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Result 318661-318680 of 319356
Central banks’ voting contest
4.50 €

Central banks’ voting contest

Central banks’ voting contest

Author(s): Wojciech Charemza / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: voting algorithms; monetary policy; inflation targeting; forecast uncertainty

This chapter compares how effective different voting algorithms are for the decisions taken by monetary policy councils. A voting activity index is proposed and computed as the ratio of the number of all possible decisions to the total number of different combinations of decisions available to a given composition of an MPC. The voting systems considered are these used by the US Federal Reserve Board and the central banks of the UK, Australia, Canada, Sweden and Poland. In the dynamic simulation model, which emulates voting decisions, the heterogeneous agents act upon individual forecast signals and optimise a Taylor-like decision function. The selection criterion is based on the simulated probability of staying within the bounds that define the inflationary target. The general conclusion is that the voting algorithm used by the Bank of Sweden is the best given the criteria applied, especially when inflation is initially outside the target bounds. It is observed that a decrease in inflation forecast uncertainty, which is inversely proportional to the correlation between the forecast signals delivered to members of the monetary policy board, makes the voting less effective.

Fairy Tales in the Service of Crime Prevention
4.50 €

Fairy Tales in the Service of Crime Prevention

Märchen im Dienst der Kriminalprävention

Author(s): Ewelina Kamińska-Ossowska / Language(s): English,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: modern fairy tale; modern dangers; criminal activity on the internet

The article examines texts from the brochure "Es war einmal … das Internet. 5 moderne Märchen über 5 moderne Problembereiche" (2015), published by the Swiss Crime Prevention SKP. This essay attempts to show the specifics of these texts, their connection with traditional fairy tales and with the processes of social modernisation, their intended function, and how they can influence and warn children of modern dangers.

In Memory of Granny Weatherwax
4.50 €

In Memory of Granny Weatherwax

In Memory of Granny Weatherwax

Author(s): Bartłomiej Błaszkiewicz / Language(s): English,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: fantasy; Pratchett; folktale; narration; spirituality

The article concerns the evolution of the character of Granny Weatherwax, one of the central creations of the Discworld comic fantasy series by the British author Terry Pratchett. The argument attempts to trace the progressive development of the character against the ever more complex narrative techniques adopted by Pratchett in the successive novels, and also in the context of the author’s growing sophistication in tackling major existential themes in his fiction.

Art Fights, Grimms Inspiration and Fairy-Tale Games à la Eulenspiegel
4.50 €

Art Fights, Grimms Inspiration and Fairy-Tale Games à la Eulenspiegel

Kunstprügelei, Grimm-Inspiration und Märchenspiele à la Eulenspiegel

Author(s): Maciej Jędrzejewski / Language(s): English,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: fairy tale; fairy-tale motifs; Grimm; Clemens Setz

This essay shows the literary references to fairy-tale motifs in the work of the Austrian writer Clemens Setz. The references reflect the programmatic aspects of the author. That is, among other things, the portrayal of the inhumanity of society and the literary concept of portraying the abnormal as normal. Setz also makes a reference to the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale, which is analysed in the article.

How the Reject Becomes the Chosen One, and the Recluse Is Able to Connect with Everybody
4.50 €

How the Reject Becomes the Chosen One, and the Recluse Is Able to Connect with Everybody

Wie der Abgestoßene zum Auserwählten und der Isolierte zum Allverbundenen wird

Author(s): Katarzyna Grzywka-Kolago / Language(s): English,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: folktale; abstract style; novel; Hanns-Josef Ortheil; Max Lüthi

According to the theory of the Swiss folktale scholar Max Lüthi, the genre is characterised by the so-called abstract style. Its central features include ‘isolation’ and ‘extreme contrasts.’ The purpose of the paper is to prove the hypothesis that the abstract style is an important narrative facet of Hanns-Josef Ortheil’s novel "Das Kind, das nicht fragte" (2012). This is most apparent in the composition of principal and secondary characters, but also in the creation of space.

4.50 €



Author(s): Lucian Dogan / Language(s): English,Romanian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: restoration; conservation; document; integration;

Section I: PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION OF DOCUMENTS IN PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN ROMANIA. MODELS OF GOOD PRACTICE The present study presents the technical-scientificd ocumentation regarding the restoration of two paper documents ( two sheets out of nine) with extreme mechanical fragmentation, written in Romanian in 1863. In addition to the physical-mechanical degradations (blocking the sheets, breaks on the fold line) other types of degradation were highlighted: biotic and chemical. The restoration methodology consisted in unblocking the fragments of the tabs with the help of a solvent, cleaning and biocidal operations. Afterwards, the fragments were sorted according to the assortments of paper, color and graphics and placed in a puzzle system in order to reconstruct the original sheet format. The gap areas were integrated with 31g/m2Japanese paper, and as a final operation the sheets were consolidated by plating (double-sided) with 6g/m2Japanese paper.

