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Result 256221-256240 of 317410



Author(s): Angel Marchev, Jr,Angel Marchev / Language(s): English / Issue: 18/2022

Keywords: Gamification; Schoastic method; Educational technology

Scholastic method of teaching is part of the history of education. It becomes evermore unadequate in the fast-changing World and fades away. Gaming is the most common way of transferring skills, knowledge and qualification from the older generation to the younger. Throughout history it has been used for evermore demanding tasks and eventually (rather sooner than later) it all came to using games for educating managers and decision makers.

Problematic Aspects of Granting Damages in Criminal Proceedings

Problematic Aspects of Granting Damages in Criminal Proceedings

Problematické aspekty rozhodování o náhradě škody v tzv. adhezním řízení

Author(s): František Púry,Martin Richter / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: adhesion proceedings; damages in criminal law; damages; claim for compensation

The article deals with the interdisciplinary context on the concept of damages and names the current issues that these contexts bring to the decision on damages in the so-called adhesion proceedings, which is part of criminal proceedings. First, the divergences in the concept of damages under civil law and substantive criminal law are discussed. Next, the article discusses the fundamental differences in the application of a private law claim in criminal and civil proceedings, which may affect the actual decision on the claim. Finally, the article discusses possible differences in the understanding of damages in civil court proceedings and in the adhesion proceedings themselves in the context of criminal proceedings, which, in the authors’ opinion, are the most controversial and fundamentally problematic, but the consistent enforcement of a completely identical understanding of the claim in civil court proceedings and in adhesion proceedings, which are part of criminal proceedings, may pose similarly serious problems of principle.

The Rule of Law and Criminality in the Republic of Kosovo

The Rule of Law and Criminality in the Republic of Kosovo

The Rule of Law and Criminality in the Republic of Kosovo

Author(s): Avdullah Robaj / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: the rule of law; criminality; criminality factors; organised crime; criminality fighting

The principle of the state of law is undoubtedly one of the most important and essential principles for any state and democratic society. Its fullest realisation in everyday life is the best guarantee for the development of democracy as well as recognition and enforcement of citizensʼ fundamental rights and freedoms. To this end, the general principles of the rule of law today occupy a special place and are fixed explicitly in contemporary constitutions and democratic legislation. However, it should be borne in mind that the existence of the constitutional and legal framework is only a necessary premise for the rule of law. Equally important is the functioning of various control mechanisms for the implementation of constitutional and legal norms, and especially, the creation of a new mentality among both public officials and citizens expressed in the awareness to the needs for the implementation of these norms and in the reaction with legal and democratic means against their violation by anyone. The Balkan Peninsula represents great strategic importance, not only for the surrounding states but also for the criminal groups that interact in this region. Many Balkan states have been through and currently are in deep democratic transition and it is difficult to break away from their historical past. Although many law enforcement agencies in this region stand out for their professionalism, the impact of consecutive wars presents decisive factors for the triumph or failure of law enforcement institutions against various crimes in this European area. The last war was waged in Kosovo, which ceased in June 1999, has a significant importance in the increase of criminality in Kosovo. After 1999, due to poorly controlled borders, lack of legislation, creation of a new police, and the establishment of the justice system, many criminal groups from the field of narco-criminality took advantage of this situation by creating organized criminal networks for the purpose of trafficking narcotic substances and psychotropic substances from the country of origin, transiting through Kosovo, and continuing towards the country of destination which was in Western Europe. The current internal processes that Kosovo is facing are economic and social development, which are still far from regional and European development structures, which as a result of poverty and lack of perspective, for a significant part of Kosovan society, are resulting with a high crime rate. The geostrategic position of the Republic of Kosovo in the Balkans, as well as the created post-war conditions, enables various criminal groups to carry out organised crime activities. High levels of unemployment and poverty, high levels of corruption in state institutions, and lack of free movement outside Kosovo contribute to creating appropriate conditions for the development of criminality in general and organised crime in particular. In support of various analyses conducted during the research, is the author has noticed that the Republic of Kosovo, compared to EU countries, has a lower level of criminality, while compared to countries in the region where the criminality level is higher.

