Problematyka karnej oceny sporządzenia protokołu walnego zgromadzenia niepublicznej spółki akcyjnej z udziałem osób nieposiadających praw do głosowania z akcji
The issue of criminal assessment of preparation of protocol of the general meeting of the non-public joint stock company with the participation of the persons without the right to vote
Author(s): Adam Bułat, Tomasz OczkowskiSubject(s): Criminal Law, Civil Law
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: law; protocol of the general meeting of the joint stock company; persons authorized to participate and vote in such meeting; the notary obligations and responsibility;
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyze and present an opinion on the role of the notary in assessing whether the event recorded by him is a general meeting of a joint-stock company, and what means the necessity of acting persons or entities empowered to vote in such meeting. According to the authors, the role of a notary is much greater than being only the recorder. Notary duty is also verification of the status of acting and voting persons. Breaching this duty shall result in potential criminal responsibility.
Journal: Studia Prawnoustrojowe
- Issue Year: 2023
- Issue No: 60
- Page Range: 61-74
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish