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Result 256141-256160 of 317410

The Cemetery and the Fear of the Dead

The Cemetery and the Fear of the Dead

Author(s): Vito Carrassi / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2023

Keywords: fear; beliefs; death; cemetery; cautionary tale; wager

Fear is a characteristic feature of many legends. And the fear of the death is probably our deepest fear. Death is a crucial event in folk culture, as it triggers an existential crisis which must be duly managed. The living need to distance themselves from the dead in order not to lose their own “presence” in the world. To maintain this distance, people can rely on a dedicated place, the cemetery, where the fear of the dead can be mastered and framed in a sacred dimension. Cemetery may be regarded as a liminal, hybrid space, connecting life and death, the human and the divine, the visible and the invisible. Hence, it can turn into a critical, dangerous place, a “legend landscape”, where odd, mysterious,frightening encounters are possible or, at least, believable. This is especially so if one enters a cemetery at night, when it is forbidden to the living and the darkness creates the perfect stage for fearsome presences. In the ATU 1676B narrative type,an individual bets to enter a cemetery at night in order to show her/his courage and/or refute the belief of the dead as ghosts, but this gamble results in a death from fright. A different case concerns the fate of those who face the night in the cemetery with genuine courage and respect towards the dead, as in a folktale collected by W.B. Yeats (ATU 326), and a (true) story of a woman sleeping in the cemetery (Motif Index C735.2.5). Overall, the cemetery emerges as an ideal setting for a cautionary tale, through which local communities meditate on key issues such as death, fear and belief/non-belief.

Turkish Decision Not Join the Second World War in June 1940 – Interpretations in Historiography and a New Light on the Issue

Turkish Decision Not Join the Second World War in June 1940 – Interpretations in Historiography and a New Light on the Issue

Turkish Decision Not Join the Second World War in June 1940 – Interpretations in Historiography and a New Light on the Issue

Author(s): Krzysztof Zdulski / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Turkey; Second World War; Turkish neutrality; historiography on Turkish foreign policy

After Italy declared war on Great Britain and France on June 10, 1940 Turkey remained neutral, despite the fact that the treaty with Western powers obliged it to enter the war in such circumstances. Turkish government referred to the Second Protocol attached to the Treaty of Mutual Assistance which made possible for the Turkish side to ignore their obligations in case a threat of armed conflict with Soviet Union. However it is still not known if this was real reason for Turkish decision. The aim of this article is to review interpretations of Turkish attitude that have been present in historiography since the war. It includes short-term and long-term factors of Turkish decision from June 1940. In addition, attention was concentrated on British intelligence sources, which, in relation to the period between spring and summer of 1940, have not yet been taken into account by scholars when trying to determinate Turkish motives.

Hyperbole as a Rhetorical Strategy in a Documentary Film Defilada (The Parade) by Andrzej Fidyk

Hyperbole as a Rhetorical Strategy in a Documentary Film Defilada (The Parade) by Andrzej Fidyk

Hyperbole as a Rhetorical Strategy in a Documentary Film Defilada (The Parade) by Andrzej Fidyk

Author(s): Bogumiła Fiołek-Lubczyńska / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Andrzej Fidyk; documentary film; hyperbole; North Korea; totalitarianism

The aim of this article is an attempt to analyse the world-famous documentary film entitled The Parade (Polish title Defilada). The film has a unique narrative structure, as it belongs to the performing arts, and makes use of a rhetorical trope, which is hyperbole. Thus, the narration of the film is characterised by a specific rhetorical order which follows the rules of composing a text about art, culture and other phenomena. The result is often art itself. At the level of creative intention, Andrzej Fidyks’s films constitute spectacles which have to be appealing enough to attract the attention of a contemporary viewer. Thus, spectacularity of this film is not only a feature directly related to audiovisual art. It constitutes an aesthetic value as well, and the spectacle appears as a parade in honour of the country’s leader. Research methods include two types of text analysis, i.e. the rhetorical analysis, and the analysis based on film studies. The neo-rhetorical (i.e., argumentative) approach to the cinematographic text is visible in studying The Parade as a documentary which was created under conditions of full control over the director, together with lack of access to information. Perversity is a deliberate argumentative strategy, as Fidyk uses it in order to explain to the viewers the reality of the visited country.

