Poszukiwanie tożsamości jako signum temporis Europy
Book Review: Zbigniew Drozdowicz (red.), Współczesna Europa w poszukiwaniu swojej tożsamości, "Humaniora", Poznań 2003, ss. 230
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Book Review: Zbigniew Drozdowicz (red.), Współczesna Europa w poszukiwaniu swojej tożsamości, "Humaniora", Poznań 2003, ss. 230
The subject of the article is the analysis of the concept of 'history' and studies pertaining to history. The considerations are conducted against the background of disputes between well-shaped, theoretical standpoints in philosophical dispute. Special place in the analysis has a controversy between the followers of history conception as generalizing learning and history as individualizing studies, as well as, controversies existing between historicism and ahistoricism. The inquiry into the question of the validity of the idea of history end, the author asserts that historical thinking is a proper way of human existence.
The article is devoted to the presentation of an original conception of civilizational pluralism of Feliks Konieczny, a Polish historiosopher of the period between WWI and WW2. The text considers two main ideas of the doctrine of the multiplicity of civilizations - the conception of the civilizational pluralism of mankind as well as a related philosophy of deeds. In this context Koneczny's theory appears as a specific anticipation of Huntington's thought regarding civilizational clashes.
Book Review: Joanna Gwiazdecka, Etyka Platona. O formie platońskiej refleksji moralnej, Wydawnictwo ANTYK, Kęty 2003, ss. 180
The article deals with the theoretical problems of typological description as a methodological expression of integral cognizance of an object under investigation. Two lines of typological classification have been pointed out on the material of biological science - getean and cuvian, that are backed up by various typological strategies applied in natural sciences and the humanities. Theoretical problems of the formation of a typological concept are analyzed not only in a logico-methodological dimension, but also in a historical-philosophical context, yielding metaphysical foundations of different types of scientific knowledge. The getean line of typology that has not be en sufficiently developed up to now has been shown as promising for future research.
The article is fjocused on exposing main methodological principles ofj building values sets and value systems. Radical axiological constructivism is founded on anthropological argumentation where values are considered as compensation of human defects and social deficits. Experience of values revision in European history was always connectecl with nihilism as a condition for establishment of new valuation.
In the future globalization will also embrace spiritual culture and philosophy. This will cause the downfall of philosophical doctrines that are traditionally termed as national and regional. Hence, there is little sense in talking about the influence of the philosophy in the Slav countries on Europe's and world's culture and civilization. In the global (transnational and transcontinental) society, global philosophy will shape. Currently we are already dealing with the attempts of creating universal philosophies, such as universalism and Hongming Philosophy, which ought to be the cornerstones of world philosophy of some kind. It seems to be very unlikely that the philosophy of the Slav countries would be capable of generating same kind of proposal for world philosophy.
There is a great diversity of meanings and senses for the concept of local civilization. In the modern scientific discourse one-sided patterns of civilization present the idea realized in «the project reality». It is necessary to apply manysided methodological construct including spatial, temporal and conative parameters of comparative study of local civilizations.
Valuation is invariably connected with all stages of the activity of the historian of philosophy with gathering facts, their arrangement, critical analysis and results. lt is present in all types of historiophilosophical studies - descriptive, biographic, historiocultural, hermeneutic ones - and thus does not ignore such a concept of the history of philosophy which is referred to as perennial philosophy (philosophia perennis). The most prominent representative of perennial philosophy in Poland was a catholic philosopher (a Jesuit) - Franciszek Kwiatkowski (1888-1949), and the trend had its adherents even in the second half of the 20th century. The catholic view-point of philosophy itself and its history was the standard of valuation - positive in relation to some facts, and negative in relation to others. The perennial was bound up with catholicity, and catholicity, in its turn, with the Church - and so philosophia perennis proved to be one of the most ideologized forms of philosophical historiography, referring in its philosophical valuation to non-philosophical criteria.
Book Review: Jarosław Gowin, Religia i ludzkie biedy. Ks. Tischnera spory o Kościół, "Znak", Kraków 2003, ss. 220
Book Review: Artur Mordka, Przedmiot i sposób istnienia. Zarys ontologii egzystencjalnej R. Ingardena, Wyd. UR, Rzeszów 2002, ss. 309
The Author undertook to present Buddhism threads in Ivan Franko's writing. The subject of text is, besides figure Ukrainian poetry and scientist, analysis Buddhism inspiration, to point at translations and Buddhism threads in his poetry.
The Sentence Machiavelli about authentic, rather then narrow-cultural, Rebirth to Italia, was complex: he has not only described the type state device, order and system of the rule, organization and composition oj armed power, but also has described (the default on censorship considerations, having sorted and by prove having rejected all other variants) meritorious and suiting religious system for this state. The Author supposes that such religion Machiavelli considered the orthodoxy.