Klasa kreatywna a rozwój gospodarczy regionu w Polsce
Creative class and economic development of a region in Poland
Author(s): Małgorzata PodogrodzkaSubject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: economic development; creative class; R. Florida
Summary/Abstract: Uneven economic development of Polish regions is located in the centre of interest of many researchers from various scientific disciplines. Among many macrosocial determinants among others the varying density of the persons living in the area and belonging to the creative class, i.e. people working in the creative industry shall be formed. Their creativity can indeed be a factor in attracting new investors, especially those who work in the high-tech industry or encourage extension for existing companies. This can lead to improved standards of living of the inhabitants of these areas and thus contribute to the economic development of these regions. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the regions diversification of economic development that describes Polish gross domestic product and employment structure by branch of the economy, but falling within the creative industries. The author is also interested in the interlinkages between these characteristics. This description will allow to verify the following theses: 1) Polish regions characterised by similar levels of economic development make up spatially compact areas; 2) voivodeships with similar involvement of people working in the creative industries have a common border; 3) the more working people and belonging to the creative class reside in the area, the higher its economic development. To distinguish the creative class we used the proposal presented by R. Florida , which due to the availability of statistical data was slightly modified. To distinguish regions similar on the grounds of the level of economic development and density of creative class we used one of the taxonomic methods, i.e. agglomeration method. In assessing the importance of the relationship between the discussed phenomena, i.e. economic development and the degree of concentration of creative class in a region, we used hypotheses verification procedure for the cross-correlation coefficient. The results of carried out tests have not confirmed considerations adopted at the outset, but have found that some of the elements that make up the creative class are indeed correlated with economic development region.
Journal: Ekonomia
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 24
- Page Range: 106-118
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Polish