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Problems Using the Anonymous Witness

Problems Using the Anonymous Witness

Problems Using the Anonymous Witness

Author(s): Matanat Pasha Asgarova / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: anonymous witnesses; pseudonym; testimony; classifying of witness; security; pressures witness statement;

The article examines the procedural issues of using anonymous witnesses in national legislation and international Law. The study aims to improve the scientific and practical foundations for using anonymous witnesses. The countries' legislation allows exceptions from the direct examination of evidence in court, and anonymous witnesses should also be attributed to these exceptions, fulfilling specific requirements defined in the case law of the ECHR. The term “pseudonym” should be enshrined in the CPC governing the participation of an anonymous witness in criminal proceedings. A pseudonym must meet the requirements of anonymisation and exclusion of identification and be distinguished by reliability. There may be cases when a pseudonym is chosen by a witness who, when selecting, cannot subconsciously choose a surname and letters that he often used, which increases the risk of recognising the witness. During the trial, anonymous witnesses are usually located in a particular room for witnesses under a pseudonym. They remain invisible to the participants in the process but also to the court. This circumstance deprives the court of verifying the voluntariness of testimony and the absence of pressure on the witness. Various ways induce a witness to perjury and give the necessary testimony. Anonymising a witness may also arise after they have given evidence in the usual manner. Laws that allow anonymous witnesses do not consider the court's right to verify the testimony's circumstances, the voluntariness of the testimony and the absence of pressure on the witness. Classifying witnesses is regulated mainly by subordinate acts for official use. The method of classifying witnesses should be held by a particular law or supplemented by the CCP governing the use of anonymous witnesses. The court should have the right to check the voluntariness of testimony and the absence of pressure on a witness to give false testimony.

Information Security Challenges in the Absence of ICT in Protecting Personal and Organisational Data in Nairobi County, Kenya

Information Security Challenges in the Absence of ICT in Protecting Personal and Organisational Data in Nairobi County, Kenya

Information Security Challenges in the Absence of ICT in Protecting Personal and Organisational Data in Nairobi County, Kenya

Author(s): Andrew Gitau Kimani,Casper Masiga / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: Information security challenges; personal data; information technology;

There have been several cases of lost documents and misplaced or inaccurate information belonging to individuals or organisations reported in recent times at global, national and regional levels. Nairobi county is one of the regions on the spot as many people travelling or working in the city have reported lost identification documents such as certificates and licenses, whether through criminality or negligence. Furthermore, most businesses and organisations dealing with huge volumes of data need help to protect and provide accurate information. Many still need help with the pre-digital data management systems, thus risking the loss of both personal and organisational data. This paper, therefore, sought to examine the information security challenges due to the inadequate application of ICT in managing personal and corporate data and their implications on individuals and organisations in Nairobi County. The target population included employees from Kenya Revenue Authority and Kenya Data Networks in Nairobi headquarters offices, police officers deployed at NPS offices headquarters and members of the public. The selected target groups were known to deal with enormous data for both personnel and businesses, and the police officers were part of this study because of their mandate to help in tracking lost personal and business documents. Lastly, the researcher engaged members of the public to share their experiences of losing business and personal records. The study employed purposive and simple random sampling techniques to select the required sample of 110 participants drawn from the four groups. A structured questionnaire was administered to the sampled police officers, employees of Kenya Data Network and Kenya Revenue Authority and members of the public. The researchers interviewed key informants from the three organisations, NPS, KRA and KDA, to complement the data collected using the questionnaires. The findings established that challenges were associated with the need for more ICT in managing personal information and organisational data. Further, the paper revealed that the need for an integrated system is a challenge to tracking missing identities or verifying the validity of provided information, thus compromising the productivity and security of businesses and institutions. Results from this study provide a solution to tracking any missing documents and correcting inaccurate personal data by adopting an integrated ICT system.

