Relationship between facilities management and Panagyurishte historical museum Cover Image

Връзка между фасилити мениджмънт и исторически музей Панагюрище
Relationship between facilities management and Panagyurishte historical museum

Author(s): Stefan Petkov
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Economy, Museology & Heritage Studies, Library and Information Science, Business Economy / Management, Culture and social structure
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: facilities management; activities; maintenance and management; resources; costs; regulatory requirements; museum; historical museum Panagyurishte

Summary/Abstract: The application of facilities management in the museum sector is of utmost importance, as museums represent specific sites with complex infrastructure and unique needs. There are some aspects that apply to the implementation of facility management in museums. The identification of the specific needs and challenges related to the management of the historical museum in the city of Panagyurishte is essential for the successful implementation of facility management. They look at some of these needs and challenges that the topic covers.

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