years 1999-2007, expressed by GDP, private consumption, investments.
Although there is no unity of views regarding the relation between management and leadership, there are still existing common points, among these being able to mention that in the extremely dynamic conditions in which is improving the organizations today and even more so in the future, is needed of practicing an effective leadership, of full involvement of people to achieve the goals and ensuring the success, of joint action of those, based o team spirit, to which a essential contribution has the leader, which implies strongly, affective and affective, motivating and determining the group members to ac effectively and harmonized. The effective leader must dispose of certain characteristics, native or/and acquired trough training, to know to communicate well with the team members, to be creative, inventive, have vision, to accept and even to cause the change, which will be and competitive advantage in the competitive environment increasingly emphasized.
The insolvency procedure is a collective procedure that takes into account the rights of all the creditors at the same time and takes place under the control and supervision of justice. The regulation concerning the insolvency procedures applies to the procedures determined by the debtor’s insolvency in which his total or partial discontinuance in the specific activity takes place and in which a liquidator is assigned. This community act does not apply to the insolvency procedures of insurance companies that provide services involving possession of funds or securities of third parties and collective investment organs. The titular of the request opening this procedure can be any creditor that has a certain liquid receivable that corresponds to the threshold established by law in the member state in which the judicial instance in referred to. The international competence of opening an insolvency procedure belongs to the state in which “the center of the debtor’s main interests is located” and the applicable law of the procedure is the member state’s law in which the procedure was open. In Romania, the law in this context is Law no.85/2006 on insolvency procedure, modified. In solving the possible competence conflicts that can appear related to the opening of the main procedure, “the center of the debtor’s main interests” criteria is used, as defined in the Statute. It regulates the opening of a single main procedure and several secondary procedures the latter on the condition that the debtor’s headquarter is located in the member state in which the opening of the secondary procedure is requested. Any decision of opening an insolvency procedure issued by a competent instance in a member state is recognized in all the other member states, as soon as it produces its effects (except the cases expressly mentioned in the community act, that has to be strictly interpreted and applied), even if the decision is final or not.
In nowadays economy the dynamic of the company relies on knowledge and the way it is put to work both by the management and operational personnel. Technological advances, mostly the information technology brings a new environment that foster the intellectual assets of the company. The understanding of the subject, its importance, and the ways the intellectual capital is sustained by technological and informational means are definitely matters that allow the company to succeed or to make it lose in the global competition.
In this paper we shall give a new algorithm instead of Johnson classical in the process of determination the sequence of pieces execution on two installations without initial deliverance times.
For the beginning, the paper deals with the necessity of the participation to the world division of labour in order to prevent the growth of the disparities between the countries. We talk about the average rate of the world exports growth and the evolution of the world trade on specific countries, as well. The second part of the paper analysis the world trade with the manufactured goods and with the basic goods. A distinct part of the paper deals with the international divided into six specific goods: food, rare materials, combustibles, chemicals, cars, equipments and means of transport and other manufactured goods. Other part of the paper analyses Romania’s chronic negative sold of the trade balance. The final conclusion is that the trade policy has a significant impact on the efficiency. The trade policy is able to produce indirect effects on the labour market and the internal sold goods sector. On the other hand, the custom regulations imply institutional changes and generate shocks into the internal business environment and changes of the local attractively economy.