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Result 319621-319640 of 319771
Among friends in Krzemieniec
4.50 €

Among friends in Krzemieniec

Wśród przyjaciół w Krzemieńcu

Author(s): Marta Męclewska / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsaw; Polish Academy of Sciences

Professor Jerzy Kolendo in 1969 drew attention to an issue close to his heart, that is, the history of the numismaticcollection in the Krzemieniec school founded by Tadeusz Czacki in 1805. It was an exceptional collection – compiledat the Warsaw Castle at the order of King Stanisław August and after his death bought, together with the RoyalLibrary, for the Secondary School (Lyceum) in Krzemieniec. Professor Kolendo provided an outline of the subjectarea and a direction for further research, based on numerous studies and archive materials of the JagiellonianLibrary. Most importantly, he recommended that scholars gain access to the archives in Kiev, where he expectedto fi nd more abundant materials for the identifi cation of the collection from Krzemieniec. The goal set out by theProfessor started a path that was then followed by his students. The Numismatic Cabinet was created at the RoyalCastle in Warsaw in 1981, the aim of which was the study of the history of the royal numismatic collection, whichat the time was the largest one in Poland (over 18,000 objects, including approximately 8,400 ancient objects andmore than 9,400 modern ones). A team composed of the staff of the Castle and researchers from the University ofWarsaw, with the help of two study grants devoted to the history of the collection, conducted extensive archivalresearch in Polish archives and after 1991 also in Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Russian ones. As a result, afterthe penetration of 21 archives and libraries, an outline of the history of the collection was formulated, dividedinto four stages: 1) the Warsaw period – at the court of Stanisław August at the Castle in Warsaw (1764–1805);2) the Krzemieniec period (1805–1828); 3) the Vilnius period (1828–1834); 4) the Kiev period (1834–present day).The collection, transported to Krzemieniec (together with catalogues of ancient coins compiled in Warsaw byReverend John Baptist Albertrandi), waited until 1820 for the Numismatic Cabinet to be appropriately fi tted andfor the catalogues to be completed by the “keeper of the Cabinet,” Franciszek Skarbek-Rudzki. Despite that, in1811 a Visitor’s Book of the Cabinet was created – Liber inscribendorum nominum Eorum qui Cimelium NumismaticumGymnasii Volhyniensis Cremeneci visitavere. Anno 1811 – in which in the years 1811 and 1815–1827 were recordedvisits of eminent personages of the world of the sciences, representatives of the Volhynian gentry, great familiesof the Commonwealth, who supported the “Volhynian Athens” as the school was referred to. In the book wecan fi nd the fi nest names of the Polish intellectual, political and military elites. They formed Tadeusz Czacki’scircle of friends, involved institutionally and fi nancially in the organization of the school, making donations tothe various collections of the school and still taking care of the school after Tadeusz Czacki’s death in 1813 (exceptM. Nowosilcow). The end came in 1834 when the Russian authorities closed the school and when the collectionswere transported to Kiev. Today the collection is housed at the National Museum of the History of Ukraine,without the origins of the numismatic objects being preserved.

Illustrations from The Art of the Slavs, Especially in Pre-Christian Poland and Lithuania of Józef Ignacy Kraszewski: The statue from Wozniesieńsk
4.50 €

Illustrations from The Art of the Slavs, Especially in Pre-Christian Poland and Lithuania of Józef Ignacy Kraszewski: The statue from Wozniesieńsk

Ilustracje do Sztuki u Słowian, szczególnie w Polsce i Litwie przedchrześcijańskiej Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego Posążek z Wozniesieńska

Author(s): Magdalena Sugalska / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsaw; Polish Academy of Sciences