Telimena as an Unskilled Huntress – A Case Study of Translation of Hunting Terminology in Adam Mickiewicz’s epic poem “Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania” into Korean with References to One English Translation

Telimena as an Unskilled Huntress – A Case Study of Translation of Hunting Terminology in Adam Mickiewicz’s epic poem “Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania” into Korean with References to One English Translation

Telimena as an Unskilled Huntress – A Case Study of Translation of Hunting Terminology in Adam Mickiewicz’s epic poem “Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania” into Korean with References to One English Translation

Author(s): Aleksandra Ewelina Matulewska,Kyong Geun Oh / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: translation; specialized terminology; language of hunting; LSP translation; literary translation; mistranslation

The purpose of the paper is to present difficulties lying ahead of translators of literary works in which specialized terminology is used. The authors have chosen as their research material one of the most well-known Polish alexandrines titled Pan Tadeusz czyli ostatni zajazd na Litwie. Historia szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812, we dwunastu księgach, wierszem [“Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania: A Tale of the Gentry in Years 1811–1812, in Twelve Books of Verse”] and its translations into English and Korean. As the main purpose was to analyze the translation of hunting terminology into Korean, the authors have chosen an English translation rendered approximately at the same time as the Korean one. Therefore, the English language version has been used instrumentally. The research material has been limited to one plot only, that is to say the trials and tribulations of one of the heroines, whose name is Telimena and her chase for a husband. The main research method is the comparison of parallel texts. Apart from that, the authors have also resorted to techniques of providing equivalents and classifications of translation errors and mistakes. The findings prove that proper rendering of culture-bound terminology is very difficult and consultations with specialists are frequently necessary to achieve high quality translation products.

Asymptotic Freedom: Child-Authored Poetry from China

Asymptotic Freedom: Child-Authored Poetry from China

Asymptotic Freedom: Child-Authored Poetry from China

Author(s): Joanna Krenz / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Chinese poetry; child-authored poetry; poetry education; poetry therapy; asymptotic freedom; definitions of poetry

Child-authored poetry is one of the most remarkable and fascinating phenomena in the contemporary Chinese poetry world. However, for all its immense popularity among Chinese readers and attractivity for professional, adult poets, due to its unclear ontological status and lack of well-proven methodological tools that would be easily applicable to it, it has thus far remained beyond the scope of literary-critical and scholarly interests. The present paper offers a broad panoramic view of Chinese children’s poetry through six case studies of individual young authors and collective initiatives aimed at the artistic activization of certain groups of children, discussing the educational and social significance of children’s poetry writing, its complicated reception patterns, as well as its entanglement with various literary-political discourses. Subsequently, the study delves into the aesthetic, conceptual, and philosophical aspects of children’s works. The final part analyses the essential theoretical-philosophical questions that child-authored verse asks with regard to poetry at large, prompting us to rethink notions such as authorship or “poeticness” and the definition of poetry per se. The author proposes the metaphor of asymptotic freedom to illustrate how marginal phenomena of questionable status contribute to maintaining the distinctness and coherence of the field of poetry as a whole.

Shanshan Lü 2022. A Reference Grammar of Caijia. An Unclassified Language of Guizhou. Sinitic Languages of China – Typological Descriptions Volume 8. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Pp. xxviii, 600.

Shanshan Lü 2022. A Reference Grammar of Caijia. An Unclassified Language of Guizhou. Sinitic Languages of China – Typological Descriptions Volume 8. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Pp. xxviii, 600.

Shanshan Lü 2022. A Reference Grammar of Caijia. An Unclassified Language of Guizhou. Sinitic Languages of China – Typological Descriptions Volume 8. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Pp. xxviii, 600.

Author(s): Alfred F. Majewicz / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Grammar of Caijia

Rev. of:Shanshan Lü 2022. A Reference Grammar of Caijia. An Unclassified Language of Guizhou. Sinitic Languages of China – Typological Descriptions Volume 8. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Pp. xxviii, 600.

Dorota Golańska, Slow Urbicide. A New Materialist Account of Political Violence in Palestine, Routledge, London–New York 2023, 151 pp.

Dorota Golańska, Slow Urbicide. A New Materialist Account of Political Violence in Palestine, Routledge, London–New York 2023, 151 pp.

Dorota Golańska, Slow Urbicide. A New Materialist Account of Political Violence in Palestine, Routledge, London–New York 2023, 151 pp.