Sarmatian censers from the investigations of the necropolis of ancient Tanais 1st – mid. 3rd century AD

Sarmatian censers from the investigations of the necropolis of ancient Tanais 1st – mid. 3rd century AD

Курильницы сарматской эпохи из раскопок некрополя Танаиса I – середины III вв. н.э.

Author(s): Ludmila Basilevich / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Sarmatian culture; Lower Don region; funeral rite; censers; indicators of ethno-cultural community

The study of ritual vessels – burning cups or censers – in the context of funeral traditions allows to trace relations between the settled and nomadic population in the region of Lower Don. The analysis of funeral rite’s allows us to understand importance of censers in the religious sphere of ancient life. We can interpret these vessels as an indicator of the ethnocultural component of the Sarmatian community. The investigation covers two chronological periods: the 1st – beginning of the 2nd centuries AD; second half of the 2nd – middle of the 3rd centuries AD. In the first period there is wide variety of censers forms and shapes. We can see cylindrical with small holes (diagnostic form for this time) and paired vessels among them. They are found mostly in female and child graves. In the second period the quadrangular shape of the censers appeared that marked the period of the late Sarmatian culture. Findings of censers in graves prove that the ritual traditions of nomads become an integral part of the burial cult of the ancient population of the Northern Black Sea region.

Results of paleogeographic researches of Tanais in 2015–2017

Results of paleogeographic researches of Tanais in 2015–2017

Итоги работ по изучению палеогеографии Танаиса в 2015–2017 гг.

Author(s): Denis Bunin,S.M. Ilyashenko,Andrei V. Panin,Olga S. Khokhlova / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Tanais; paleogeography; climate; geomorphology; interdisciplinary studies; Lower Don region

The foundation of Tanais in the 3rd century BC and its growth through the 2nd century BC took place in climatic conditions, comparable to those of the modern period. The most devastating conquest of the city by Bosporus King Polemon occurred in the late 1st century BC, when the climate aridity reached its peak. Throughout the whole period of the city existence it was surrounded by steppe communities, but the coniferous (pine) pollen was also found. The highest proportion of pollen of cultivated plants and weed (4–6%) is found in the assemblages attributable to the first period of the city life (the 2nd–1st centuries BC). The analysis of microbiomorphs agreed with the pollen data and provided additional data on the wood and reed having been widely used in economical activities in the first period of the city life. From the middle of the 2nd to the late 4th centuries AD the climate conditions may be considered to be humid and favorable for the bioproductivity. Another wave of aridity was recorded at the boundary of the 4th and 5th centuries AD. At the end of the 5th century AD the city ceased to exist. A complex analysis of sediments, opened by drilling, was also performed. Due to the results, at least at the beginning of the 3rd century AD the harbor area of Tanais was situated inside of Don branch – Myortvy Donets. At the time of foundation, the city could be located at the confluence of the river into the sea, and by the end of its existence it could already be inside the delta. Apparently, in the first centuries AD Myortvy Donets was more watery than it is now, which allowed it to fulfill the functions of the main transport way. Thus, we can suppose that the middle class of ancient merchant ships could freely enter Tanais harbor.

Red slip pottery and Late Roman Tanais in the light of new research

Red slip pottery and Late Roman Tanais in the light of new research

Red slip pottery and Late Roman Tanais in the light of new research

Author(s): Krzysztof Domżalski / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Tanais; red slip pottery; Late Antiquity

Red slip vessels found in Tanais are a very numerous category of imports, which arrived by the sea to the Late Antique settlement founded on the forgotten ruins of an Early Roman tradesmen town, destroyed around the mid-3rd century AD. Previous research allowed to determine that the later settlement was established about a century after the destruction caused by the Goths, and existed for several decades keeping regular contacts with the Bosporan and other Black Sea coastal centres. The paper updates the knowledge about the Late Roman red slip ware finds almost twenty years after the publication of the basic study on the discussed category of imports in Tanais. The source materials are mainly the finds from the Polish-Russian excavations in Sector XXV, conducted in 1999–2019. Altogether 32 fragments of Late Roman red slip vessels were found there. The vast majority (29 fragments) were the finds of the Pontic Red Slip ware, coming probably from the north-eastern part of Anatolia. These supplies were supplemented by the much more modest imports from the Northern Africa (African Red Slip ware, 2 fragments) and eastern Aegean (Late Roman C/Phocean Red Slip ware,1 fragment). The typo-chronological analysis of these and earlier finds, as well as some results of new studies, especially on the Pontic Red Slip ware vessels, indicate that the Late Roman settlement in Tanais was founded slightly later that it was assumed, at the very end of the 4th century and that it had regular contacts overseas until at least the end of the third quarter of the 5th century.

