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Student Management in Improving Cadet Discipline at the Aceh Malahayati Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia

Student Management in Improving Cadet Discipline at the Aceh Malahayati Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia

Student Management in Improving Cadet Discipline at the Aceh Malahayati Shipping Polytechnic, Indonesia

Author(s): Nanak Pamungkas Prastyo,Niswanto Niswanto,Bahrun Bahrun / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Management; Students; Discipline;

This study aimed to determine: Student management planning and implementation in improving cadets' discipline at the Malahayati Aceh Shipping Polytechnic and the Obstacles faced in managing students in improving cadets' discipline. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The subjects of this study were directors, heads of academic administration and cadets, instructors/lecturers/teachers, and cadets and cadets. The results of the study are: 1) Planning for cadet and cadet management at the Malahayati Aceh Shipping Polytechnic is carried out based on vision and mission and consists of a) planning for the acceptance of cadets and cadets; b) planning for character development for cadets and cadets; c) planning the implementation of cadets and cadets' learning; and d) planning for the implementation of cadet and cadet learning evaluations. 2) The implementation of cadet and cadet management is by carrying out all regulations such as the cadet and cadet regulations as well as procedures that have been previously arranged and the implementation of all planned programs, namely the implementation of cadet and cadet admissions new, implementation of character training, implementation of learning, and implementation of learning evaluation; 3) The obstacles faced in carrying out student management to improve the discipline of cadets and cadets are not too heavy. The obstacles encountered are only internal, namely between caregivers, instructors and cadets and cadets.

Soft Skills Needed by the Tertiary Students During Pandemic

Soft Skills Needed by the Tertiary Students During Pandemic

Soft Skills Needed by the Tertiary Students During Pandemic

Author(s): Nino G. Herrera,Ruth G. Luciano / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: adaptability; COVID-19; negotiation; pandemic; self-directed learning; soft skills; stress management;

This study aims to describe the soft or personal skills of the B.S. Information Technology students of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, in School Year 2020-2021. Percentage, weighted mean, and ranking were used to describe the students' skills. Generally, the results showed that students believed that the top 2 essential skills during the pandemic are negotiation and stress management. For them, speaking in a friendly manner and clarifying in case of misunderstanding are critical in a negotiation. On the other hand, respondents highlighted that requirements must be done before the deadline to be free from stress.

Management of Providing Scholarships by the Human Resources Development Agency for Educators in Aceh Province, Indonesia

Management of Providing Scholarships by the Human Resources Development Agency for Educators in Aceh Province, Indonesia

Management of Providing Scholarships by the Human Resources Development Agency for Educators in Aceh Province, Indonesia

Author(s): Cut Alda Armalia,Niswanto Niswanto,Ismail Ismail / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Management; Scholarships; Educators;

Management of scholarships can be interpreted as everything related to the management of the planning process to the follow-up of scholarships to achieve the goals that have been set, both short, medium and long-term goals. This study aims to determine the management of scholarships by the Human Resources Development Agency for teaching staff in Aceh Province. The method used is a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach - data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were the Head of Human Resources Development and Cooperation of the Human Resources Development Agency, Sub-Coordinator for Cooperation Planning and Alumni Utilization, Sub-Coordinator for Apparatus Resource Development, Assistant for Technical Implementation of Activities, Scholarship Management Analyst, and Scholarship Committee. The research results show that: 1) Planning for scholarships for teaching staff is designed based on suggestions from the district/city government, and then a meeting is held to determine a work plan. Scholarships will be opened in various categories if the special autonomy funds are sufficient. 2) The implementation of the scholarship begins with the mechanism for registration, selection, and disbursement of funds which the committee carries out according to the existing formalities. 3) Evaluation is carried out both online and offline. As for online via the WhatsApp Group and offline, it is carried out by monitoring a team of experts from the Human Resources Development Agency to the intended university. 4) Human Resources Development Agency follow-up on scholarship recipients for educators, namely by increasing competence so that they can serve to improve the quality of education in Aceh Province. 5) Obstacles during the scholarship process are community issues regarding the closed selection of scholarships, difficulties in collecting data as needed, and information circulating in the community about scholarship regulations. The solution taken by Human Resources Development Agency in responding to this obstacle is to increase publications and routinely remind recipients to provide data on time.

