Author(s): Z. Kulundžić,A. Kapetanović,Davor Vuletić,Abdulah Sarajlić,Dževad F. Sarajlić,Zlatko Dizdarević / Language(s): Bosnian
The focus of this analysis will primarily be the bilateral economic relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation (RF), that is, that aspect of the relationship that deals with economic diplomacy, because we believe that in the future economic relations will be dominant within the overall bilateral relations between BiH and the RF. Of course, in addition to the economic dimension of bilateral relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation, we will give a brief description of political relations and relations in the sphere of culture, science and sports, because this actually gives us a rounded picture of those relations. What is an important determinant of the bilateral relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation is asymmetry, which is reflected in the differences in the size of the two countries, because: 1) the Russian Federation belongs to the largest countries in the world, while Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to small countries; 2) in the geopolitical sense, the RF is a world power, BiH is in the stages of positioning within the international political scene; 3) in the economic sense, the RF is a world-relevant market, BiH with a small market, viewed in a global context, and also when talking about the potential of natural resources, then 4) the RF has Mendeleev's table, that is, all the known elements that exist in nature, while Bosnia and Herzegovina has much more modest potential in this sense. Another important determinant of bilateral relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Russian Federation is the specificity that is reflected in the special status of the Russian Federation vis-à-vis Bosnia and Herzegovina, because the Russian Federation is a member of, for example, the Contact Group and other (international) bodies, institutions and organizations that are (in)directly involved in the political processes of the post-war period. Bosnia and Herzegovina.