Populist Rhetoric in Political Interviews

Populist Rhetoric in Political Interviews

Populist Rhetoric in Political Interviews

Author(s): Maryam Isgandarli / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: populism; political discourse; rhetoric; media; political interview;

The article attempts to study a political interview as part of political and ideological media content. The purpose of a political discussion is to explain and promote a specific political ideology. The politician also aims to shape the image of the party he/she represents. The interviewer is a journalist whose task is to monitor the changing roles of communicants. In such an interview, a politician tries to win the initiative. The interviewer strives to ensure that the addressee perceives the discourse of the interviewed politician. The politicians expect that they will be allowed to substantiate their position. The ultimate goal of political interviews is to reach an understanding with the audience on critical issues related to domestic and foreign policy issues. Among the main types of political communication, let us single out political communication, which is carried out by journalists and with the help of journalists. Such communication is also designed for a mass audience. Examples include interviews and analytical articles in the press written by journalists, political scientists or politicians (often with the help of media specialists). In this case, journalists draw the audience's attention to the current issue, suggest ways to solve it, report on the attitude of political organisations and their leaders to it, and help politicians achieve their goals. In this case, journalists draw the audience's attention to the existing problem, propose ways to solve it, report on the attitude of political organisations and their leaders to it, and help politicians achieve their goals. Politically passive citizens perceive political information mainly in the form presented in the media.

Implementation of Managerial Supervision During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Bayan 1 Public Vocational School, North Lombok Regency, Indonesia

Implementation of Managerial Supervision During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Bayan 1 Public Vocational School, North Lombok Regency, Indonesia

Implementation of Managerial Supervision During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Bayan 1 Public Vocational School, North Lombok Regency, Indonesia

Author(s): Sulaiman Sulaiman,Wildan Wildan,Baehaqi Baehaqi / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: Managerial Supervision; Planning; Implementation; Evaluation; Reporting; COVID-19 Pandemic;

This study aims to describe the planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of managerial supervision during the Covid-19 pandemic at Bayan 1 Public Vocational School in 2021. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a single case study design. The primary data source for the research was obtained from informants using snowball sampling. The secondary data were in text, literature and other supporting files. Data collection techniques were used in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. Testing the validity of the data included testing credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The study results show that at the planning stage, it is carried out independently or in groups both online and offline by only involving school supervisors, which is carried out at the beginning of the school year. At the implementation stage, managerial supervision consists of the school principal and vice principal. The evaluation phase is carried out on the same day after the implementation of administrative management in schools, accompanied by follow-up problem-solving on the supervisor's findings related to the condition of the assisted schools. At the reporting stage, it is used as material for school supervisors to provide recommendations to the Education and Culture Office.

Exploration of School Management Model in Applying Quality

Exploration of School Management Model in Applying Quality

Exploration of School Management Model in Applying Quality

Author(s): Bambang Wahyudi,Syafrudin Syafrudin,Untung Waluyo / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: model exploration; school management; education quality;

One way to achieve Education Quality Standards is to apply management consistently. This study aimed to determine the school management model in implementing the quality of education and to find out the inhibiting factors at SMP Negeri 2 Bayan. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documents. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model: data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of the study indicate that in implementing the quality of education at SMP Negeri 2 Bayan, the principles of independence, partnership, participation, openness, and accountability are the characteristics of the SBM model. In implementing the quality of education at SMP Negeri 2 Bayan by applying the School-Based Management model, the inhibiting factors in implementing quality are: 1) an assessment system that is not implemented properly; 2) a rigid and bureaucratic budgeting system; 3) the professionalism of personnel; 4) environmental conduciveness.