Principal Leadership in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SD Negeri 1 Beureunun and Islamic Private Elementary Schools in Pidie Regency, Indonesia

Principal Leadership in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SD Negeri 1 Beureunun and Islamic Private Elementary Schools in Pidie Regency, Indonesia

Principal Leadership in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SD Negeri 1 Beureunun and Islamic Private Elementary Schools in Pidie Regency, Indonesia

Author(s): Mulyadi Mulyadi,Nasir Usman,Ismail Ismail / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Principal Management; Teacher Performance; Industrial Revolution 4.0;

Top management is one of the factors that influence teacher performance in learning. This research aims to determine school principals' programs, strategies, supervision, and constraints in improving teacher performance in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This research is a case study research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were school principals, deputy heads of curriculum, teachers, supervisors and school development teams. The research results are: 1) The program carried out is: formulating the program, compiling the School Development Team (TPS), schedule of activities, program e-learning, and technology-based training programs according to 21st-century learning that TPS has prepared. 2) The strategy is carried out by dividing tasks according to the duties and functions of the TPS, involving teachers in IT-based training and having the ability Communication, Collaborative, Critical Thinking, and Creativity (4C) in 21stcentury learning. 3) Supervision is carried out by the principal, namely carrying out the supervision process directly or through recording Close Circuit Television (CCTV), which evaluates the achievement of program goals and targets. 4) Obstacles include that the principal has not been able to accommodate all of the teacher's needs in the use of technology, and teachers' ability in the technology field still needs to be improved.

Computer-Based National Assessment Implementation Independently At Jaya 1st State Junior High School Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia

Computer-Based National Assessment Implementation Independently At Jaya 1st State Junior High School Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia

Computer-Based National Assessment Implementation Independently At Jaya 1st State Junior High School Aceh Jaya District, Indonesia

Author(s): Arisal Nurhadi,Khairuddin Khairuddin,Nasir Usman / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Implementation; Competency Assessment; High School;

Assessment is an activity to reveal the quality of the process and learning outcomes. Implementation of competency assessment at SMP Negeri 1 Jaya in Aceh Jaya Regency independently since 2020. However, the performance of the first year, the Computer-Based National Assessment, could have run better due to network factors that made it difficult to access the central server. Whereas in 2021, there were also problems with sudden power outages and the internet network weakening, causing a failure in one of the sessions. As well as the readiness of students to answer literacy and numeracy questions which are still constrained by abilities that are still below average based on the 2022 Jaya 1 Public Middle School Education report card, the literacy ability score is 1.83, and the numeracy ability score is 1.72 respectively each of them is still at level 1. These problems become a big picture and challenge, so they become obstacles in implementing independent computer-based national assessments at SMP Negeri 1 Jaya.

Relevance of Implementing Christian Religious Education at Manado Polytechnic, Indonesia

Relevance of Implementing Christian Religious Education at Manado Polytechnic, Indonesia

Relevance of Implementing Christian Religious Education at Manado Polytechnic, Indonesia

Author(s): Jerry Heisye Purnama / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Christian Religious Education; Relevance; Character Development;

In Indonesian educational institutions, religious education, including Christian Religious Education, must be taught to all students and Christian students. However, most students today focus on developing scientific competencies in a particular field rather than general compulsory learning such as Christian Religious Education. The objectives include determining the significance of Christian Religious Education in universities and the role and impact of education on student life at the Manado State Polytechnic. This research concluded that Christian Religious Education must still be taught in all universities because it has a vital role in the growth of intellectual, spiritual, moral, and social students.