The article deals with the history of the research on the small equestrian statue from Wozniesieńsk describedby Józef Ignacy Kraszewski in The Art of the Slavs, Especially in Pre-Christian Poland and Lithuania (Polish: Sztukau Słowian, szczególnie w Polsce i Litwie przedchrześcijańskiej) and drawn by him (together with other specimens) onunpublished plates illustrating the book. The Art of the Slavs was the fi rst synthesis of the prehistory of the Polishand Lithuanian territories, for which Kraszewski compiled an inventory of the known archaeological sites andfi ndings. On 7 out of 41 plates made by Kraszewski, 35 small statues of various origin have been drawn. The discussedstatue is among them. The statue from Wozniesieńsk is one of around 60 cult images known from Europeand Asia and referred to in Russian literature as “freaks.” The defi ning characteristics of these objects are: nudity,deformation or lack of some body part, androgyny, emphasis on gender. This group of specimens is associatedwith the cult of the dead and of the ancestors, typical for all Turkish peoples grounded in shamanism, inhabitingthe grasslands of south-east Europe and south-west Asia from the 8th to the 11th century.

Verifi cation of the coin fi nds from north Mazovia:
The coin treasure from Wiadrowo (Żuromin district), truth or myth?
4.50 €

Verifi cation of the coin fi nds from north Mazovia: The coin treasure from Wiadrowo (Żuromin district), truth or myth?

Weryfikacja znalezisk monetarnych z północnego Mazowsza Skarb monet z Wiadrowa, pow. żuromiński – prawda czy mit?

Author(s): Andrzej Szela / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsaw; Polish Academy of Sciences

The references to this topic in the literature of the subject are full of ambiguity. According to the story,Wiadrowo is located west of Żuromin by the road to Brudnice. Although Brudnice are indeed situated to thewest of Żuromin, they are adjacent to it, while Wiadrowo is located north of the town. In individual publications,the number of coins also varies.Until recently, our knowledge of the settlements in this part of Mazovia during the period of Roman infl uencewas just as limited. This induced many scholars of this period to formulate the hypothesis about the zone of mutualfear which separated the two great archaeological cultures of these lands. Inasmuch as our knowledge of thepopulation of this area has been subject to substantial change as a result of the excavations conducted over the pastseveral years, the issues related to coin fi nds are still in need of further research. In the most recent publicationdiscussing this strip of Mazovia, eight coin fi nds from fi ve towns and one treasure have been mentioned.

Mask puzzle padlock found in Novae
4.50 €

Mask puzzle padlock found in Novae

Kłódka z wizerunkiem twarzy znaleziona w Novae

Author(s): Agnieszka Tomas / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsaw; Polish Academy of Sciences

In 2013, during the construction work connected to the modernization of the Archaeological Park in Novae,a bronze padlock with an arched shackle and decoration in the form of a human face has been discovered (Figs 1, 2).This kind of padlock is a rare fi nd; to date only 157 specimens are known, which are mostly found in collections.Their biggest catalogue was published in 2017 by Jerry Slocum and Dic Sonneveld, together with a review ofthe issue of their origins and functions. Their mechanism was quite complicated and consisted in unlocking hiddenplates so that the lock could be opened with a key (Fig. 3:A). To date, the discovered specimens have threetypes of fastenings: chain, horizontal shackle, vertical shackle (Fig. 3:B–D). Their function was probably to securea purse (Fig. 3E). Finds distribution maps presented by Slocum and Sonneveld indicate that the padlocks couldhave been produced in Aquileia and Iulia Concordia in northern Italy or perhaps in Asia Minor. Concordia andAquileia were important craft centres and Aquileia was also an important point on the trading route with theBarbaricum. One of the sepulchral reliefs from Aquileia, discovered in the cemetery in Beligna (where two padlockspecimens come from), depicts a locksmith (Fig. 4), while the padlock from Novae discussed here has closeanalogies in the fi nds from Concordia (Fig. 9:1).Because of the unusual and delicate construction, the discussed padlocks served more as a visual guaranteethat the protected valuables had not been opened by unauthorized persons. A similar function was performed byseal-boxes, so-called Siegelkapseln, which protected, e.g., documents (Fig. 5). The discussed padlocks could haveserved to protect purses and sacks in which money or valuables were kept or transported, also on longer journeys.A statue depicting a sack protected by a cord and a kind of lock (Fig. 6) comes from Aquileia, and fromthe territories of Noricum a relief showing a person holding such a purse in their hand (Fig. 7). Transfers of bothprivate and public money had to be covered by a guarantee. The relief from Rome depicting a protected sack andbearing the inscription VIATOR AD AERARIVM refers to the function of the person (usually a slave) transportingmoney from the state treasury (Fig. 8). The discussed padlock from Novae was found in the courtyard of thecommand headquarters. Perhaps, it is related to the hasty emptying of treasuries in which metals and valuableswere kept. These events took place at the beginning of the 4th century.Among the so-far discovered padlocks, two basic groups can be distinguished: Group I – decorated on oneside with the image of human heads: male (Fig. 9:1–5), female (Fig. 9:6–10) and schematic ones, Group II – decoratedon two sides with ram heads (Fig. 9:12, 14), a ram and a human head (Fig. 9:13, 15) and with schematic faces(Fig. 9:16). Both the male and female heads seem to have their origins in Celtic-Roman art (Figs 10 and 11:A),and they reappear in the 2nd–3rd century in the territories of the Barbaricum and function until late antiquity(Figs 11:B, C).The padlocks date to between the 1st century AD and the end of the 3rd century AD. Certainly, their mainfunction was to protect the transported money and valuables. Several padlocks have been found along the AmberRoad and one specimen was found by the Morava river, outside the empire. It seems that at least a part of theselocks could have served to protect metallic money transported to frontier areas where it was then prepared forfurther transport.

