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This paper gives an overview of designations used for the Croatian language, from the first known records to those used in the 21st century. These records clearly show that in past centuries language was indeed a connecting link between Croatian areas otherwise disconnected from each other through administrative or other boundaries. Language as an indicator of identity is also apparent in reactions to some recent EU initiatives that have suggested that collective terms such as ‘Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian’ or ‘Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian’ could be employed to also encompass the Croatian language.
The paper consists of two conceptually related parts that combine historical and contemporary components. The first part aims to show how the elements (language, culture, customs) specific to the region (the island of Koručula, Dalmatia) were transferred by migrants in Australia from one social environment to another, and how these elements are lived, survived and modified influenced by elements of the new social environment. The second part discusses the role and importance of the traditional (local / regional) culture in shaping the identity of the descendants of Croatian migrants from Korčula in a contemporary Australian context.
The paper critically examines the attitudes of some prominent postcolonial African writers to the use of English as a medium of artistic creativity. The political and sociolinguistic transmutations the English language undergoes in post-colonial literary contexts and societies have engaged the attention of both literary and linguistic scholars over the years. The processes by which the use of the English language in post-colonial societies gradually move from an external to an internal norm have been variously labeled as nativization, transculturation, and appropriation. One way of conceiving of post-colonial literatures in English is to think of them as the result of the contact of English with other languages in multilingual and multicultural contexts. Consequently, the writings to be examined in this paper epitomize how post-colonial writers adapt and modify the English language to fit their own cultural, social, and political exigencies.
Alma Lazarevska detects and decodes machinery of war in all its monstrousity and destructivity concepting things in her book Sarajevo`s passions, notices, coments, esseys and writings. Using poetry of testify, text that are made in a period between the May of 1990. to the September of 1994., present writer`s answer to occurs she took the place in. Texts have got documentary the suffer of citizens in besieged city Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to reveal political and ideological pseudostories, mimiery well hidden and to tell them trough the endless Sarajevo`s stories. She tells her stories through ironic prisma of arranging passions, a cad game, that she gives mark Sarajevo`s. Playing with human`s lives, their dignity, is the lunatic key for industrial fun game called the war. She testifies about evil and suffer, fragmaticizing, she gives identity to victims and that way proofs the through of A. Cammi that the writer never stands aside those that make history instead those that suffer because of it. In that way the honesty becomes the document of horror. It`s the testify about the worst and the most barbarian war at the end of twentieh century.
This paper analyses the possibility of existence of linking words (junctors) of subordinate interogative clauses (indirect questions). It is shown that subordinate interogative clauses are always included in the structure of the complex sentence asyndetically, without junctors. That opinion is different than usual one, mentioned in the grammatical literature.
Kasno pojavljivanje novina u Bosni utjecalo je na primarno konfesionalnu određenost nacionalnih samodefiniranja stanovništva. To je kašnjenje uzrokovano uglavnom konzervativnom politikom Osmanskog cartva prema štamparstvu i štampi uopće i općim obrazovnim, kulturnim i materijalnim stanjem Bosne. Procesi nacionalne identifikacije bosanskih katolika i pravoslavnih, podsticani su, verbalno simbolički kroz štampu koja je u Bosnu ulazila kako iz Srbije tako i iz hrvatskih dijelova Habzburške monarhije. U njoj su hipertrofirane vjerske posebnosti, mitologizirani epski događaji i junaci, separirana narodna tradicija, sve u cilju stvaranja separatnih etničkih zajednica Srba i Hrvata unutar bosanskog narodnog korpusa. Kada se u Bosni pojavila štampa, ti procesi nacionalnog odvajanja su već bili nepovratno dovršeni i nisu ih mogli neutralizirati eksplicitno etničko distanciranje i diferenciranje Bošnjaka – muslimana od Osmanlija niti vojno-političko angažiranje oko državnopolitičke autonomije Bosne.
The paper discusses the function and meaning of the adjective white in folk poetry. Reading of two collections of folk poetry, it was found that the adjective often occurs as part of the established structures. In that sence the aim of this paper is to detect possible language functions and meanings that adjective white has in folk poetry.
In this article are examined Semitism and anti-Zionism in the period since September 2000 (start of second intifada) to August 2014 (end of intervention by Israel in Gaza), considering a theoretical and a conceptual framework regarding these terms. Then we analyse the global context of this phenomenon and finally study the cases of Argentina and Chile. The growth of groups, movements and political parties of the extreme right, the economic crisis, the emergence of a discourse from the radical left, are factors that, to a lesser or greater extent, contribute to this phenomenon of intolerance towards the Jewish world. Also the conflict that Israel maintains with Palestine is a substantial source of biases against Jews and Israel. Latin America in general and Argentina and Chile, in particular, are no strangers to this problem.
The path and manner of objects in motion events have been studied in many languages. Previous research has focused on whether both path and manner are expressed in the main verb and whether manner can be omitted due to saliency, narrative style, or available linguistic constructions of a particular language. However, it is unknown to what extent language users express manner when it is salient and marked. Aiming to fill this gap, the present study asked how Turkish Sign Language (TİD) signers express location, orientation, and manner in a basic motion event including manner but not path. Eight TİD signers participated in an experiment and described what they saw in 34 brief videos to an addressee. Results showed a significant difference between expressions of location, orientation, and manner or leaving them ambiguous. While TİD signers encoded manners of motion obligatorily, they gave the locations of the objects more than their orientations. Thus, when manner is salient, it must be encoded regardless of language family or modality.