Principle Managerial Competence in Improving Teacher Performance

Principle Managerial Competence in Improving Teacher Performance

Principle Managerial Competence in Improving Teacher Performance

Author(s): Iqlima Iqlima,Cut Zahri Harun,Yusrizal Yusrizal / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Management; Principal Program; Teacher Performance;

Improving teachers' performance is inseparable from the role of a school principal as a leader. This study aimed to determine how the managerial competence of school principals improves teacher performance at SMP Negeri 1 Seulimeum and SMP Negeri 3 Seulimeum. This study used a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the research findings, it was found that: 1) Programs planned and carried out to improve teacher performance include: training/improvement of soft teacher skills, educational seminars, teacher workshops, MGMP, KKG, rewarding teachers who excel and also increase teacher incentives and provide opportunities for teachers to use IT tools in learning. 2) Obstacles to school principals in improving teacher performance are lack of motivation in increasing the professionalism of some teachers, time constraints, constraints in the financing, and lack of support from experts who can provide training or workshops in language easily understood by teachers. 3) The supporting factors for school principals in improving teacher performance are due to the fulfilment of existing school infrastructure, which supports the success of KBM (Teaching and Learning Activities).

Implementation of Academic Supervision by the School Principle in SMP Negeri 2 Kuripan, West Lombok District, Indonesia

Implementation of Academic Supervision by the School Principle in SMP Negeri 2 Kuripan, West Lombok District, Indonesia

Implementation of Academic Supervision by the School Principle in SMP Negeri 2 Kuripan, West Lombok District, Indonesia

Author(s): Nahar Nahar,Joni Rokhmat,Sudirman Sudirman / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Implementation; Academic Supervision; School Principals;

Supervision is an activity to assist teachers in developing their abilities and skills in managing to learn and achieving learning objectives. This research focuses on the implementation of academic supervision by the principal at SMP Negeri 2 Kuripan, West Lombok Regency. This study aimed to describe the planning, implementation and follow-up of academic supervision by the principal at SMP Negeri 2 Kuripan, West Lombok Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were school principals and teachers at SMP Negeri 2 Kuripan. Supervision techniques used are individual techniques and group techniques. The results showed that: 1) School principals have good supervision planning, namely carrying out preparatory meetings, forming teams, preparing supervision program plans, and preparing supervision schedules. 2) School principals carry out academic supervision with preobservation, observation, and post-observation or feedback meetings. 3) The principal carries out follow-up academic supervision, provides reinforcement and appreciation to teachers who meet standards, gives reprimands, advises teachers who do not meet standards, and provides opportunities for teachers to follow further education and training.

Management of Guidance and Counselling Services at SMP Negeri 4 Gerung Lombok Barat, Indonesia

Management of Guidance and Counselling Services at SMP Negeri 4 Gerung Lombok Barat, Indonesia

Management of Guidance and Counselling Services at SMP Negeri 4 Gerung Lombok Barat, Indonesia

Author(s): Rahman Rahman,A. Hari Witono,Fahruddin Fahruddin / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: Implementation; Academic Supervision; School Principals;

This study aims to describe the management of guidance and counselling services at junior high school 4 Gerung West Lombok. This research is a qualitative approach with a case study design. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: 1) Planning is done by analysing student needs, issues, and problems, then determining the guidance and counselling service program to be achieved. 2) The organising stage is divided by tasks, authorities, and responsibilities and determines each teacher's guidance and counselling services flow. 3) The implementation of guidance and counselling services follows the program planned at the beginning of the school year. 4) The evaluation is carried out to control the suitability between the program and implementation, as well as the obstacles that impact the process of teaching and learning activities.

Word Formation by Reduplication Method in Modern Turkic Languages

Word Formation by Reduplication Method in Modern Turkic Languages

Word Formation by Reduplication Method in Modern Turkic Languages

Author(s): Gatiba Chingiz Mahmudova / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: reduplication; word formation; grammar; Turkish; Turkic languages;

