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Marjan Čakarević SKLIZNULO, KAO SJAJ (Nikola Vujčić: Dokle pogled dopire, SKD Prosvjeta, Zagreb, 2010) Ivan Radosavljević PROVOKATIVNI PESIMIZAM (Vladan Matijević: Vrlo malo svetlosti, Agora, Zrenjanin, 2010) Zdravko Petrović MONTAŽA NOVINSKIH ATRAKCIJA (Muharem Bazdulj: Sjetva soli, Rende, Beograd, 2010) Ala Tatarenko NA POLA PUTA KOJI VODI U KRUG: SUOČENJE SA ZVUKOM 90-IH Saša Knežević SILA KOJA BOGA NE MOLI (Branko Brđanin Bajović: Sila, Filip Višnjić, Beograd, 2010) Srđan Vidrić HOD PO ŽICI (Aleksandar Bjelogrlić: Brazilski akvarel, Agora, Zrenjanin, 2010) Aleksandra Grubor MEDITERAN, ŠIRENJE LIČNOG MIKROKOSMOSA (Boris Jovanović Kastel: Ručak na hridini, Izdanje autora i prijatelja, Podgorica, 2010) Jana Aleksić IŠČAŠENE SLIKE, SLANA VODA I BESPREKORNO ZAUMLJE (Dragoljub Stanković: Barka tela, KOV, Vršac, 2010) Mileta Aćimović Ivkov USMERENO ČITANJE (Vladislava Gordić Petković: Mistika i mehanika, Stubovi kulture, Beograd, 2010) Jelena Milinković MOĆ POEZIJE, POEZIJA MOĆI (Dubravka Đurić: Politika poezije, AŽIN, Beograd, 2010) Bojan Savić Ostojić KAKO POTKRADATI BUDUĆE AUTORE (I PROĆI NEKAŽNJENO) (Pjer Bajar: Anticipirani plagijat, prevela sa francuskog Mira Popović, Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2010)
Book Review: Andrzej L. Zachariasz (red.), Byt i jego pojęcie, Wyd. UR, Rzeszów 2003, ss. 470
Book Review: Valeria Szydłowska, Nlhilizm i dekonstrukcja, Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2003, ss. 262
Book Review: Andrzej Szahaj, E PLURIBUS UNUM? Dylematy wielokulturowości i politycznej poprawności, Kraków 2004, ss. 195
Book Review: Andrzej Szahaj, Zniewalająca moc kultury. Artykuły i szkice zjilozojii i kultury, poznania i polityki, Wyd. UMK, Toruń 2004, ss. 266
Book Review: Henryk Skolimowski, Philosophy for a New Civilisation Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi 2005, ss. 299
Book Review: Magdalena Żardecka-Nowak, Wspólnota i ironia. Richard Rorty i jego wizja społeczeństwa liberalnego, Wyd. KUL, Lublin 2003, ss. 320.
The subject of the present article is the analysis of the main ideological assumptions of the founder of the Slavophil intellectual movement, Ivan Kireyevsky. In the article, one can read about the syncretic character of the Russian culture, which was described by Kireyevsky in "The European" - a magazine which he himself edited and published. According to Kireyevsky the truth can only be achieved through a comparative analysis of the intentions of the European and Russian spirits. At the same time, in his early works, he sympathizes with the Western culture presenting it as a model to be followed by the East.