Educational Facilities Management in Increasing the Quality of Learning at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya, Indonesia

Educational Facilities Management in Increasing the Quality of Learning at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya, Indonesia

Educational Facilities Management in Increasing the Quality of Learning at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya, Indonesia

Author(s): Muhammad Muhammad,Murniati Murniati,Cut Zahri Harun / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: model exploration; school management; education quality;

This research aims to know the management of educational facilities at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya. The type of research is a qualitative approach; data collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. Participants in this study were: school principals, deputy heads of facilities, deputy heads of curricula and teachers in charge of majors. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Management of educational facilities at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya made various efforts using: 1) planning is carried out at the beginning of each year by holding an internal meeting with the development team; 2) procurement which is fully regulated by the school principal and asking competent parties to analyze it; 3) Storage using an empty building to maintain the quality of educational facilities; 4) Inventory which is only carried out in general notebooks without coding each item; 5) Elimination by looking at educational facilities that are no longer functioning so that there is no waste of budget to repair them; 6) The responsibility for arranging educational facilities is fully assigned to the teachers in charge of each department; 7) The suitability of teachers who teach does not meet the standards of Permendiknas No. 16 of 2007 because there are still teachers who teach not based on their major, so this dramatically affects the quality of learning; 8) Equipment for educational facilities still needs to be increased because the number of educational suggestions is inversely proportional to the number of students available. So the need for existing equipment will impact the quality of learning at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya.

The Influence of Quality of Work Life on Job Satisfaction of Contract Employees at Mataram University

The Influence of Quality of Work Life on Job Satisfaction of Contract Employees at Mataram University

The Influence of Quality of Work Life on Job Satisfaction of Contract Employees at Mataram University

Author(s): Sudarmawan Sudarmawan,Fahruddin Fahruddin,Muhammad Makki,Sudirman Sudirman / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: quality of work life; job satisfaction; contract workers;

This study aimed to determine the effect of quality of work life on the job satisfaction of contract workers at the University of Mataram. This research is quantitative research with the ex-post facto method. The population of this study were all contract workers at the University of Mataram, amounting to 1152 people. The research sample was 91 contract workers who were taken using a proportionate random sampling technique. The study results are that an 8.2% quality of work life influences the job satisfaction of contract workers at the University of Mataram. Thus, the better the quality of work life, the job satisfaction of contract workers at Mataram University will increase

Supervisors' Strategy to Improve Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum at High School in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Supervisors' Strategy to Improve Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum at High School in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Supervisors' Strategy to Improve Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum at High School in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Author(s): Dedek Mulyani,Niswanto Niswanto,Bahrun Bahrun / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: strategy; pedagogic competency; implementation of the independent curriculum;

The school supervisor has the main task of monitoring, supervising and evaluating the implementation of education. This research aims to describe high schools in Banda Aceh City: 1) Supervisor coaching program for teacher pedagogic competence; 2) Supervision strategies for improving teacher pedagogy; 3) Evaluating the Superintendent training program; 4) The supporting and inhibiting factors found by the supervisors in increasing the pedagogical competence of teachers. This research uses a type of descriptive qualitative research method. The subjects in this study consisted of supervisors, principals and teachers. The research was conducted at the driving schools of Negeri 3 and Negeri 7 Kota Banda Aceh. Collecting data with the method of interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study can be concluded: 1) the preparation of the supervisory program is carried out at the beginning of the school year, consisting of a Managerial Program Plan (known as RPM) and an Academic Program Plan (known as RPA); 2) the implementation of the academic supervision program has stages and a structured schedule; 3) program evaluation is about evaluating the results of academic supervision, especially on the educational competencies carried out by school principals and supervisors for teachers; 4) follow-up and solutions to these obstacles are coaching from school supervisors and principals, attending training, sharing in the MGMP and increasing the intensity of class visits to regular and continuous academic supervision.