Impact of Internet Resources Used by Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan University Students for English Learning
8.00 €

Impact of Internet Resources Used by Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan University Students for English Learning

Impact of Internet Resources Used by Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan University Students for English Learning

Author(s): Jannat Sagimbayeva,Gulzhakhan Tazhitova,Ainagul Mukhtarkhanova,Dina Kurmanayeva,Karachach Duvanaeva / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: internet resources; learning; information technologies; English teaching; education; benefit

This paper explores the internet resources used by Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan universities students for English learning. Use of Internet resources in learning English became one of the relevant topics nowadays. As theoretical methods generalization, analysis and a questionnaire as an empirical method have been used in the study. Based on the empirical data the authors tried to identify which internet resources students of both countries use in their learning English and their influence for successful learning. Moreover, the study revealed the factors that impact and restrict students to use internet resources in learning English. The authors believe that teachers should direct, encourage their students to use internet resources for learning and incorporate the materials from different resources into English classes.

Truth and Modalities (II)
5.00 €

Truth and Modalities (II)

Truth and Modalities (II)

Author(s): Fabrice Pataut / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Contingency; Disquotation; Epistemic Necessity; Epistemic Possibility; Logical Necessity; Logical Possibility; Metaphysical Necessity; Metaphysical Possibility; Semantic Realism; Truth

I contrast two construals of the thesis that truth is independent of verifiability in principle: a modal one and a non modal one. I argue in favor of the modal construal and then, on that basis, that independence holds across the board, i.e., even for statements that are verifiable by us relative to familiar, customary, non-skeptical standards.

The importance of regular visits to the home country in maintaining and transmitting the Arabic language to Arabic speakers in Toowoomba

The importance of regular visits to the home country in maintaining and transmitting the Arabic language to Arabic speakers in Toowoomba

The importance of regular visits to the home country in maintaining and transmitting the Arabic language to Arabic speakers in Toowoomba

Author(s): Mostefa Abdelhadi / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Arabic; Heritage Culture; Intergenerational; Language Maintenance; Toowoomba;

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the significant impact of regular visits to the home country on the intergenerational maintenance and transmission of the Arabic language within the Arabic-speaking community in the regional Queensland city of Toowoomba, Australia. A qualitative approach was employed to explore the language maintenance phenomenon by engaging in the everyday life of Arabic speakers. Data was gathered through participant observations and in-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 adults who were selected using a mixed purposeful sampling strategy. The study's findings revealed that visiting the country of origin is seen to be the most effective factor for the maintenance of the Arabic language and culture among Arabic speakers. Parents are aware of the importance of taking their children to visit their home country to immerse them in the heritage culture and connect them with their relatives. The findings of this study are intended to expand knowledge and theories of language maintenance.

Benjamin Constant’s liberal objections to Rousseau in the name of modern liberty
5.00 €

Benjamin Constant’s liberal objections to Rousseau in the name of modern liberty

Benjamin Constant’s liberal objections to Rousseau in the name of modern liberty

Author(s): Bainur Yelubayev,Csaba Olay / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Constant; Rousseau; ancient liberty; modern liberty; popular sovereignty; individual rights.

Benjamin Constant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau were both Swiss-French political thinkers who had a significant influence on the subsequent development of political thought. Constant is known not only as a political philosopher but also as an active politician, who today is considered one of the founding fathers of liberalism. Rousseau, in turn, is considered one of the most controversial thinkers of the Enlightenment, who has been accused of laying the foundation for many revolutionary political movements and repressive regimes. The main objective of this work is to illustrate Benjamin Constant’s liberal objections to the political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. First, it is important to focus on Rousseau’s main ideas for the full disclosure of the topic. Likewise, it is also crucial to take into account the historical context, which will be useful for understanding the motives for the formation of Constant’s liberal views. Thus, in the first part of the work, we will briefly consider the main concepts developed by Rousseau in his book, The Social Contract, such as popular sovereignty, the state of nature, and direct democracy. In the second part, we will analyze the main political concepts of Constant and his critique of Rousseau, based on his books The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns and Principles of Politics Applicable to All Governments.

