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Result 316321-316340 of 319525
Prospects for the Global Compact for Migration
0.00 €

Prospects for the Global Compact for Migration

Prospects for the Global Compact for Migration

Author(s): Patryk Kugiel / Language(s): English

Keywords: Global Compact for Migration; United Nations; regulating international flow of people; universal principles and standards on migration; border controls; security;

The Global Compact for Migration being negotiated at the UN will be the first such document to comprehensively regulate international flows of people. Although it will not be legally binding, its significance lies in strengthening universal principles and standards on migration and to facilitate cooperation between states in this area. After the withdrawal of the U.S. from the negotiations, the shape and impact of the document to be signed in December this year depends to a large extent on the involvement of the European Union. Poland can use the last stage of the talks to call for better security guarantees for host countries and improved border controls.

Turkey’s Relations with Greece and Cyprus: Old Challenges Resurface
0.00 €

Turkey’s Relations with Greece and Cyprus: Old Challenges Resurface

Turkey’s Relations with Greece and Cyprus: Old Challenges Resurface

Author(s): Karol Wasilewski / Language(s): English

Keywords: Turkey; Greece; Cyprus; tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean; exploration of natural resources; EU policy towards Turkey; energy projects;

Since the beginning of the year, tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean have been rising because of Turkey’s confrontational posture towards Greece and opposition to the exploration of natural resources near the coast of Cyprus. The situation will make EU policy towards Turkey more difficult to execute and in the longer run will be another challenge to the stability of the Union’s neighbourhood and its energy diversification projects.

Car-sharing: A Step towards Electromobility
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Car-sharing: A Step towards Electromobility

Car-sharing: A Step towards Electromobility

Author(s): Adriana Skorupska / Language(s): English

Keywords: Car-sharing; Poland; development of electromobility; public transport; electric car-sharing; low-emission transport; innovative solutions;

Car-sharing, more and more popular in Poland, is becoming an innovative element of public transport in cities. However, to make the expansion of car-sharing (rentals by the minute) an important step towards the development of electromobility in Poland and an effective way to improve air quality, cities should focus on electric car-sharing. Local government support for this initiative would be a promotional opportunity for Polish cities in international forums as leaders in low-emission transport and focused on innovative solutions.

EU Court of Justice Decision on Bilateral Investment Treaties within the EU
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EU Court of Justice Decision on Bilateral Investment Treaties within the EU

EU Court of Justice Decision on Bilateral Investment Treaties within the EU

Author(s): Marek Wąsiński,Szymon Zaręba / Language(s): English

Keywords: European Union; EU Court of Justice; court case; bilateral investment treaties; arbitration dispute settlement model; EU law; law on economics;

In its judgment of 6 March, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that the arbitration dispute settlement model provided for in the investment agreement between Slovakia and the Netherlands is incompatible with EU law. The verdict may hinder the further application of similar solutions. The ruling, though, is conducive to Polish efforts to terminate investment protection agreements with other EU Member States.

South Korea’s Ballistic and Cruise Missiles
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South Korea’s Ballistic and Cruise Missiles

South Korea’s Ballistic and Cruise Missiles

Author(s): Marcin Andrzej Piotrowski / Language(s): English

Keywords: South Korea; missile arsenal; threats from North Korea; regional military balance; ballistic and cruise missiles;

South Korea’s build-up of its missile arsenal is motivated by the threats from North Korea. Although its sources and advancements are not widely known, it is an important factor in the regional military balance. The development of the South’s arsenal would be impossible without assistance from Russia and U.S. acceptance, even if both overlooked the avoidance of both the spirit and letter of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MCTR). Like NATO member states, the South Korean missiles will need to remain integrated with the U.S. military plans and capabilities.

U.S.-Palestinian Authority Relations
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U.S.-Palestinian Authority Relations

U.S.-Palestinian Authority Relations

Author(s): Michał Wojnarowicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: United States; Palestine; Israel; recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel; relocating US embassy; crisis in American-Palestinian relations; peace process;

U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement in December that the U.S. recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and will relocate the U.S. embassy to the city caused a deep crisis in Palestinian-American relations. It has lessened the likelihood of a renewal of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations and complicated the internal political situation in the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Palestinian government has turned to other entities, including the EU, to attempt to revive the peace process and increase support for the Palestinians.

Labour Market Reform in France: Prospects and Implications
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Labour Market Reform in France: Prospects and Implications

Labour Market Reform in France: Prospects and Implications

Author(s): Łukasz Jurczyszyn / Language(s): English

Keywords: France; labour marker; lack of qualified employees; human resources; labour market reform; vocational training and internships system;

The labour market in France has been one of the weakest points of its economy for several decades. Entrepreneurs lack qualified employees and yet high unemployment persists. That is why President Emmanuel Macron has decided to change vocational training and internships system, increase the number of people entitled to receive unemployment benefits, and reform labour law. These changes have high public support and are being undertaken with a good economy. The traditional resistance from trade unions and increasingly better organised opposition remains a challenge to Macron’s reforms.

