Ludimagister Bider in začetki šolskega pouka v Vodicah
Ludimagister Bider and the beginnings of school lessons in Vodice
Author(s): Stane OkolišSubject(s): School education, History of Education, Sociology of Education, Pedagogy
Published by: Slovenski šolski muzej
Keywords: sexton’s income; ludimagister; Vodice; beginnings of schooling; first teachers;
Summary/Abstract: The teaching job in Vodice developed from the sexton’s job at the parish church. Sextons were also the first teachers, but since their income was modest, this had a negative influence on the development of schooling in this parish with a rich tradition. Under the enlightened absolutist rule of Joseph II, the sexton employed until then was discharged since he was not qualified to teach. He was replaced by the “ludimagister” Pavel Bider, with the intention that he would teach in addition to serving as a sexton. After the abolition of compulsive education, the school stopped functioning and the job of the sexton was taken over by the organist Jakob Plevel, who would have been able to teach only in the provincial language, and there was no more public schooling in Vodice until his death.
Journal: Šolska kronika: revija za zgodovino šolstva in vzgoje
- Issue Year: 31/2022
- Issue No: 2-3
- Page Range: 251-282
- Page Count: 32
- Language: Slovenian