Communication in a second language and individual differences: Effects of student age, gender, and socioeconomic status

Communication in a second language and individual differences: Effects of student age, gender, and socioeconomic status

Communication in a second language and individual differences: Effects of student age, gender, and socioeconomic status

Author(s): Zheng Li,Bing Li / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Willingness to communicate; second language acquisition; demographic feature; higher education;

It has been widely argued that willingness to communicate (WTC) in a second language (L2) is a dual construct of the learner’s trait and state. This study aimed to explore the relationships between trait-level antecedents (students’ demographic features) and their L2 WTC. A sample of 1,502 university students was recruited to participate in this study. Data on their age, gender, and family socioeconomic status (SES) were collected. A questionnaire of L2 WTC was adopted to measure the participants’ WTC in meaning-focused activities and WTC in form-focused activities. A path model was tested via structural equation modelling, and significant relationships between student demographic features (age, gender, and SES) and L2 WTC were observed. The major findings were that male students had higher WTC in meaning-focused activities, but female students showed higher WTC in form-focused activities, and student age was negatively related to WTC in meaning-focused activities.

A historical perspective on the composition of propositions Ip9 and Ip10 in Spinoza’s Ethics
6.00 €

A historical perspective on the composition of propositions Ip9 and Ip10 in Spinoza’s Ethics

A historical perspective on the composition of propositions Ip9 and Ip10 in Spinoza’s Ethics

Author(s): Mark Malkovich / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Ethics; deductive argument; Short Treatise; substance; appendix

Spinoza’s Ethics is one of the most important works in Western philosophy. Unfortunately, aside from the Vatican manuscript, which is very close to the final printed version, no drafts have been preserved. In this article I shed some new light on the composition of the early draft of Ethics. I argue that there are significant reasons to believe that propositions Ip9 and Ip10 in Spinoza’s Ethics were added to the deductive argument later than the other first propositions: Ip1-Ip8 and Ip11.

Writing and death: An overview of the concept of death in Albanian literature
5.50 €

Writing and death: An overview of the concept of death in Albanian literature

Writing and death: An overview of the concept of death in Albanian literature

Author(s): Blerina Rogova Gaxha / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: literature; death; concept; spirit; immortality; afterlife

From Antiquity to the Postmodern world, the approaches of philosophical and literary thought to death have changed but also remained similar from philosopher to philosopher and from writer to writer. Many of these approaches emphasize the dualities of life/death and soul/body, relying on the argument that everything arises from its opposite through the continuous process of reproduction, just as everything dies. This paper will deal with the concept of death in the work of three authors, Ndre Mjedja, Lasgush Poradeci, and Mitrush Kuteli, who are the main writers and cultural personalities in Albanian literature of the 20th century. The selected authors conceive, create, and promote a plurality of discourses and themes, highlighting the theme of death, through which they reveal the philosophical power of the literary text and the possibilities implicit to literature itself. Their views provide a poetic and cultural background for a theoretical discussion of literary and cultural facets of death. A prelude exploring the concept of death generally will be followed by a discussion of the authors’ works, and finally, a theoretical analysis of these works will round off the investigation of death as a literary and philosophical theme in Albanian letters.

The Grand Economy: Nietzsche and the virtual political economy of life
6.00 €

The Grand Economy: Nietzsche and the virtual political economy of life

The Grand Economy: Nietzsche and the virtual political economy of life

Author(s): Sercan Çalcı / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Grand economy; contest; excess; expenditure; accumulation; power

Tracing the themes of political economy in Nietzsche’s thought, this article has two main purposes. The first of these is to problematize some narratives such as eternal return, will to power, and revaluation of values, which are the crucial concepts of Nietzsche’s thought, in the critique of political economy. The second is to re-read Nietzsche’s themes of political economy in conjunction with the concept of the virtual political economy of life, to link Nietzsche’s ‘grand politics’ with the overshadowed concept of ‘grand economy’ by making the move that put Nietzsche’s hammer on the idols of the established grammar of political economy. All of these themes are part of an economy of power that goes against the grasp of economics and political economy by grammatical thought. I call this political economy the virtual political economy of life.

Thinking as a form of political life, or “How can one think politically in a post-political world”?
6.00 €

Thinking as a form of political life, or “How can one think politically in a post-political world”?

Thinking as a form of political life, or “How can one think politically in a post-political world”?