Latin inscriptions in Monumenti dei Veliati
4.50 €

Latin inscriptions in Monumenti dei Veliati

Inskrypcje łacińskie w Monumenti dei Veliati

Author(s): Jerzy Żelazowski / Language(s): English,Polish,German / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Jerzy Kolendo; archaeology; Poland; Europe; University of Warsaw; Polish Academy of Sciences

A collection of over thirty studies written by renowned Polish scholars (archaeologists and historians), dedicated to the memory of a distinguished archaeologist, working for a long-time at the Polish Academy of Sciences and at the University of Warsaw, Professor Jerzy Kolendo. The articles deal with a broad range of issues – those concerned with the archaeology of different Polish regions (e.g., Mazovia, Western Pomerania) and of Europe (e.g., Sicily, Dacia, Germania).

From the publisher

From the publisher

Od wydawcy

Author(s): Wojciech Brzeziński / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.




Author(s): Małgorzata Kot / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

Professor Stefan Krukowski (1890–1982)

Professor Stefan Krukowski (1890–1982)

Profesor Stefan Krukowski (1890–1982)

Author(s): Elżbieta Ciepielewska / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

List of sites in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Department at the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw acquired by Stefan Krukowski

List of sites in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Department at the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw acquired by Stefan Krukowski

Spis stanowisk w zbiorach Działu Paleolitu i Mezolitu PMA w Warszawie pozyskanych przez Stefana Krukowskiego

Author(s): Elżbieta Ciepielewska / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

Stefan Krukowski in Gvardjilas Klde

Stefan Krukowski in Gvardjilas Klde

Stefan Krukowski i Gvardjilas Klde

Author(s): Stefan Karol Kozłowski / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

Research into Georgia’s Upper Palaeolithic and the material in the Gvardjilas Klde cave from Stefan Krukowski’s excavations

Research into Georgia’s Upper Palaeolithic and the material in the Gvardjilas Klde cave from Stefan Krukowski’s excavations

Badania nad górnym paleolitem Gruzji a materiały z jaskini Gvardjilas Klde z wykopalisk Stefana Krukowskiego

Author(s): Karol Szymczak / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowsk; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

History of research in Gvardjilas Klde cave in Georgia

History of research in Gvardjilas Klde cave in Georgia

Historia badań w jaskini Gvardjilas Klde w Gruzji

Author(s): Małgorzata Kot / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

Gvardjilas Klde (with 12 plates)
14.50 €

Gvardjilas Klde (with 12 plates)

Gwardżyłas Kłde (z 12 tablicami)

Author(s): Stefan Krukowski / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.