Identification of Factors that Influence Organisational Citizenship Behavior Teachers and Educational Personnel at Madrasah Aliyah State in Mataram City, Indonesia

Identification of Factors that Influence Organisational Citizenship Behavior Teachers and Educational Personnel at Madrasah Aliyah State in Mataram City, Indonesia

Identification of Factors that Influence Organisational Citizenship Behavior Teachers and Educational Personnel at Madrasah Aliyah State in Mataram City, Indonesia

Author(s): Eka Andhini,Wahab Jufri,Joni Rokhmat / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: Identifications; Organisational Citizenship Behavior; Education;

Effective resource management produces good performance. Organisations that want to achieve goals must properly utilise and manage their resources. This research was conducted to determine what factors influence the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of teachers and education personnel at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Mataram city. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with a sample of 95 respondents, the entire population of teachers and education personnel at MAN Mataram City. The analysis used is factor analysis with the Guttman scale. It can be concluded that the factors that influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior dominantly in teachers and education personnel are; factors of job satisfaction, motivation, organisational culture, and gender.

Academic Supervision of the School Principal in Improving the Performance of Elementary Teachers in Clusters I-II in Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya District, Indonesia

Academic Supervision of the School Principal in Improving the Performance of Elementary Teachers in Clusters I-II in Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya District, Indonesia

Academic Supervision of the School Principal in Improving the Performance of Elementary Teachers in Clusters I-II in Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya District, Indonesia

Author(s): Khaidir Anwar,Cut Zahri Harun,Niswanto Niswanto / Language(s): English / Issue: 12/2022

Keywords: supervision; principals; teacher performance;

The teacher is the person who deals directly with students. Teacher performance determines the success of learning and the achievement of educational goals. One way to improve teacher performance is to carry out academic supervision. As supervisors in academic supervision, principals must be competent in improving their teachers' performance. The purpose of this study was to find out in Clusters I-II in Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya Regency: 1) the implementation's level of school principals' academic supervision in improving the performance of elementary school teachers; 2) the evaluation of the school principal's academic supervision program in improving the performance of elementary school teachers; 3) follow-up of the school principal's academic supervision program in improving the performance of elementary school teachers. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The subjects of this study were school principals and teachers at SDN 1 and SDN 8 Bandar Dua. The results of the research are 1) implementation of academic supervision by the principal is carried out in three stages, namely: initial survey before carrying out academic management; class visits to find out the course of learning; reviewing the results of class visits. Second, the evaluation of the school principal's educational supervision program provides by evaluating teachers' ability to improve the following program by using coaching to offer the right solution in overcoming the problems teachers face. Thirdly, follow-up of the school principal's academic supervision program in improving teacher performance makes by making a follow-up plan which will be given training, workshops, and guidance with MGMP.

Kinetic and Isotherm Studies of Methyl Violet Adsorption onto Carbonized Waterlily (Nymphaea lotus) Leaves Powder

Kinetic and Isotherm Studies of Methyl Violet Adsorption onto Carbonized Waterlily (Nymphaea lotus) Leaves Powder

Kinetic and Isotherm Studies of Methyl Violet Adsorption onto Carbonized Waterlily (Nymphaea lotus) Leaves Powder

Author(s): Abdullahi Muhammad Ayuba,Hamisu Abdulmumini,Mohammed Mukhtar Mohammed,Solomon Daniel / Language(s): English / Issue: 02-03/2023

Keywords: carbonised water lily; equilibrium; thermodynamics; adsorption; kinetics; isotherms;

In this study, the adsorption of methyl violet from an aqueous solution using carbonised water lily (CWL) leaves powder as a low-cost, efficient and eco-friendly adsorbent was investigated using a batch system under controlled conditions. The adsorbent's moisture, organic matter, ash, bulk density, pore volume, and pH were determined. The adsorbents were characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) techniques which confirm the adsorption of the methyl violet onto the CWL adsorbents. The effect of adsorption parameters such as contact time, dosage, initial concentration, pH and temperature were studied for optimisation. It was confirmed that contact time, dosage, concentration, pH and temperature positively affected adsorption. The kinetic data were best described by pseudo-second order under all experimental temperatures. The adsorption isotherms were estimated and established to fit nicely into the D-R model compared to other models generated and tested. Thermodynamic studies of the sorption process indicate that the process was feasible, spontaneous, and exothermic and decrease in the randomness of the adsorption process during the transfer of molecules between the adsorbent and adsorbates with entropy (∆S) of 23.77 J/mol.K. due to negative values of Gibb’s free energy observed. This study confirmed that CWL could be employed as a low-cost, eco-friendly adsorbent for removing toxic dyes such as methyl violet from an aqueous solution.

Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Species Associated with Cow Milk Sold in Some Selected Areas of Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Species Associated with Cow Milk Sold in Some Selected Areas of Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Species Associated with Cow Milk Sold in Some Selected Areas of Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Author(s): Rahina Baba Muhammad,Abubakar Shehu,Ibrahim Muhammad Warji,Buhari Labaran,Bashir Ismail Olawale / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: bacteria; Identification; biochemical; hazard;

Milk is well known to be a balanced diet with high nutritional values. Conversely, milk and milk products may serve as potential substrates for the growth and proliferation of a range of bacteria which in turn fatally influences public health concerns. The study was conducted in 50 milk samples collected from apparently healthy cows during the period for isolation, identification of bacterial isolate based on their morphology, staining, cultural, biochemical properties and gram staining to ascertain their identity. The results indicated that Staphylococcus aureus (34.58 %) has the highest occurrence, followed by Bacillus cereus (19.64 %), followed by Escherichia coli (15.89 %), Salmonella typhi with (13.08 %), Pseudomonas aerugnosa with (7.94 %), Klebsiella pneumonia with (5.14 %). In comparison, Enterobacter has the most minor occurrence at (3.74 %). The presence of these organisms could be attributed to dirty and unkempt behaviour of the milking process, handling and storing, which in turn will impose serious health hazards to the immediate community and consumers. To reduce the risk associated with these organisms, all personal hygiene measures and materials involved in the milking process should be sterilised and free from any form of organisms before the final approach.

Design and Construction of a Modified SMS-Based Electronic Notice Board

Design and Construction of a Modified SMS-Based Electronic Notice Board

Design and Construction of a Modified SMS-Based Electronic Notice Board

Author(s): Yahaya Ibrahim Zwal,Madiu Ismail Opeyemi,Ibrahim Muhammad Warji / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: Design; Construction; Power; Supply; Software;

This research aims to design and construct an electronic notice as an alternative to the traditional signpost parting on walls and billboards by providing practical, reliable and proper information dissemination. They consist of the following units, the power supply, voltage regulators, GSM modules, microcontroller, LED dot matrix display board, counter and subscriber identity module (SIM). The power supply comprises a 240/9 v ac 50 Hz step-down transformer rectifier filter and voltage regulations. AT89852, a low-power, high-performance CM05 8-bit microcontroller with 8 k bytes in-system programmable flash memory, is used in this design. A constant five v de is required to power microcontrollers and their associated input/output channel. GSM Modern is a wireless device that works with a GSM wireless network. The counter circuit of the device used to achieve this type of counting is the 5-stage Johnson decade counter. It is a typical chip in the 74HC555, with ten decoded outputs that go high one at a time. The assembler used for this research is MLAB version 5.7, downloaded from the microchip website. This window-based integrated development environment (IDE) software supports the PIC and other microcontrollers. The project constitutes both the software and hardware section for successful implementation. Operation more focus was given to the contribution of the system hardware. For verification of proper functionality of the message board, variation tests carry out and their results. Each component was carefully tested, and hardware troubleshooting and software debugging were carried out. The message was sent, and it appeared and started moving from left to right. In conclusion, by introducing the concept of wireless technology in communication, we can make our communication more efficient and faster with excellent efficiency, and the message can be displayed with less error and maintenance. This model can be used efficiently in establishments like colleges where in-order and special discounts can be displayed simultaneously at all branches. It is therefore recommended as a conventional model can say more than one message at a time LEDS have a limitation on size and a good number of characteristics. These can be replaced with large LED display boards, which not only catch bulb display attributes in a moving position one after another

