Correlation between International Financial Reporting Standards and assessment in the context of market value relations -fair value
Applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) will have the purpose: the rationale is that the professional accounting, switching to accounting based on fair value, involves getting more frequent information on the fair value of assets; professional staff should be informed of the substance of the economic activities of companies for a proper application of the standards (there are fewer detailed instructions of the Ministry of Finance); it is possible that tax regulations do not keep up with the accounting, tax implications of certain transactions may be unclear and therefore may conflict with tax authorities. This detaches the idea that the application of different standards, leading to different results, with implications for the interpretation of data, calculates economic and financial indicators and distorting "the truth accountant”. The analysis outlined above suggests that, at least at European level, making a financial audit, of how to evaluate companies in accordance with Financial Reporting Standards and IVSC would create an international market that would ensure international recognition specialists in this field.