Facilities management approaches and methods Cover Image

Подходи и методи на фасилити мениджмънт
Facilities management approaches and methods

Author(s): Stefan Petkov
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: facilities management; approaches; method; planning; maintenance and management; functioning; efficiency

Summary/Abstract: With the development of the economy in recent years, a new concept has appeared in our country - “Facility Management”. Its essence is expressed in the following – integration of processes within an organization for the provision and development of contracted services that serve to support and improve the effectiveness of the organization's main activity. Facilities management covers all maintenance and management activities of non-production assets of any company. A wide range of functions and processes are used to carry out effective facilities management.

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