The Interaction Effect of Biographical Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer and Inorganic Fertilizer on the Growth and Results of Red Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) in Dry Land

The Interaction Effect of Biographical Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer and Inorganic Fertilizer on the Growth and Results of Red Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) in Dry Land

The Interaction Effect of Biographical Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer and Inorganic Fertilizer on the Growth and Results of Red Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) in Dry Land

Author(s): Darwis Darwis,Aluh Nikmatullah,Muhammad Sarjan / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: shallots; biological fertilisers; organic fertilisers; inorganic fertilisers;

Shallot cultivation in dry land must integrate measures to improve the soil's physical, chemical and biological properties and not rely on using inorganic fertilisers with high enough doses. This study aimed to determine the interaction effect between natural fertilisers with organic fertiliser doses and inorganic fertiliser doses on growth and yielded onion (Allium ascalonicumL.) on dry land. This research was conducted on dry land in Labuhan Lombok Village, Pringgabaya District, East Lombok Regency, NTB, from June to September 2022. The design used is Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) 3 factors: doses of organic fertilisers, doses of biological fertilisers, and doses of inorganic fertilisers. The quantity of organic fertiliser (O) consists of 2 levels, namely 5 tons/ha (O1) and 10 tons/ha (O2). The biological fertiliser treatment consists of 2 groups: without natural fertiliser (H1) and with biological fertiliser 1 kg/ha biological fertiliser (H2). In comparison, the dose of inorganic fertiliser consists of 3 levels, namely 100% dose (D1), 75% dose (D2) and, 50% dose (D3), 25% dose (D4). Each treatment was combined and added with one control to obtain 17 treatments. Parameters observed included a) Shallot plant growth, including plant height, number of leaves per clump (strand) and number of tillers per clump (saplings); b) Shallot plant yields included wet tuber weight and dry tuber weight. The data obtained were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). For natural treatment factors, a further test would be carried out with Duncan's Double Distance Mean Difference Test with a level of 5%. The interaction of biological fertilisers with doses of organic and inorganic fertilisers increased the growth and yield of shallots in dry land. Organic fertiliser doses of 5 t/ha can reduce the dosage of inorganic fertilisers by 50% and, if accompanied by biological fertilisers, can reduce the use of inorganic fertilisers by up to 75% of the recommended dosage.

Nasalisation [N-] In Indonesian: Generative Morphology Perspective

Nasalisation [N-] In Indonesian: Generative Morphology Perspective

Nasalisation [N-] In Indonesian: Generative Morphology Perspective

Author(s): Ramli Hidayat,Sukri Sukri,Burhanuddin Burhanuddin / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: word formation; generative morphology; Indonesian;

This study describes the formation of Indonesian words based on generative morphology theory. Data sourced from oral and written data. The data collection method used is the documentation and observation methods, while the data analysis method uses the distributional and matching methods. The results of data analysis are presented using informal methods. The results of this study indicate that the affixes that form verbs consist of {meN-], {-an}, {ber-}, {ter-}, {meNkan}, and {meN-i}. The meaning of these affixes is 'activities concerned with'; 'process'; 'each other'; 'to be in a state'; 'own'; 'can be in'; 'already in'; 'causative'; 'resultative'; 'intensive; and 'continuative'. The noun-forming affixes consist of {se-}, {-in}, {-at}, {pen-an}, {ke-an}, and {per-an} affixes. The meaning conveyed by these affixes is 'equal'; 'The same'; 'in a state of'; 'plural (feminine) actors'; 'plural (masculine) actors'; 'method'; and 'hal'. Adjective-forming affixes consist of affixes {- i}, {-iah}, {-ah}, and {wi-}. The meaning generated by these affixes is 'related to'; 'frequency'; 'tool'; and the 'perpetrator'. In terms of morphological typology, in general, Indonesian word formation is a mixed-type language because at the level of affixation and reduplication, Indonesian words are of the agglutination type and at the level of compounding, it behaves as an incorporation type language and tends to collect several lexical morphemes and combine them be a single word. The process of forming Indonesian words in terms of generative morphology consists of components: 1) a list of morphemes that contains free basic morphemes, bound basic morphemes, affixes, reduplications and compound words; 2) rules for forming words that process all the contents of the morpheme list, to produce acceptable and unacceptable forms; 3) filters in charge of attaching phonological idiosyncrasy.