Tanais Amphorae of 1st century BC – 1st century AD

Tanais Amphorae of 1st century BC – 1st century AD

Амфоры Танаиса I в. до – I в. н.э

Author(s): S.A. Naumenko / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Tanais; Hellenistic period; Roman period; amphorae; production centers

The paper is concerned with Tanais trade relations from the 1st century BC to 1st century AD. The main types of amphora containers from various production centers are presented, including both the Pontic and Mediterranean regions, as well as so far unknown centers.

Another victim of Tanais’s destruction?

Another victim of Tanais’s destruction?

Еще одна жертва времени гибели Танаиса?

Author(s): Marcin Matera / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Tanais; Tanais’s destruction; Roman period; 2nd–3rd century AD; human remains

In 2018–2019 in the filling of the defensive ditch surrounding the western region of Tanais, human remains were discovered. The unusual position of the skeleton and the absence of a burial pit indicate that it can hardly be considered as deliberate burial. The archaeological materials found together with the skeleton is characteristic for the 2nd–3rd centuries AD. Considering all these factors, the question arises whether these remains are the victim of one of the raids that destroyed Tanais in the middle of the 2nd or in the middle of the 3rd century AD?

The main results of a five-year dactyloscopy and trace evidence study of ancient terracottas objects found in the lower Don

The main results of a five-year dactyloscopy and trace evidence study of ancient terracottas objects found in the lower Don

Основные итоги пятилетнего исследования предметов античной коропластики Нижнего Дона с помощью методов дактилоскопии и трасологии

Author(s): N.I. Suworowa,Anna G. Yazovskih,S.W. Sergo,N.V. Lazarev / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Elizavetovskoe settlement; coroplastic art; terracotta; masters–coroplasts; fingerprints; dactyloscopy; trace evidence

The article analyzes the results of implementation of a new scientific method in examining ancient terracottas. For the first time this method was used by authors of the present article for examining terracottas of Tanais and it proved successful. The subjects for examination at the next stage of the study were finds from the Elizavetovskoe settlement, stored in the Educational Museum of Archeology in the Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University, and also in Azov History, Archeology and Paleontology Museum-Reserve. The subject of this study are ancient clay figurines from the Elizavetovskoe settlement, stored in the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore, as well as terracottas from the Novocherkassk Museum of the History of Don Cossacks and the Taganrog State Literary and Historical Architectural Museum-Reserve. A total of 70 terracotta items were examined. Among them are fragments of protomes, male and female figurines, animal figures dating from 4th–3rd century BC. Many of them were softened by kneading in forms. In the process of kneading artisans pressed clay tightly into forms, thus leaving distinct fingerprints on the inside of items. The fingerprints reveal information about age and gender of ancient artisans as well as peculiarities of the terracotta crafting.

Interdisciplinary investigations on the territory of the Seven Brother’s townsite (Labrys)

Interdisciplinary investigations on the territory of the Seven Brother’s townsite (Labrys)

Междисциплинарные исследования на территории Семибратнего городища (Лабриса)

Author(s): V.A. Goroncharovsky,Tatiana Nikolaevna Smekalova,Tatyana Valentinovna Sapelko / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Bosporan kingdom; Sindika; Labrys (Seven Brother’s townsite); interdisciplinary investigations; pollen data

Labrys (the Seven Brother’s townsite) is located at the lower reaches of the Kuban River. In the 19th–20th centuries it was investigated by Vladimir Tizengauzen (1878) and Nikita Anfimov (between 1938 and 1955). The purpose of the present work is the analysis of the new data received during comprehensive research of the site (2001–2009). Primarily the works of these years are connected with the southern part of ancient settlement. According to geomagnetic survey it has the form of trapezoid, whereas northern part has oval outlines. On the southern, eastern and western sides of townsite one can see a prominent thickening of the intensity of anomalies at several points, which seem to meet the gates fortified by towers. Near eastern side a study of earlier layers revealed defensive wall and passage-tower with staircase of the 5th century BC. It abused destruction at the beginning of the 4th century BC and rebuilt about the middle of the same century. During Early Hellenistic period the remains of temenos with the external wall of the limestone blocks and two altars were located here. The pollen data of the 5th–1st centuries BC show that climate changes, fluctuations in the Black Sea level and changes in the hydrological regime of the Kuban River influenced to the development of Labrys. Further comprehensive study of this archaeological site can give essentially new information about early stage of the Greek-Sindian relations and following development of this region.

