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Audio description is a new form of audiovisual translation which enables blind and visually impaired individuals to have access to audiovisual products. The author presents the emergence and history of this translation trend with special focus on audio description and the process of creating audio description scripts. Various types of audio description are analysed. Spanish and Polish research in this area is also discussed.
This paper is an attempt of a cognitive analysis performed on a piece of Polish literature translated into Italian, entitled "Kosmos" ("Cosmos") by Witold Gombrowicz. The translation was made by Francesco M. Catalucci e Donatella Tozzetti. It presents the difficulties and traps that translators encounter in their work and emphasizes the complexity of translation process as a phenomena that is not only linguistic, but also operating on mental level of individuals as well as of linguistic communities. The analysis demonstrates some examples of Gombrowicz’s particular language and compares them with the translated expressions. It explains how important is for a succeeded translation not only the translator’s linguistic competence but, in particular, his wide knowledge about the nation that speaks the language of the text to be translated.
This paper deals with a short study of automatic translation and natural language processing in contemporary linguistics. The author presents the main reasons of their conception as well as their beginnings and expectations in the historical perspective. Also the difficulties in the domain of automatic translation like polysemy, ambiguity or choice of the formalisms appropriate to the description and the proposals of their resolution are focused on in the paper. In this context, the article examines the problem of word sense disambiguation according to the object oriented approach proposed by W. Banyś. The author seeks to demonstrate the differences in the choice of the linguistic means in French and Polish on the analyzed levels and the influence of occurrence in this description. The aim of this paper is also to indicate some possibilities to communicate our human linguistic abilities to the computer to ensure the correct machine translation.
The article aims to analyse — on the basis of cognitive linguistics — the concept of health in Italian and some of its relations to many domains of people’s life. Various idiomatic expressions are examined with the focus on determining the way of perceiving a given notion and its conceptual content. The analyses which were conducted within the framework of master’s thesis of the author led to conclusion that health, which is an abstract notion, is often expressed by the metaphors which reveal a great part of perception, values and attitudes. Italians most often associate health with a person, thus the examined notion is equipped with the qualities and attributes characteristic for humankind.
Praseological phenomenon is the key issue of a natural language. However, the phraseological process as well as its products emerging as fixed phraseological expressions raise problems not only in the process of glottodidactics but also in the process of translation. The main emphasis is put on the selected problems emerging during the process of translation of phraseological units. Furthermore, the issue of interlingual phraseological transfer is discussed. The author of this paper depicts a range of selected methods used in the process of translation of phraseological units. What is more, the examples of techniques and strategies which are helpful in the didactics of translation are discussed. Finally, it should be underlined that the in-depth research may be particularly useful in the didactics of translation for future translators.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the relations between thematic segments which constitue the intermediate level of information structure in discourse. The information structures are defined as hierarchically organized thematic-rhematic structures and, in their thematic part, the author distinguishes three levels represented by: global theme, theme of thematic segments and theme of sentence. The author focuses her attention on possible thematic-rhematic configurations appearing in the place where thematic segments contact.
The article focuses on the problem of conceptual hierarchy that exists within the semantic field language communication based on the object oriented approach proposed by Wiesław Banyś. On the basis of the collected language material the author presents the semantic analysis of words taking into consideration all the necessary elements that appear in the process of communication and their interpretation with reference to the linguistic elements that represent them. Next, the classification of particular object subclasses is carried out.
The following article discusses problems concerning the persuasive function of semantic and rhetorical means used to express evaluations and judgements in a special type of media discourse called editorial. By using different semantic and rhetorical means of valorization, journalists construct the axiological domain of discursive representation in order to influence and manipulate the readers’ feelings and opinions. Therefore, the author of the study focuses her attention on two types of linguistic means of valorization such as axiological expressions (J-C. Anscombre, O. Ducrot, 1988) and persuasive metaoperators (according to A. Awdiejew’s terminology, 2004) whose purpose is to reinforce the information content. Both elements are connected with language manipulation.