Juridical Implications on Notary Acts Signed by Circular

Juridical Implications on Notary Acts Signed by Circular

Juridical Implications on Notary Acts Signed by Circular

Author(s): Berliana Kusuma Wardhani,Lalu Husni,Eduardus Bayo Sili / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: signing; notary act; circularly;

This study analyses a notary's primary authority and responsibilities in making a deed and the legal consequences of a circularly signed notary deed. This normative legal research examines primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Legal materials are collected by document study and analyzed normatively and prescriptively. From the results of the investigation, it is known that the essential authority and responsibility of a notary are based on attribution authority through the Notary Office Law, specifically, Article 15, paragraph 1, that a notary authorized to do authentic deeds regarding all actions, agreements, and provisions required by laws and regulations. The notary has civil, criminal and administrative responsibilities based on this authority. Arrangements for signing the deed are regulated in Article 16, paragraph 1-m, in conjunction with Article 44, paragraph 1 of the Notary Office Law, that the signing is carried out immediately after the notary reads the deed to the parties. Based on the research results, it cannot be denied that the parties often do not appear before the notary to sign the deed simultaneously for various reasons. This resulted in the degradation of the authenticity of the act from an authentic deed to a private deed by the contents of Article 16, paragraph 9, in conjunction with Article 44, paragraph 5, Notary Office Law. The process of formalizing an act determines its authenticity, so violations of these provisions are included in defining defects in form because they do not fulfil the formal aspects of doing a deed.

Notary's Responsibility in Certification of Electronic Signatures for Discrepancies in Verification of Personal Data of the Owner of the Electronic Signature: Comparative Study between Indonesia and the United States of America

Notary's Responsibility in Certification of Electronic Signatures for Discrepancies in Verification of Personal Data of the Owner of the Electronic Signature: Comparative Study between Indonesia and the United States of America

Notary's Responsibility in Certification of Electronic Signatures for Discrepancies in Verification of Personal Data of the Owner of the Electronic Signature: Comparative Study between Indonesia and the United States of America

Author(s): Endry Maya Sari,Kurniawan Kurniawan,Lalu Muhammad Hayyanul Haq / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: legal effects; responsibility; notarial act; verification discrepancy; electronic signature;

This research aims to determine the legal consequences and responsibilities of notaries for deeds made based on inconsistencies in the verification of personal data of electronic signature owners according to Indonesian and United States law. The type of research used is normative legal research with a statutory, conceptual, and comparative approach. The research results show that notaries in Indonesia are public officials who are state organs equipped with general powers, authorised to carry out part of the state's power to make written and authentic evidence in civil law. At the same time, notaries in the United States are referred to as public notaries, with authority only limited to legalising or said as determining the certainty of the date and signature of the person who affixed it. The legal consequences and legal responsibility for deeds made by notaries that are not based on the suitability of verifying the personal data of the owner of the electronic signature according to Indonesian and United States law, that in Indonesian law, the liability of notaries in certifying electronic deeds refers to the provisions of notary responsibility in doing conventional deeds because the rules related to electronic signatures in Indonesia do not yet exist. Meanwhile, notaries in the United States are fully responsible for authenticated electronic signatures.