Author(s): Irina Zhurbina / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: political life; everyday politics; homo sacer; homo sucker; panopticon; synopticon; speculation; thinking

What makes the paper relevant is modern strategies of neoliberal politics, according to which the political life of citizens is replaced by everyday politics of individuals. It has been established that the modern concepts of everyday politics of homo sacer and homo sucker contain the limit of ideas about the political life of citizens. The paper considers an ontological model of the political life of citizens built on the basis of thinking as form-of-life (Agamben). The return to the ontological level of research can be explained by the fact that in modern conditions, the survival of a person depends directly on the person’s ability to think. Thinking as the form-of-life of a community is seen as a force that allows citizens to resist not only the inertia of social existence, but also the life watched carefully by the authorities. The paper presents two interpretations of political life based on the following statements: ‘I think, therefore I resist’ (Badiou) and ‘I resist, therefore I think’ (Arendt).

Creative and research segments of European humanism: Development of a single cultural space
6.00 €

Creative and research segments of European humanism: Development of a single cultural space

Creative and research segments of European humanism: Development of a single cultural space

Author(s): Olena Onishchenko,Svitlana Kholodynskaya,Iryna Muratova,Yevheniia Myropolska,Maryna Ternova / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: segment; falsification of feelings; corruption of consciousness; turn; metamodernism; personalisation; dialogism; polygenre; polystylism

The relevance and theoretical weight of the mentioned topic of research consists in the definition of the phenomenon metamodernism, which, in modern humanitarian knowledge and in literary and artistic practice, determines the need to distinguish and analyse segments of European humanism as means of in-depth reproduction, nuance and personalisation of historical and cultural stages, in the context of the specified systematisation of the movement of segments from the middle of the 19th to the first two decades of the 21st century. The main goal of this study, considering the creative and research potential of segments that contributed to the gradual layering of specific features of European humanism, is the reconstruction of arguments for and against those processes that caused the development of a single cultural space. The basis of the methodological approach in this study is the principles of historicism with the assignment of analytical, comparative, and chronological approaches to the determination of a wide range of issues that are of significant importance in the context of the stated topic. In the course of carrying out this research, results were obtained that have significant theoretical and practical significance, because they contribute to the further scientific and theoretical understanding of the dynamics of the European humanistic movement from the second half of the 19th to the first two decades of the 21st century, and can be used in lectures on aesthetics, philosophy, cultural studies, history and the theory of art for students of humanitarian and artistic creative universities. The results obtained during the implementation of this research, and the conclusions formulated on their basis, are of significant importance in the context of determining the key trends in the recognition of the creative and searching tendencies of European humanism, which play an important role in the process of forming a single cultural space.

Elucidating the ontological potential of Care Ethics: Towards a revised narrative of morality
6.00 €

Elucidating the ontological potential of Care Ethics: Towards a revised narrative of morality

Elucidating the ontological potential of Care Ethics: Towards a revised narrative of morality

Author(s): Aastha Mishra / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Ethics of Care; Feminist Ethics; Moral Self; Relational Ontology; Ontology of Morality

The following paper aims to re-examine the nature of the moral self as expounded by the Care Ethicists with the prime objective of understanding its ontological potential. It will be argued that this philosophical endeavor of examining the nature of the moral self in light of the Care Ethics theory echoes ontological thoughts and ideas that orbit around themes such as relationality, emotionality, and contextuality. The paper seeks to exhaustively explore the moral significance of these detected ontological standards of the Ethics of Care project. Through this engagement, an affinity between the moral and the ontological aspects of Care Ethics shall be identified. Discussing the proposed ontological significance and implication of the care theory, we shall determine if there is a possibility for developing a dialogue between the domain of ethics and ontology, and if so, then consider what the ontological roots of feminist Care Ethics are. Consequently, through this project, we shall present a revised narrative of morality altogether.

