The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Addressing Global Crises: Innovations for Climate Resilience, Migration, and Economic Inequality Cover Image

Ролята на социалното предприемачество за справяне с глобалните кризи: иновации за климатична устойчивост, миграция и икономическо неравенство
The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in Addressing Global Crises: Innovations for Climate Resilience, Migration, and Economic Inequality

Author(s): Ralitsa Manolova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology, Social development, Migration Studies, Sociology of Politics
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: social enterprises; global crises; innovations for climate resilience; migration; economic inequality

Summary/Abstract: This paper explores how social entrepreneurship contributes to building sustainable development models capable of addressing contemporary global crises. Emphasis is placed on the ways social enterprises can mobilize communities, inspire change, and ensure a sustainable future. The analysis examines the impacts of climate change, pandemics, wars, and migration flows on societies, the effects of economic inequality and limited access to basic services, and the potential of social entrepreneurship as an adaptive mechanism

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