The Strategies of Service Delivery Adopted by Private Security Firms in Crime Prevention in Nairobi County, Kenya

The Strategies of Service Delivery Adopted by Private Security Firms in Crime Prevention in Nairobi County, Kenya

The Strategies of Service Delivery Adopted by Private Security Firms in Crime Prevention in Nairobi County, Kenya

Author(s): Lukalia George Mondela,Merecia Ann Sirera / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: Security; Private Security; Strategies; Strategic options; Service delivery;

National security is vital for achieving social, economic and political objectives. Given these critical aspects of security, a country across the globe can only satisfy the security need with support from other participants, such as the community and by partnering with private security firms. With the particular requirement and level of training that PSFs offer their personnel, a partnership of police and PSFs in crime detection and prevention is critical in providing security across the country. This study sought to establish the service delivery strategies adopted by private security firms in dealing with crime. This study was modelled by the resource-based view theory s that offered a discernment of what options the private security firms present in addressing the diverse challenges emanating from ineffective strategic decisions in service delivery. A descriptive survey research design employing mixed methods approach in data collection was utilised to undertake the study. The target population constituted managers, supervisors, clients, and private security guards drawn from a sorted group of private security firms in Nairobi County. A multistage sampling approach employing clustering, proportionate random sampling and purposive sampling were used to obtain a sample size of 90 respondents. Questionnaires and interview guides were the main tools of data collection. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables and charts. Qualitative data was presented in quotes and analysed thematically. The data findings showed that guarding and collaboration strategies were the main strategies of the PSFs. Based on the results, the study recommended implementing government policy and legislation on collaboration between security agencies and PSFs for effective service delivery, implementing an oversight control agency to check on professionalism and adopting modern and innovative technology by PSFs for effective crime prevention.

Financing Analysis on Bank Muamalat Indonesia Mataram Branch, Indonesia

Financing Analysis on Bank Muamalat Indonesia Mataram Branch, Indonesia

Financing Analysis on Bank Muamalat Indonesia Mataram Branch, Indonesia

Author(s): H. Ahmed Zaky,Djumardi Djumardi,Hirsanuddin Hirsanuddin / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: Financing; Obstacle; Muamalat Bank;

This study examines and analyses the implementation of Musharakah, Mudharabah and Murabahah financing and the obstacles in implementing such financing at Bank Muamalat Indonesia Mataram Branch. The type of research used is normative empirical using statutory, sociological and conceptual approach methods. Types and sources of data are carried out using primary and secondary legal materials and field data. Based on the research results, it is known that implementing Musharakah, Mudharabah and Murabahah financing at Bank Muamalat Indonesia Mataram Branch from the perspective of Islamic law has yet to be appropriate in several aspects. The obstacles in funding come from two factors, namely external and internal.

Implementation of Clinical Supervision by the School Principle in Increasing the Quality of Learning at SMP Negeri 18, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Implementation of Clinical Supervision by the School Principle in Increasing the Quality of Learning at SMP Negeri 18, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Implementation of Clinical Supervision by the School Principle in Increasing the Quality of Learning at SMP Negeri 18, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia

Author(s): Rizki Maulidiansyah,Khairuddin Khairuddin,Ismail Ismail / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: clinical supervision; principal; quality of learning;

Clinical supervision is part of academic supervision, which focuses on improving learning through a systematic cycle starting from planning, observation and intensive analysis. This study aimed to obtain an overview and information regarding the programs, principles and mechanisms of clinical supervision carried out by school principals. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative analysis approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation and documentation studies. The research subjects were school principals, deputy principals, deputy curriculum heads and teachers at SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh. The results showed that the SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh school principal had implemented a clinical supervision program. Before carrying out the clinical supervision program, the principal involving the vice principal, deputy curriculum head and senior teacher, compiled a program of clinical supervision activities, made a schedule of activities, held class visits, took inventory of supervision findings and compiled reports on the implementation of clinical supervision. The principal's principle of clinical supervision is constructive, helping teachers grow independently and not depending on supervisors. The clinical supervision mechanism carried out by the SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh's principal is the initial, observation and final meeting (feedback).

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