There are examples of grammaticalisation in various forms in Turkic languages. Reduplication attracts attention both as a grammatical sign and as one of the ways of word formation. Repetition is one of the grammatical categories functionally used in Turkic languages. This article examines examples from old and modern Turkic languages. It explains with examples that the method of reduplication is used in Turkish as a method of word formation, as in some other world languages. In addition, some language units formed by repetition are tried to explain by the theory of grammar and are dealt with from examples in which reduplication creates the inflectional features in semantic and morphological categories. The method of reduplication in languages where it is used as a grammatical sign, grammatical categories such as augmentative, limitation, frequency, transition, etc., can be mentioned by forms with different phonological values, such as full or partial reduplication. The reduplication formed by the repetition of a word in the first stage represents the intermediate stage before the completion of word formation in the second stage. It is a semantic description of the newly formed word. There are many lexical units in the orthographic dictionary of the Azerbaijani language, which are words formed by the method of reduplication. The reproduction process is less productive than morphological, syntactic, lexical and other word-formation methods. Still, as a result, there is such a method in the grammatical structure of Turkic languages.

Polysemy and Context in Literary Works

Polysemy and Context in Literary Works

Polysemy and Context in Literary Works

Author(s): Ilhama Yusif Khanaliyeva / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: polysemy; lexicology; context; homonymy; word meanings;

Polysemy is an essential linguistic process that occurs intensively in language. It plays a significant role in creating phraseological combinations and generating various semantic changes in the language. Polysemy should be distinguished from eurysemy (lexical broadness) and homonymy. Polysemy and eurythmy in language and speech reveal some common properties; however, they are essentially different linguistic phenomena. In Eurysemy, the word's meaning is realized similarly through the context, but it does not undergo significant changes. One of the structural components of a polysemous word is a lexico-semantic variation or separate meaning, which is essential in the study of polysemy. Elimination of polysemy - actualization of a particular meaning of a word is carried out in context. There are two opposing views regarding the nature of a word's linguistic meaning in linguistics. The word itself has no lexical meaning and acquires it only in context. The lexical meaning initially enters the word and is only expressed and recognized in context. A polysemantic word implemented within a set of fixed indicators has a phraseologically related meaning, and each combination of a given polysemantic word with a specific hand becomes a separate phrase. The article deals with polysemy in language generally and in literary works. It explains its significant role in creating phraseological combinations and generating semantic changes in the language and other linguistic features.

The Functions of the Invective Lexicon

The Functions of the Invective Lexicon

The Functions of the Invective Lexicon

Author(s): Ulvuyye Shirzad Huseynova / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: invective; addressee; addresser; function; colloquialism; vulgarisms;

Invective vocabulary has recently been of interest to linguists, so we paid attention to the semantic development of this layer of language. The article aims to investigate this layer and how this layer is formed. The formation of invective vocabulary occurs mainly with the help of the following lexico-semantic methods: the transition of ordinary language into invective due to the means of linguistic expressiveness. Of particular interest is the communicative aspect of the use of invectives. Even though that many words are quite often used as abuses not only in live communication but also in many texts, this possible meaning is not always recorded in dictionaries.

Enhanced Electron Transport in Epitaxial Annealed Graphene Titanium Dioxide Heterojunction

Enhanced Electron Transport in Epitaxial Annealed Graphene Titanium Dioxide Heterojunction

Enhanced Electron Transport in Epitaxial Annealed Graphene Titanium Dioxide Heterojunction

Author(s): Nelson Mugambi,James M. Ngaruiya,Simon W. Mugo / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: graphene; titanium dioxide; annealing rates; transition; heterojunction;