Author(s): Michał Moch / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: political violence, Palestine

Rev. of:Dorota Golańska, Slow Urbicide. A New Materialist Account of Political Violence in Palestine, Routledge, London–New York 2023, 151 pp.

Fritz Werner, Modernhebräische Grammatik, Teil 1: Die Verben, Wien 2019; Teil 2: Die Nomina, 2/1: Die Segolata, Wien 2020; 2/2: Die endungslosen Nomina, Wien 2021

Fritz Werner, Modernhebräische Grammatik, Teil 1: Die Verben, Wien 2019; Teil 2: Die Nomina, 2/1: Die Segolata, Wien 2020; 2/2: Die endungslosen Nomina, Wien 2021

Fritz Werner, Modernhebräische Grammatik, Teil 1: Die Verben, Wien 2019; Teil 2: Die Nomina, 2/1: Die Segolata, Wien 2020; 2/2: Die endungslosen Nomina, Wien 2021

Author(s): Roman Marcinkowski / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Modernhebräische Grammatik

Rev. of:Fritz Werner, Modernhebräische Grammatik, Teil 1: Die Verben, Wien 2019; Teil 2: Die Nomina, 2/1: Die Segolata, Wien 2020; 2/2: Die endungslosen Nomina, Wien 2021

The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah. With Introductions and Notes, Edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen, Robert Goldenberg, and Hayim Lapin, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022, (New York 2021), 1256 pp.

The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah. With Introductions and Notes, Edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen, Robert Goldenberg, and Hayim Lapin, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022, (New York 2021), 1256 pp.

The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah. With Introductions and Notes, Edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen, Robert Goldenberg, and Hayim Lapin, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022, (New York 2021), 1256 pp.

Author(s): Roman Marcinkowski / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Mishnah; translation

Rev. of:The Oxford Annotated Mishnah. A New Translation of the Mishnah. With Introductions and Notes, Edited by Shaye J. D. Cohen, Robert Goldenberg, and Hayim Lapin, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2022, (New York 2021), 1256 pp.

The Role of Debate in Cognitive Development and Development of Civic Awareness of Young People – A Qualitative Analysis

The Role of Debate in Cognitive Development and Development of Civic Awareness of Young People – A Qualitative Analysis

Uloga debate u kognitivnom razvoju i razvoju građanske svesti mladih – kvalitativna analiza

Author(s): Nikola Baketa,Marko Kovačić,Mirta Mornar / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: civic awareness; debate; education; cognitive development; youth

Debate as a method is increasingly being utilised in both school and out-of-school settings, aiming to develop certain cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal skills, while also equipping young people with the competencies to actively participate in their social and political communities. Education through debate, as a distinctive form of non-formal education, is thus becoming an integral part of young people’s lives. The development of critical thinking, heightened self- esteem, improved rhetoric, organizational prowess, effective presentation, and argumentation abilities, along with the fostering of citizenship, play a pivotal role in aiding underprivileged youth to become more constructive contributors to their communities. These proficiencies and goals, demonstrated within this paper, exemplify the diverse skill set that debate fosters. This paper brings the results of a qualitative study conducted across four countries (Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, and the Netherlands) regarding the advantages of debate. It offers empirical evidence that one of the ways to have responsible, conscious, aware, vigilant, and self- confident citizens is by incorporating debate in their (non)formal education.

Pandemic Sports: The Media Reception of  Novak Đoković’s Adria Tour

Pandemic Sports: The Media Reception of Novak Đoković’s Adria Tour

Sport u doba pandemije: medijska recepcija turnira Adria Tour Novaka Đokovića

Author(s): Ana Petrov / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Covid-19; pandemic sociology; media reception; post-Yugoslav sport; Novak Đoković

In this article, I deal with the Adria Tour’s media reception, an exhibition tennis tour held in June 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia, and Zadar, Croatia, organised by Novak Đoković, a high-rank tennis player and one of the most famous public figures in the post-Yugoslav region. Enthusiastically promoted in the media, the Tour eventually failed after several participants, including Đoković himself, tested positive for the new coronavirus. The Tour fell under heavy criticism, especially in world media, while locally it reignited the Serbian-Croatian national rivalry, dividing the public into pro and contra Đoković’s behaviour during the pandemic. Drawing on the theoretical platforms of the sociology of sport and nationalism studies, I here problematise the role of a world-leading athlete in the Covid-19 pandemic context, primarily focusing on the reconstruction of the discourses produced on the actual Tour and the fact that Đoković was infected. Pointing to the ways public figures shape the discourses on pandemics, I also address the role of sociology and cognate disciplines in dealing with the sport as a theoretical issue during the pandemic. I argue that the Adria tour was both an attempt to make a difference in the pandemic world and a means of escapism. It reproduced most of the narratives present in Serbia and Croatia, thus eventually appearing to be a sort of cathartic experience. After the phase of fear and chaos, dealing with the pandemic required recreating the community through the institution of sport and sportspersons.