Africa and the Future of the International Criminal Court
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Africa and the Future of the International Criminal Court

Africa and the Future of the International Criminal Court

Author(s): Jędrzej Czerep / Language(s): English

Keywords: Africa; International Criminal Court (ICC); legitimacy of the court in Africa; international law; criminal law;

The future of the International Criminal Court (ICC) depends on its reputation in Africa. The withdrawal of Burundi, completed in October 2017, is an example of the problems with maintaining the legitimacy of the court on the continent, its major area of operation. If more African states follow, the ICC may not retain the prestige it has tried to build over the last two decades.

The Significance of Decisions by the 13th National People’s Congress to Chinese Policy
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The Significance of Decisions by the 13th National People’s Congress to Chinese Policy

The Significance of Decisions by the 13th National People’s Congress to Chinese Policy

Author(s): Marcin Przychodniak / Language(s): English

Keywords: People’s Republic of China; 13th National People’s Congress; government; leadership; parliament; economic policy; modernisation of economy; modern technology;

The results of the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC, China’s parliament), which concluded on 20 March, confirm the dominant position of Chairman Xi Jinping in its political apparatus. He was elected to the state chairmanship for the second time, and a change to the constitution approved by NPC members even gave him the ability to continue in his position for life. The changes to both the government and highest leadership approved at the central level and confirmed by parliament could indicate attempts to revive the dialogue with the U.S. and EU. The basis for China’s economic policy will be modernisation of its economy through modern technology.

Rosatom Goes Green: New Areas of Russia’s Foreign Cooperation
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Rosatom Goes Green: New Areas of Russia’s Foreign Cooperation

Rosatom Goes Green: New Areas of Russia’s Foreign Cooperation

Author(s): Bartosz Bieliszczuk / Language(s): English

Keywords: Russian Federation; Rosatom; State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom; nuclear energy; energy market; renewable energy; electric vehicles; energy storage; green technology; foreign cooperation;

Rosatom, the Russian nuclear champion, is planning to gradually enter new markets like renewable energy, electric vehicles, and energy storage. The company has significant advantages and know-how to build its experience in these areas and its strategy is also coherent with the Kremlin’s plan to develop renewables in Russia. The successful implementation of these plans will allow Rosatom in the long run to strengthen cooperation with developed countries that abandon nuclear energy and invest in green technologies and electric vehicles. It will also help Russia to extend its political influence.

Unionism in the Politics of the Republic of Moldova and Its Relations with Romania
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Unionism in the Politics of the Republic of Moldova and Its Relations with Romania

Unionism in the Politics of the Republic of Moldova and Its Relations with Romania

Author(s): Jakub Pieńkowski / Language(s): English

Keywords: Republic of Moldova; unionism; Moldovan-Romanian relations; identity disputes; parliamentary elections; reforms in Moldova;

The centenary of the union of the Moldovan Democratic Republic (Bessarabia) with Romania on 27 March has revealed identity disputes within Moldovan society. The intensity of these disputes just before the parliamentary election favours the pro-Russian Party of Socialists. Romania supports the Democratic Party government, which makes pro-Romanian gestures, but only affects reforms in Moldova. This may weaken Moldovans’ hope for further rapprochement with the EU and encourage the seizure of power by the Party of Socialists.

Directions of the Debate on Reform of EU Institutions in the Next Term
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Directions of the Debate on Reform of EU Institutions in the Next Term

Directions of the Debate on Reform of EU Institutions in the Next Term

Author(s): Jolanta Szymańska / Language(s): English

Keywords: European Union; reform of EU institutions; Brexit; UK’s exit from the EU; EU system;

Brexit has revived the debate on reform of EU institutions. Opinion is divided on the direction of these changes. While some in the European political class perceive the UK’s exit from the EU as an opportunity to strengthen the supranational dimension of the Union’s institutions, others call for strengthening the intergovernmental factor in the EU system. This political division around the reform proposals and treaty conditions frame the limits. It is difficult to expect deep changes in the EU term starting in 2019.

Putin’s Elections
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Putin’s Elections

Putin’s Elections

Author(s): Agnieszka Legucka / Language(s): English

Keywords: Russian Federation; presidential elections; Vladimir Putin; Putin’s presidency for the fourth time; foreign policy; international affairs; irregularities in election process;

On 18 March, Vladimir Putin was named the winner of the presidential election in Russia, as predicted. The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), however, reports it found many irregularities in the course of the vote. International affairs played an important role in the mobilisation of the electorate around the president. Putin’s fourth term will be characterised by worsening relations with the U.S., attempts to break EU unity, and the politics of antagonising Russia’s neighbours, including Poland and Ukraine.

Hungary Ahead of Parliamentary Elections
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Hungary Ahead of Parliamentary Elections

Hungary Ahead of Parliamentary Elections

Author(s): Veronika Jóźwiak / Language(s): English

Keywords: Hungary; parliamentary elections; election campaign; government; political rhetoric; rhetoric against immigrants; immigration policy;

Hungarian ruling party Fidesz has sharpened its rhetoric against immigrants at the end of the campaign before the parliamentary elections scheduled for 8 April. The campaign has included elements of criticism towards the UN and a package of draft laws limiting the activities of non-governmental organisations. It is unlikely the government will soften its rhetoric and actions after the elections. This may negatively affect Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s ability to build alliances among the European Christian Democrat parties in the future.

