The Slovenian School Museum in 2022 Cover Image

Slovenski šolski muzej v letu 2022
The Slovenian School Museum in 2022

Author(s): Stane Okoliš
Subject(s): Education, Cultural history, Museology & Heritage Studies, School education, Present Times (2010 - today)
Published by: Slovenski šolski muzej
Keywords: museum; schooling; annual report; statistics; old school lessons;

Summary/Abstract: Early in the year, the COVID-19 epidemic faded. As all the measures to contain its spread were gradually lifted, the Museum’s activities in all areas returned to their previous extent. As of 1 February 2022, the activities of the Sports Museum were transferred from the Planica Institute of Sports of the Republic of Slovenia to the Slovenian School Museum, and on 23 March 2022, the new permanent exhibition School is Cool! was opened. These were two epochal events, as new development opportunities are opening up for the Museum. According to the preliminary plan set out in the transfer study, the Museum has grown financially and will also grow in terms of staff by the end of the year with new recruitments. Lack of space, particularly regarding the depots and the conservation and restoration workshop, but also the exhibition space in the sports museum, has remained unresolved. The relocation of the external depot from the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity Reserves in Zalog to the premises of the former BPT Tržič Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mill in May and June was necessitated by the repeated termination of the lease agreement by the owner. Improved accessibility has brought visitors back to the museum, revitalising educational programmes and other museum activities.

  • Issue Year: 32/2023
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 189-220
  • Page Count: 32
  • Language: Slovenian
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