Types of Stressors and Their Influence on Human Capital in the Gaming Industry

Types of Stressors and Their Influence on Human Capital in the Gaming Industry

Tipovi stresa, njihov međusobni odnos i uticaj na ljudski kapital u industriji igara na sreću

Author(s): Jelena Marković,Jelena Jović / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: stress; human capital; gambling industry

Research indicates a clear need for society to improve the quality of human capital by reducing stress at the workplace in order to improve the well- being of employees, the organization and society. The daily stress of employees has increased on the global stage, therefore research examining different aspects of workplace stress is necessary. The goal of this research was to determine the types of stress among employees in the gaming industry through the analysis of the intensity of their negative emotional response to different sources of work related stress. 753 subjects (80.1% of women, average age 25.2 ± 3.21). The Stress Scale in Young-30 (SSM-30) was used (α = 0.904). The data were processed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural modeling. Research results show that there are four types of workplace stress in the gaming industry (Family stress, Job expectations, Deficits, Burden). The strongest stressor is heavy workload in the workplace. Reactions to different types of stressors are correlated. The most important correlation is expressed between negative emotional responses to high achievement demands and heavy workload showing that employees respond to demands for more engagement at work and the improvement of the work output in a similar way.

Methodological Aspect of Motivation in the Formation of Communicative Competency in Reading Speciality Literature

Methodological Aspect of Motivation in the Formation of Communicative Competency in Reading Speciality Literature

Methodological Aspect of Motivation in the Formation of Communicative Competency in Reading Speciality Literature

Author(s): Vafa Shahzade Bunyadova / Language(s): English / Issue: 6/2023

Keywords: competence; heuristic; detalization; anticipation; delineated; hierarchy; objectives; censory-perceptual; perception;

The article is devoted to the problem of foreign language from the standpoint of psychology, pedagogy and teaching methods. This problem will be mainly considered in forming communicative competency in reading specialty literature. It should be regarded that motivation is also a method of learning and the object of education. For the learning process, the motivation is the students' orientation to various aspects of learning activity. Therefore, a complex of different impulses creates different types of motivation for students' learning activities. The complex notions should include needs, motives, goals, interests and emotions. Each teacher should apply such a general pedagogical method, called "the method of reasoned encouragement". It is based on the ability of the teacher to notice not only the significant success of the student but also the minor one. Interest in learning is brought up through the content of educational material, increasing educational activities within the framework of problem-based learning, and actual practical tasks corresponding to communicative needs. In the article, several aspects of motivation, as well as through the development of the motivational sphere of the student's personality and its components, were determined and set, such as motives, goals, and emotions.

The Study on Dialogic Discourse

The Study on Dialogic Discourse

The Study on Dialogic Discourse

Author(s): Sabina Ismayilova / Language(s): English / Issue: 6/2023

Keywords: dialogic speech; dialogic discourse; dialogue; conversation analysis; communication; implicitness;

The article discusses the features and approaches to dialogic speech analysis. Through the analysis of dialogic discourse, new opportunities arise for studying human existence. Since the second half of the XX century, interest in interpersonal communication, dialogic discourse, and conversation analysis has significantly increased. The growing importance of communication in society is noted in modern humanities. Therefore, dialogue as an "ideal type" of communication and issues related to its characteristics are of particular importance in contemporary linguistics. Due to the study of dialogic discourse, new opportunities arise for studying man, his role in society, and social communication. The realisation of dialogues characterises the characteristics of thinking. Communication problems are multifaceted and express people's culture and thoughts. The issue of defining the conceptual and semantic meaning of dialogue as a basic concept of dialogue discourse is evident and necessary.