Latvia’s Plan to Strengthen Its International Position
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Latvia’s Plan to Strengthen Its International Position

Latvia’s Plan to Strengthen Its International Position

Author(s): Kinga Raś / Language(s): English

Keywords: Latvia; strengthening international position; foreign policy; international trade; security; economic policy; economic growth;

Latvia’s foreign policy priorities for this year and the actions of its leaders indicate strengthening the country’s security is important, including in the economic dimension. It is intended to make the country a reliable member of NATO and to build a stronger position in the European Union while making it a more visible actor in international relations. However, the effective implementation of these goals may be hindered by upcoming parliamentary elections and problems in its banking sector.

Digitalisation in China: Transformation of the Economy and Social Engineering
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Digitalisation in China: Transformation of the Economy and Social Engineering

Digitalisation in China: Transformation of the Economy and Social Engineering

Author(s): Marcin Przychodniak / Language(s): English

Keywords: People’s Republic of China; transformation of technology; social engineering; technology development; artificial intelligence; mobile payments; modernisation of the economy; digital technology; digital sector;

Chinese authorities promote and finance projects focused on artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and mobile payments at scale. They define digitalisation as an element of the modernisation of the economy, including Chinese companies’ drive to achieve global competitive advantages, to be followed by achieving a leading international position in digital technology. Digitalisation, and especially AI, also will become a tool in the country’s system of control and evaluation of citizens. The achievement of these premises—according to Chinese government plans they should be reached by 2030—will be difficult, in part because of a lack of qualified personnel.

Hungary Looks to Revise Its Research, Development and Innovation Strategy
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Hungary Looks to Revise Its Research, Development and Innovation Strategy

Hungary Looks to Revise Its Research, Development and Innovation Strategy

Author(s): Veronika Jóźwiak / Language(s): English

Keywords: Hungary; research, development and innovation strategy; Hungarian economy’s competitiveness; financing the research and development sector;

Hungary is reviewing its national research, development and innovation (RDI) strategy, which it launched in 2013. It aims to carry out structural changes by 2030 that will significantly increase the Hungarian economy’s competitiveness. To this end, the research and development (R&D) sector is being reformed and expenditures on it gradually increased. However, the level of spending combined with the structural weaknesses of the Hungarian economy might hinder its catching up with the European leaders of innovation in such a short time.

Charges against Prime Minister Netanyahu: Implications for Israeli Domestic and Foreign Policy
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Charges against Prime Minister Netanyahu: Implications for Israeli Domestic and Foreign Policy

Charges against Prime Minister Netanyahu: Implications for Israeli Domestic and Foreign Policy

Author(s): Michał Wojnarowicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: Israel; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; corruption investigation; government; foreign policy;

Israeli police, after investigations into corruption allegations, have recommended the country’s Attorney General indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu rejects the allegations. The leaders of the parties forming the government support the head of government and did not take any action that would lead to a breakdown of the coalition. However, the results of the investigations combined with public pressure may affect the government’s stability and speed up Knesset elections. The political struggle between the parties may lead to stronger actions and rhetoric in Israeli foreign policy.

EU Development Cooperation Policy in the post-2020 Budget
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EU Development Cooperation Policy in the post-2020 Budget

EU Development Cooperation Policy in the post-2020 Budget

Author(s): Patryk Kugiel / Language(s): English

Keywords: European Union; multiannual financial framework; European development cooperation policy; EU funds; assistance programmes; EU budget;

Negotiations of the EU’s next multiannual financial framework (MFF) present an opportunity to reform European development cooperation policy and define the future role of the Union in the world. The most important issues to be resolved are the total amount of funds for Official Development Assistance (ODA) in the period, the shape of the aid instruments, and an update of the EU’s main objectives in this area. Strengthening the Union’s global influence requires maintaining high expenditures on ODA, simplifying and reducing the number of assistance programmes and focusing on areas where the EU brings added value.

Perspectives on the Development of Renewable Energy Sources in the U.S.
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Perspectives on the Development of Renewable Energy Sources in the U.S.

Perspectives on the Development of Renewable Energy Sources in the U.S.

Author(s): Marek Wąsiński / Language(s): English

Keywords: United states; development of renewable energy sources; policy on renewable energy sources; climate policy; domestic vs. foreign solar panels producers; energy sector;

The U.S. administration’s policy on renewable energy sources (RES) is ambivalent. President Donald Trump says he wants to defend American innovation and jobs, but his support of fossil fuels and abandonment of ambitious climate policy hinders the development of the RES sector. The administration’s higher tariffs on foreign solar panels is supposed to protect domestic producers of solar cells and panels but could put a drag on growth of the industry in the U.S. Although further development of renewable energy in the United States is inevitable, China’s dominance in the sector will grow.

Result 316321-316340 of 319525
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