The War of Independence in the reports of the “Telegraph” daily newspaper Cover Image

Războiul de Independență în relatările cotidianului „Telegraphul”
The War of Independence in the reports of the “Telegraph” daily newspaper

Author(s): Cristina Gudin
Subject(s): History, Social history, Modern Age, 19th Century
Published by: Editura Mega Print SRL
Keywords: independence; war; oriental crisis; newspaper; policy; the great powers;

Summary/Abstract: The present study is based on the intention of reconstructing an important event in modern history of Romanians with the help of information collected from the pages of the liberal daily „Telegraph”. The aim is to capture the way contemporaries perceived the tensions in the Balkan Peninsula and related to the Russo‑Turkish war. The analysis of the daily concern of journalists for the evolution of the context in South‑Eastern Europe is subject to the specific limits of the case study. However, it must be stated that official documents from that period or articles related to the crisis in the East and the Russo‑Turkish war appearing in Western and Romanian publications could be accessed through the „Telegraph” newspaper, from which substantial takeovers were made in the pages of the consulted newspaper. Consulting this newspaper made it possible to know the concerns regarding the war of the contemporaries, resulting in a more colorful picture of the events.

  • Issue Year: 2023
  • Issue No: XXVIII
  • Page Range: 109-124
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: English, Romanian
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