Author(s): Hryhorii Perepelytsia / Language(s): English / Issue: 44/2023

Keywords: neorealist paradigm; peace; regional and global security; Russian-Ukrainian war; victory; war;

As a phenomenon of the 21st century, the Ukraine-Russia war challenges neo- liberal ideas about the loss of meaning of hard power and undermines claims that phenomena such as war no longer belong to contemporary international relations. On the contrary, it confirms the credibility of the neo-realist geopolitical paradigm. The purpose of this article is to examine the concept of peace and victory, in the context of the ongoing war, in Ukraine's domestic and foreign policy practice. Therefore, the first part of the article is devoted to the conceptualization of war, peace and victory. The second part examines the importance of the concept of war as a foundation of Ukraine's domestic policy, which helps to understand the value of peace. The last part of the article presents an analysis of Ukraine's foreign policy, which presents predictive assessments of the advent of peace and its impact on regional and global security. The optimistic prediction is that Europe will still find the strength to avoid the mistakes of the past, overcome its fear of Russia and make efforts to maintain the old post-bipolar order. Outlining the contours of a new international security system is only possible if Russia is defeated. If this does not happen, the unipolar peace will be replaced by a multipolar peace, and the new security system of Eastern Europe will be based on a regional arrangement capable of repelling threats both from the East and from other directions. The leading role in it, after victory over Russia, will most likely belong to Ukraine.




Author(s): Agnieszka Bógdał-Brzezińska / Language(s): English / Issue: 44/2023

Keywords: cybersecurity; cyber warfare; Russia; Ukraine;

The purpose of this article is to examine the determinants and evaluate the effectiveness of the impact of cyber measures used during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The analysis is primarily concerned with the subject dimension, in order to show that the cyber dimension of this war involves not only the parties to the kinetic conflict, i.e. Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, both non-state actors and international institutions, as well as state actors supporting Ukraine, will be assessed. The conclusions indicate that as a conflict in cyberspace, this war is not a bilateral conflict, but a multilateral one with changing dynamics, in which the number and type of combatants also change.




Author(s): OLEKSIY KRIUKOV,Tomasz Michalski / Language(s): English / Issue: 44/2023

Keywords: ideology; geopolitics; national security; Ukraine;

The purpose of the article is to clarify the correlation that exists between the ideology pursued by the government and the state of national security. National security is considered in the context of the state's domestic and foreign policy and its efforts to maintain social stability and development. The directions of state activity, in turn, depend on the geopolitical orientation, which is a derivative of civilizational choice. The analysis made is illustrated with examples from Ukraine, which has made a pro-Western geopolitical and civilizational reorientation.




Author(s): Saroj K. Aryal,Manish Jung Pulami / Language(s): English / Issue: 44/2023

Keywords: India; USA; Indo-Pacific; Strategic Autonomy; Non-Alignment Movement;

Immediately after independence, India joined the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which allowed it to avoid having to take sides with either of the then-existing two political-military blocs led by the US and the USSR. India under Jawaharlal Nehru, guided in foreign policy by principles derived from the traditions of Indian civilization, was not even able to anticipate and prevent China's aggression in 1962. Nehru's idealistic approach adopted by the Congress Party failed to ensure the permanence of power, and in 2014 the conservative-nationalist Indian People's Party (Bharatiya Janata Party) won the election, taking India's sovereignty and national interest as its supreme political imperative. The purpose of this article is to explain how the BJP government is striking a balance between India's traditional NAM-based strategic culture and growing defense ties with the US in the Indo-Pacific region. Therefore, it was necessary to present the evolution of Indian politics from radical non-alignment, grounded in the traditional value of non-violence (ahinsa), to so-called strategic autonomy.




Author(s): Jakub Potulski / Language(s): English / Issue: 45/2023

Keywords: Bush doctrine; geopolitical code; Russia; Ukraine; United States;

The article focuses on the issue of the Bush Doctrine as the basic geopolitical code that dominated American foreign policy in the first decades of the 21st century. It aims to explain the impact of this code and doctrine on Russia's aggressive policy in Ukraine. The author examines the key elements of contemporary US security strategy, noting the way in which the US geopolitical code has been read by Russian political elites and how this has impacted Russian behavior in international relations. It is pointed out that the “idealistic” attempt to spread democratic values embodied in the Bush Doctrine has been read by Russian elites as a “realistic” instrument of geopolitical expansion. The author explains the consequences related to the Russian reading of the processes taking place in the international environment, which in the Russian symbolic-political space have been identified with the US implementation of the Bush Doctrine. The author's thesis is that among the reasons for the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine one can point to a specifically Russian interpretation of the Bush Doctrine.

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