Słownik terminów

Author(s): / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

Plates with artefacts from the Gvardjilas Klde site

Plates with artefacts from the Gvardjilas Klde site

Tablice z zabytkami ze stanowiska Gvardjilas Klde

Author(s): / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish,Georgian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Stefan Krukowski; Georgia; Gvardjilas Klde Cave; archaeology; Paleolithic

Critical edition of the unpublished text of Stefan Krukowski, one of the fathers of Polish archaeology, regarding his research on the cave site in Georgia in 1916. The book, edited in Russian, Polish, Georgian and English, consists of the introductory part (consisting Krukowski’s biography, history of research in the site under discussion and of the research on the Paleolithic in Georgia in general), of the text of Krukowski and accompanying illustrations, as well as of the separate modern tables with drawings and photos of the artifacts. Stefan Krukowski, born in 1890, a loner who never completed secondary school or went to university, a Polish rescarcher of the Palaeolithic, founder of a research school, an inspiring teacher of many Polish prehistorians, arrived in Georgia in May of 1916. He explored caves and rock shelters for two years in the foothills. The monograph on the Gvardjilas Klde Cave was written over 1000 years ago, yet the analyses it contains might just as well have been written by a contemporary archaeologist. The history of European archaeology might have taken a completely different path in this publication had been published in 1918, as Stefan Krukowski had planned.

On limitless diversity of functional types of utterance
4.50 €

On limitless diversity of functional types of utterance

On limitless diversity of functional types of utterance

Author(s): Andrzej Bogusławski / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: utterance; type of utterance; subtype of utterance; finite list; necessary condition; formal; nomological

The author adopts the concept of “functional type of utterance” where the relevant set is based on features other than coincidental co-occurrence of utterances (as, e.g., used by someone at a certain time) or their including a specified expression (specified expressions). The concept subsumes traditional kinds of utterance such as declaratives vs. hypothetical statements, questions, promises, etc., but also, e.g., utterances where vocatives addressed to the recipient(s) are used with varying frequency (which gives rise to the corresponding subtypes of utterance). It is claimed that the existence of a closed and at the same time objectively exhaustive list of functional types of utterance depends on two alternative necessary conditions which are not and will never be satisfied. One of the conditions has a formal or mathematical character. It amounts to the presence of some contradiction in the conjunction of the following constituents: (i) the claim of non-existence of such an exhaustive objective list of types, (ii) any element of knowledge. The other necessary condition belongs to the domain of nomological/natural sciences. It would consist in our knowledge of organisms and their factual (albeit contingent) constraint which necessitates production of a finite number of functional types of utterance, on the pattern of what is proper to apprehension of sounds by creatures belonging to different species, e.g., humans or bats (as limited to a certain, varying, frequency of oscillation in the air environment). The author submits a formalized schema of the reasoning where a hierarchy of functional types and subtypes of different degrees is assumed.

Pre-translation analysis and the translation of Marina Cvetaeva’s poem “Ya prishla k tebe chernoy polnochyu…”
4.50 €

Pre-translation analysis and the translation of Marina Cvetaeva’s poem “Ya prishla k tebe chernoy polnochyu…”

Допереводческий анализ и перевод стихотворения Марины Цветаевой «Я пришла к тебе черной полночью…»

Author(s): Anna Bednarczyk / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: text; poem; Tsvetaeva; pre-translation analysis; translation; choice; transformations

The article presents a pre-translation analysis of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “Ya prishla k tebe chornoy polnochyu…” and the following translation of this poem. The analysis is conducted stage by stage, which makes it possible to discuss in detail the difficulties presented by the relevant activities, and to identify possible translation dominants, as well as to indicate well-advised translation solutions. The discussion shows the usefulness of pre-translation analysis not only for the translation it precedes, but also for teaching of future translators.