Panticapeum or Bosporus

Panticapeum or Bosporus

Panticapeum or Bosporus

Author(s): Evgeny Alexandrovich Molev / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Bosporan Kingdom; Pontus; Panticapaeum; Archaeanaktids; Spartokids; policy

The article deals with the history of the issue of the double name of the capital of the Bosporan state – “Panticapaeum” and “Bosporus”. The author briefly describes the research of his predecessors and gives his assessment of the origin and understanding of both terms. The special importance of the main source in this issue – Diodorus Siculus is noted. Archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic sources of this or that version are considered separately. In the process of the study, the author identifies the names of the capital of Bosporus, given in the works of ancient authors, monuments of epigraphy and numismatics, and gives them a brief description, which allows clarifying the time of appearance and duration of the existence of both terms. In conclusion, the author gives an explanation of the reasons for such an unusual phenomenon for the ancient world, when the name of the policy and the city diverge.

Investigations on the southern slope of the Nymphaion plateau (1972–2018)

Investigations on the southern slope of the Nymphaion plateau (1972–2018)

Investigations on the southern slope of the Nymphaion plateau (1972–2018)

Author(s): Olga Sokolova / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Nymphaion (Nymphaeum); sanctuary of the sea gods; system of fortifications; wineries; pottery kiln

The article summarizes the results of excavations on the southern slope of the Nymphaion plateau during the period from 1972 to 2018.

Necropolis of the Bosporan City of Kytae in Late Antiquity

Necropolis of the Bosporan City of Kytae in Late Antiquity

Позднеантичный некрополь боспорского города Китей

Author(s): Zoe V. Khanutina,V.A. Khrshanovsky / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Bosporan Kingdom; Kytae; necropolis; funeral and memorial complexes; late antique time

The authors of the article suggest preliminary results of the research undertaken in 1992–2020 at the south-western coastal area of the Kytae necropolis. Along with the three early Hellenistic crypts made of limestone blocks and slabs, there were discovered over 40 earthen and slab tombs, an earthen vault, ritual (commemorative) complexes, and pits that date back to the Late Antiquity times. Confined (narrow) dating was difficult due to the mix of heterogeneous and multi-time material in the overlapping layer: numerous fragments of imported and Bosporan amphorae, black-glazed and red-glazed pottery, various wheel and hand-made pottery, terracotta figurines, spindles and sinkers, glass shatters and Bosporan coins, date within 4th century BC and first half of the 5th century AD. Lack of stratification data in the mound and the ground fill of the open ritual complexes requires dating it from the latest materials that are published in the present article. The most reliable mark to determine the time of the necropolis occurrence is coinage – coins of Bosporan kings whose reign falls on time within 250–330 AD. Another group of finds includes profile fragments of narrow-necked amphorae made of light clay (type E after Shelov), and the red-clay amphorae (type 100 after Zeest, or the de Lackey type). The upper chronological timeline – first half of the 5th century AD – we would not consider as finally approved. Provided it is established that the late antique burial and commemorative complexes had been overlapped by the meridionally directed shafts running parallel to each other, then the discovered necropolis should be recognized as that of the type not seen so far in Bosporus. Not only the abundant materials found in shaft mounds, but also traces of sacrifices – numerous bone remains of wild and domestic animals, birds and poultry, and fish – testifies in favour of such a conclusion. Full description of the entire amount of the material discovered by the excavations (including numerous “asynchronous” items of earlier dates – pottery stamps, fragments of painted and black-glazed ceramic vessels, “Megarian” bowls, terracotta figurines, and bronze Bosporan coins), as well as the attempts to interpret their presence in the late antique layer, and the speculations about the possible ethnic and cultural belonging of the necropolis lay far above the limits of the present article.