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalyst is a widely acceptable photo catalyst candidate due to its environment friendliness, cost-effectiveness, intrinsic electronics, photostability, good surface properties, and non-toxicity. However, TiO2 faces significant challenges for commercial exploitations, including high recombination rates, low quantum yield, and low visible light photo conversion efficiency. In this research, the optical properties of graphene TiO2 heterojunction were evaluated in measurements of Transmittance and Reflectance. Optical parameters in terms of WDD dispersion energy and dielectric constants were studied by annealing the films in the air up to 450 °C at 1 step, 2 °C/min and 1 °C/min annealing rates. Transmittance for the film annealed at 1 °C/min showed the highest transmittance of 86.57% and 74.07% for graphene and graphene TiO2, respectively. SCOUT software modelled Transmittance data to obtain refractive index. Refractive indices for pristine, 1 step, 2 °C/min, and 1 °C/min TiO2 films obtained at 550 nm were found to be 0.51, 034, 0.40 and 0.49, respectively. Porosity and dispersion energy for the lowest annealing rates (1 oC/min) was found to be 49 % and 12.7 eV in that order. Real and imaginary Interband transition (2.33–4.04) x 10-6 and (0.23–2.73) x 10-6 in that order, linear and nonlinear optical susceptibility (1.42–2.18) x 10-1 and (4.12–22.50) x 10-14, optical conductivity (2.51–13.2) x 1013 and electrical conductivity (3.89–4.60) x 1010 were enhanced with decreasing annealing rates. This is due to pole filing, film densification, increased lattice absorption and scattering centres and improved crystallinity of the films due to heat treatment and large-area graphene anchoring. The findings revealed that annealing graphene - TiO2 passivates its surface, reducing its boundary traps owing to quantum confinement effects and improving the electron transport throughout the heterojunction.

The leadership of School Principles in Developing Religious School Culture at the Basic Education Level in Jagong Jeget District, Central Aceh District, Indonesia

The leadership of School Principles in Developing Religious School Culture at the Basic Education Level in Jagong Jeget District, Central Aceh District, Indonesia

The leadership of School Principles in Developing Religious School Culture at the Basic Education Level in Jagong Jeget District, Central Aceh District, Indonesia

Author(s): Idayani Idayani,Khairuddiin Khairuddiin,Bahrun Bahrun / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: Education; Principal Leadership; Religious Culture;

Principal leadership is also required to create an excellent organisational climate so that all components of the school can play a role together to achieve the goals and objectives of the school organisation. The research objective was to determine the principal's leadership in developing a religious school culture at the basic education level in Jagong Jeget District, Central Aceh District. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were school principals, teachers, staff, students, and parents in Jagong Jeget District. The results of the study found: 1) the principal's program in developing school culture consists of the vision, mission, goals and program targets; making plans for program activities; creating religious school culture programs in the form of reading asmaul husna, reading blessings, reading daily prayers, reading short surahs, dhuha prayers, reading yasin together, extracurricular tahfizh and so on. Second, the principal's strategy in developing a religious school culture is power, persuasion, and normative strategies. 3) Factors supporting the school principal's leadership in developing a religious school culture are adequate facilities and infrastructure and support from various parties that can support the creation of a religious school culture. At the same time, the inhibiting factors for developing religious school culture are inadequate water availability and limited places for ablution. The solution to these obstacles can be minimised.

Cyberloafing of Education Personnel at Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities in Pontianak City, Indonesia

Cyberloafing of Education Personnel at Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities in Pontianak City, Indonesia

Cyberloafing of Education Personnel at Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities in Pontianak City, Indonesia

Author(s): Seryl Agista Ananda,Elly Trisnawati,Otik Widyastutik / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: cyberloafing; work fatigue; overloaded roles; work stress; job satisfaction;

Cyberloafing is spending time intentionally using internet access unrelated to work, affecting work performance and productivity. In a descriptive study conducted on employees of a company in Banda Aceh, the majority of workers cyberloafing in the moderate category (63%), high category (15%) and low category (22%). This cyberloafing habit hurts employees and the company. This study aims to discover cyberloafing's description in academic staff at Muhammadiyah Higher Education and 'Aisyiyah Pontianak City. This study used a descriptive observational design with a cross-sectional approach. A sample of 62 people who are educational staff from 3 Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah universities in Pontianak City. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique. Research data was collected using instruments through the Google form and analyzed univariately, displaying the frequency distribution data for each variable. The results showed that cyberloafing (72%) was in the moderate category, the level of work fatigue (51.6%) was in the mild class, role overload (53.2%) was in the medium category, work stress (67.7%) was in the moderate category, the level of job satisfaction (59.7%) the type is dissatisfied, and the level of workload (85.5%) is relatively high in the education staff at Muhammadiyah and 'Aisyiyah Universities, Pontianak City. It is recommended that superiors and educational staff at the three tertiary institutions establish good cooperation, maintain communication, and create comfort in their workplaces. In addition, agency leaders can provide support through awards or rewards, such as office outings, to education staff. It is also recommended that the agency where you work monitor internet usage during working hours so that it does not have a negative impact that will harm both parties.