The stylistic construction of verbal imagery in poetry: shooting distance and resolution in Wilfred Owen, Marianne Moore and Philip Larkin
4.50 €

The stylistic construction of verbal imagery in poetry: shooting distance and resolution in Wilfred Owen, Marianne Moore and Philip Larkin

The stylistic construction of verbal imagery in poetry: shooting distance and resolution in Wilfred Owen, Marianne Moore and Philip Larkin

Author(s): Davide Castiglione / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: mimesis; imagery; image-frame; noun phrase; reference; shooting distance; resolution; Owen; Moore; Larkin

The notion of imagery is central to literary criticism as it underpins some of the most palpable experiences we have when reading fictional literary texts, prose and verse alike. Yet, its practical use is fraught with impressionism as the verbal image appears based on a relativist ontology that varies with readerly differences, both intrinsic and strategic (e.g. one may have a more visual or a more auditory memory, or give emphasis to more abstract, propositional aspects of a text). As a consequence of this, the verbal image also appears substantially independent from linguistic forms, which makes it problematic for stylistic analysis. This paper addresses and undermines the latter assumption and, in doing so, sets out the basis for a stylistic model of verbal imagery. My approach is twofold: on the one hand, I identify a “nuclear” image on the basis of semantic and syntactic criteria – this I call the image-frame as opposed to more extensive realizations (i.e. image-complexes) or dynamic ones (i.e. image-scenes); on the other, I attempt to map semantico-grammatical variables onto perceptual eff ects, focusing on shooting distance and image resolution. In doing so, I draw inspiration from the complementary attempt of Kress and van Leeuwen, who in “Reading Images: the Grammar of Visual Design” (2006 (1996)) propose an array of correspondences between visual strategies and grammatical structures. All the verbal images presented and discussed in this article come from Wilfred Owen, Marianne Moore and Philip Larkin: three poets who have effectively exploited the potential of realist mimesis (i.e. a faithful reproduction of external reality) within a twentieth century aesthetics.

The grounding function of tense/aspect morphology in lyric poetry: Analysis of Osip Mandelstam’s poems “The wind brought us solace…” and “This night, no lies...”
4.50 €

The grounding function of tense/aspect morphology in lyric poetry: Analysis of Osip Mandelstam’s poems “The wind brought us solace…” and “This night, no lies...”

The grounding function of tense/aspect morphology in lyric poetry: Analysis of Osip Mandelstam’s poems “The wind brought us solace…” and “This night, no lies...”

Author(s): Józefina Piątkowska-Brzezińska / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: tense/aspect morphology; lyric poem; foreground; background; Mandelstam

Over the last decades, serious research has been done on the correlation between tense and aspect choice and the level of information saliency in narrative discourse (Chvany1985; Ehrlich 1990; Fleischman 1990; Givón 1987; Hopper and Thomspon 1980). The novelty of our approach lies in the application of ideas developed within narrative analysis to information grounding in lyric poetry. The aim of this article is to show how tense-aspect morphology could be used for discourse-pragmatic purpose of structuring the lyric text. In the poems discussed, switching from the PFV past to the IPFV present is essential for shifting between foreground and background information.

Performative strategy of ballad in the lyrical poems of Tyutchev
4.50 €

Performative strategy of ballad in the lyrical poems of Tyutchev

Перформативная стратегия баллады в лирике Тютчева

Author(s): Walerij Tiupa / Language(s): English,Russian,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: lyrical poetry; genre; ballad; performative; strategy; Tyutchev

The paper proposes an invariant approach to the study of lyrical genres. Lyrical poem is viewed as a principally performative speech act. Behind the variety of lyrical discourses, a historically stable performative strategy is uncovered. In the case of the genre of ballad, for which narrativity is an optional element – if widely popular in the poetry of Romanticism – such a basic strategy is that of anxiety. This contention is supported by analysis of Tyutchev’s early anarrative ballads. In such poems the lyrical subject finds himself in the situation of “double existence”, at the border between two worlds: the diurnal one and the nocturnal one, the joyful one and the terrific one, the live one and the dead one. Still, what we face here is not a traditional romantic double-worldedness, but a kind of a counterpoint, a “strained” meta-unity. The conscience of the ballad-type lyrical subject is a catastrophic conscience of someone to be sacrificed. In Tyutchev’s anarrative ballads such a conscience is not masked by a fantastic plot, but presented in its pure form.

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