Myrmekion 1956–1958

Myrmekion 1956–1958

Мирмекий 1956–1958

Author(s): Tomasz Scholl / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Bosporan Kingdom; Myrmekion; soviet-polish excavations

In 1955, during the meeting in the National Museum in Warsaw between the Director of the Hermitage Museum Mikhail Artamonov and Deputy Director of the National Museum Kazimierz Michałowski, a proposal for joint Soviet-Polish excavations in Myrmekion was made. The relevant agreements between the Hermitage Museum and the National Museum in Warsaw (with the participation of the University of Warsaw and Leningrad University) were signed. In the summer of 1956, the first post-war expedition of Polish archaeologists focused on antiquity research began. Although the joint Polish-Soviet work lasted only for 3 campaigns, it allowed for field education in the field of antiquity excavations of young archaeological workers as well as students of the University of Warsaw from higher years of studies.

Mithraea in Scythia and Taurica

Mithraea in Scythia and Taurica

Митреумы в Скифии и Тавриде

Author(s): Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Roman Army; Taurica; Mithraea; Mithras

In the first centuries of our era, Roman garrisons periodically stationed in the Greek cities on the north-eastern coast of the Black Sea. Civilians originating from the Roman provinces also resided there, while the local population gradually succumbed to Romanisation. The material evidence of this process includes finds confirming the performance of religious ceremonies that had previously been unknown in the discussed area. These include various artefacts linked to the cult of Mithras. The text presents various such finds from Balaklava-Kadykovka and Aj-Todor Cape, as well as from Chersonesos, Olbia and Tyras. The article analyses their relationship with the places where the Roman army was stationed. In the case of the listed settlements, certain hypotheses have been presented concerning the possible location of the Mithraea or temples devoted to various deities, including Mithras.

Crimean Antiquities as Viewed by Foreigners in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries

Crimean Antiquities as Viewed by Foreigners in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries

Crimean Antiquities as Viewed by Foreigners in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries

Author(s): Nikita I. Khrapunov / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Crimea; travel writing; grand tour; imagology; intellectual history; archaeology; history of historical and archaeological researches; cultural heritage protection; political ideology

This paper presents considerations on the earliest stage of the investigation of the past of the Crimea that started after the first Russian annexation of the peninsula in 1783. Although Russian ideology underlined classical heritage of the northern Black Sea coast, travellers and researchers had their views of the antiquities and used them for different purposes. Travellers discovered the site of ancient Chersonese, supplied information how Scythian Neapolis was found, and made first analyses of old coins discovered in the region. Their travelogues explained the significance of archaeological monuments for European grand tours. However, they also produced long-living phantoms, such as the tomb of Mithradate in Kerch and that of Maria Potocka in Bakhchisarai, or the traces of the great flood in the Crimean mountains; these and other myths are still alive among local residents and tourists. The travellers developed the idea of the Crimea as a substitute of Greece, the must-see area of classical heritage, and suggested that archaeological artefacts should be taken abroad for “better protection”. Many attempts were made to relate modern residents of the Crimea with this or that ancient people known from Herodotus and Strabo, like the Russians as the Greeks or the Karaites as the Melanchleni. Finally, archaeology was used as an “ideological tool” directed on the Russians, accusing them of intentional destruction of cultural heritage. Many of these myths and stereotypes are still alive.

Underwater Archaeological Exploration in the Waters of Tendra Spit and Berezan Island in 2017

Underwater Archaeological Exploration in the Waters of Tendra Spit and Berezan Island in 2017

Underwater Archaeological Exploration in the Waters of Tendra Spit and Berezan Island in 2017

Author(s): V. Gerasimov,Roman Reyda,Artur Brzóska,Karolina Trusz / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Underwater archaeology; Black Sea; amphora; Bathymetry; Wreck

In the season 2017 the joint underwater archaeological expedition carried underwater archaeological exploration in the waters of Tendra Spit and Berezan Island on the shelf of the Black Sea, Ukrainian Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. Underwater archaeological exploration focused on the waters near the northern tip of Tendra Spit, from both the Gulf of Tendra and the sea, and Berezan Island. In addition to the visual reconnaissance, divers were using sonar, profiler and side-scan sonar. As a result of the research a bathymetric map of the north and north-western tip of the spit was completed. During the visual survey, the surface finds has been identified on the shore and underwater at a relatively large area. Archaeological material included numerous fragments of amphorae, two fragments of tiles and one fragment of a bronze or copper plaque. All the discovered artefacts belong to the same period of the 1st century and they most probably belong to there mains of a shipwreck. Due to the research, it was possible to make an accurate bathymetric map of the bottom waters and sediment density, find ten potential underwater archaeological sites for further studies, and one possible wreck from the Roman period.

Result 318661-318680 of 319356
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