Forms of Community Participation in the Implementation of School-Based Management at SMA Negeri 2 Mataram, Indonesia

Forms of Community Participation in the Implementation of School-Based Management at SMA Negeri 2 Mataram, Indonesia

Forms of Community Participation in the Implementation of School-Based Management at SMA Negeri 2 Mataram, Indonesia

Author(s): Raudhatul Jannah,Wahab Jufri,Dadi Setiadi / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: Community Participation; School-Based Management; Qualitative;

This study aimed to determine the form of community participation in implementing school-based management at SMA Negeri 2 Mataram. This study uses a qualitative approach using a case study form. Data sources in this study are school committee principals, committee secretaries, committee treasurers and members aware of community participation in implementing school-based management. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and study of documents/documentation. Data analysis techniques used the interactive model "Miles & Huberman". The results of the study show that the forms of community participation in the implementation of School-Based Management in SMA Negeri 2 Mataram are: 1) As a giver of opinion, the school committee plays an active role in providing consideration in the form of input and suggestions in the preparation of RKAS, special programs and management of education. 2) As support, this is in the form of raising public funds to finance the implementation of education and supporting students in carrying out the School's flagship program. 3) As a controller, this is in the form of controlling the course of the meeting in preparing the RKAS and controlling the teaching and learning activities in schools. 4) As a liaison, the school committee actively provides consideration through input and suggestions in preparing RKAS, flagship programs and education management.

Human Resources Development Viewed from Planning Aspects at the Motor School of SMA Negeri 1 Masbagik East Lombok, Indonesia

Human Resources Development Viewed from Planning Aspects at the Motor School of SMA Negeri 1 Masbagik East Lombok, Indonesia

Human Resources Development Viewed from Planning Aspects at the Motor School of SMA Negeri 1 Masbagik East Lombok, Indonesia

Author(s): Nur Aini,Asrin Asrin,Dadi Setiadi / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: Human Resources, Driving School; Planning;

The purpose of this study was to describe the Human Resource Development Planning in the Driving School of SMA Negeri 1 Masbagik, East Lombok, Indonesia. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with a single case study research design. Data was collected using data triangulation techniques from interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles & Huberman model: data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The study results show that the steps in planning the human resource development program for educators and education staff consist of several stages, namely, 1) determination of needs, 2) target setting, 3) program implementation, and 4) program evaluation.

All Smart Children (SAC) Program Planning Through Literacy and Numeration at Darek 2 State Elementary School, Indonesia

All Smart Children (SAC) Program Planning Through Literacy and Numeration at Darek 2 State Elementary School, Indonesia

All Smart Children (SAC) Program Planning Through Literacy and Numeration at Darek 2 State Elementary School, Indonesia

Author(s): Nurul Ahyana,Untung Waluyo,Mohamad Mustari / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: All Smart Kids (SAC); Basic Literacy and Numeracy; Planning;

This study aims to determine the planning program All Smart Children (known as SAC) through Literacy and Numeracy at SD Negeri 2 Darek. This study used descriptive qualitative methods, while data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results show that basic literacy and numeracy planning includes facilities, activity schedules, and learning activities. The research results conclude that the basic literacy program, which consists of planning, has been implemented correctly, as seen from using the SAC program.