The normativity question in Quine’s naturalism: The context of the language learning situation
6.00 €

The normativity question in Quine’s naturalism: The context of the language learning situation

The normativity question in Quine’s naturalism: The context of the language learning situation

Author(s): Shonkholen Mate / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: empathy; language learning; naturalism; Quine’s normativity; sociality; Wittgenstein’s rule following

Quine has been charged with eliminating the normative dimension from his naturalized epistemology. The aim of the paper is to look at the role of empathy in Quine’s language learning situation, which in its simplest form is constituted by the parent-child relation. We will explore the normativity of the role of empathy thereof by exploiting the sociality of the language learning situation. Since the sociality of Quine’s notion of empathy is implicit, to explore the normativity expression thereof, we will examine the explicit sociality of Wittgenstein’s language learning situation–also constituted in its simplest form by the master-novice relation–and the normative character of it. By explicating the normativity of the calibrating role of the master and of rule following generally, we will parse the moral dimensions of the empathizing role of the linguist in Quine’s language learning situation. Finally, by examining the nature of normativity in empathizing, we will establish that the normativity of empathizing involved in Quine’s language learning situation is socially grounded without denying its individual dimension. We will conclude that the norma-tivity objection against Quine’s naturalism thus stands refuted.

The art of education: Creative thinking and video games
6.00 €

The art of education: Creative thinking and video games

The art of education: Creative thinking and video games

Author(s): Lina Georgieva,Alexander Nikulin / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: philosophy of education; gamification; game design; educational theory

The COVID-19 pandemic has shed new light on some significant problems that have been present in the education systems for decades. Тhe lack of various educational methods is becoming more and more evident, leading to a decreasing interest in learning and critical thinking. Оn the other hand, more and more research shows that different types of digital games can enhance creative and critical thinking in students. А closer look at the requirements of the educational programs shows how strict they are in their demands on students. Digital games like role playing games can be a bridge between students’ imaginations and complex educational material. Video games feature a variety of game mechanics that stimulate creative thinking and spark interest in otherwise difficult to understand topics. Motivation and engagement in digital games can be used in a specific way for educational purposes. If we think of teaching as an art in itself, what better method of teaching than through interactive arts.

The endophilosophy of interculturalism as a new terminology to describe the equilibrium of Being within the construction of Culture and Identity
6.00 €

The endophilosophy of interculturalism as a new terminology to describe the equilibrium of Being within the construction of Culture and Identity

The endophilosophy of interculturalism as a new terminology to describe the equilibrium of Being within the construction of Culture and Identity

Author(s): Arjan Çuri,Ilda Kashami / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: identity; culture; being; endophilosophy; differentiation; equilibrium

Research on the meanings of self and others’ perceptions, beliefs, values, and attitudes in intracultural and intercultural relations is of significant social relevance. A micro-analysis of its development as a whole process differentiated by the single substrates from an endophilosophical and ontological viewpoint will allow the implementation of a new definition of the self, being, and other according to the principles of dynamics and interculturality. This new sense of defining being will not only produce a good conception of the impact of culture on identity but also depict how the opposite, or pathogenic identity, should be considered, especially in times of existential crisis and change. Healthy or pathogenic patterns themselves organize situations where the basic needs of interaction with space are constructed and the equilibrium of everyone is maintained. Therefore, depending on the received information, professionals can formulate an objective analysis of the conscious self.

Extended cognition in education. Psychodrama as an extended mind tool
6.00 €

Extended cognition in education. Psychodrama as an extended mind tool

Extended cognition in education. Psychodrama as an extended mind tool

Author(s): Radostina Minina / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: extended mind; psychodrama; education; technology

This article addresses the question of whether psychodrama can be viewed as an example of the extended mind thesis and can be applied in an educational context. The extended mind thesis (Clark & Chalmers, 1998) proposes that external artifacts can function as integral components of an individual's cognitive system, augmenting cognitive abilities. The article explores the notion that psychodrama, with its scenes, techniques, and social group dynamics, can be regarded as an extension of the mind. By examining this relationship, the article aims to provide a wider understanding of the implications of the extended mind thesis in the field of education. Viewing psychodrama through the lens of the extended mind thesis emphasizes the role of the environment in shaping cognition, underscores the significance of external resources in the educational process, and highlights the potential of psychodrama as an educational approach.

Is Hermann Lotze a “dead dog”?
4.50 €

Is Hermann Lotze a “dead dog”?

Is Hermann Lotze a “dead dog”?

Author(s): Dimitar Tsatsov / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Book Review: Nikolay Milkov. 2023. Hermann Lotze’s Influence on Twentieth Century Philosophy. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston, ISBN 978-3-11-072681-7; e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-072628-2; e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-072638-1; ISSN 2364-3161, 205 р.

Result 256221-256240 of 317410
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