The Strategy of the School Principal in Improving Teacher Performance in the 4.0 Revolution Era in Min Banda Aceh, Indonesia

The Strategy of the School Principal in Improving Teacher Performance in the 4.0 Revolution Era in Min Banda Aceh, Indonesia

The Strategy of the School Principal in Improving Teacher Performance in the 4.0 Revolution Era in Min Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Author(s): Mona Rausah,Murniati Murniati,Bahrun Bahrun / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: Principal strategy; Teacher performance; Revolution era 4.0;

Leadership is an essential component in running an organisation. A leader needs a strategy where educators are willing and able to develop skills in the current era. This study aims to find out what strategies are used by a leader in improving teacher performance in the Revolutionary Era 4.0 at MIN Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The method used is a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach – data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects are Principals, Curriculum Assistants and Teachers of MIN 6 Model Banda Aceh and MIN 9 Banda Aceh. This study had eight research subjects: two school principals, two deputy heads of curriculum and four teachers. The results showed that: 1) MIN 9 Banda Aceh programs implemented to improve teacher performance in the 4.0 revolution era were the mini KKG program and the Digital Class Program programmed by the Ministry of Religion to support changes and developments in increasingly advanced technology. 2) School Principals have several strategies for improving teacher performance in Revolutionary Age 4.0. The initial strategy was to provide training to educators, and the second strategy was to provide opportunities for teachers by attending webinars and private lessons on the operational use of IT. The 3rd strategy is Disciplining the teachers. The discipline of using is composed of several indicators, namely, the field of attendance, the punishment of dress, the discipline of entering class, the sentence of sharing a sense (social) and the penalty of responsibility. 3) The evaluation is carried out by supervising teaching staff starting from the initial, core, and closing activities and looking at administrative completeness such as syllabus, lesson plans, modules, ppt, teaching materials and materials according to the students. 4) The obstacles to implementing the mini KKG and Digital Class programs are insignificant. These obstacles can be overcome properly.

Management of Inclusive Education in MIN 9, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Management of Inclusive Education in MIN 9, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Management of Inclusive Education in MIN 9, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Author(s): Tya Moudina,Niswanto Niswanto,Ismail Ismail / Language(s): English / Issue: 5/2023

Keywords: Management; Education; Inclusive Education;

Management is a way or process starting from planning, organising, directing, and supervising all organisational resources to achieve predetermined goals. Inclusive education is an educational service provided to children with special needs in carrying out their learning in public schools with regular students to develop student potential with an effective and efficient learning environment. This study aimed to determine the planning, organisation, implementation and evaluation of the inclusive education program at MIN 9 Banda Aceh City. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Observation, interviews and documentation studies carried out data collection techniques. The research subjects were: Principal, Head of Curriculum, Head of Student Affairs, Inclusive Education Team, and Teachers. The results showed that: 1) Planning of the inclusive education programme at MIN 9 Banda Aceh City is carried out during a work meeting at the beginning of the year by involving the USK Psychology study program, the principal, the Inclusive Team of MIN 9 Banda Aceh City, the Vice Principal of Curriculum, the Vice Principal of Student Affairs, and class teachers in conveying the duties and functions of each member in supporting the inclusive education programme that has been implemented at MIN 9 Banda Aceh City. 2) Curriculum preparation used in carrying out the teaching and learning process for inclusive category children at MIN 9 Banda Aceh City by modifying the existing curriculum. 3) In implementing the inclusive education programme, facilities and infrastructure already available at school create a safe resource room for inclusive children in streamlining the teaching and learning process. 4) The organisation of the inclusive education program is carried out by recruiting an inclusive team by selection by the psychology study programme and the principal with full responsibility by the supervisor, madrasah education section, committee, and external parties from the inclusion forum or FPMI. 5) The implementation of the inclusive education program has been carried out by the principal by socialising with teachers at school by informing outside parties that inclusive category children can attend school at MIN 9 Banda Aceh City. 6) The learning process can be seen from the teaching materials with the material to be given to inclusive children using analysis in the form of student progress reports delivered in a description according to the ability of the inclusive child. 7) The process of classifying inclusive children finds education provided by the school to parents of students by conducting interviews and discussing related to the initial hypothesis given by the Psychology study programme at the provision of knowledge in meeting meetings at the MIN 9 school in Banda Aceh City. 8) Evaluation of the inclusive education programme is carried out once a month to see how far the child has progressed in fulfilling the knowledge that has been given. 9) Follow-up of the evaluation results of the inclusive education programme at MIN 9 Banda Aceh City is presented to the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Banda Aceh City at the procurement of work meetings from the school performance evaluation programme.

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