Die Auswirkungen der digitalen Ära auf das Verhältnis zwischen Journalismus und PR
The Impact of the Digital Era on the Relationship Between Journalism and PR
Author(s): Julia SzambolicsSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Accent Publisher
Keywords: future of public relations; future of journalism; social networks; digital era.
Summary/Abstract: The dramatic changes that occurred as a result of the developments in the digital age have left their mark on the format in which information reaches the consumer. The new media consumer has developed new skills in perceiving and processing information: he can easily use traditional media (television, radio, newspaper) and he can operate in the online networks as well. This paper presents some research results of various studies from the year 2014 and some theoretical aspects regarding the future of public relations and journalism in the Digital Age. Furthermore, the author of this article has conducted several interviews with PR practitioners, former journalists and with professors from two prestigious German universities, in order to determine some predictions and trends about and in the future of the two fields mentioned before.
Journal: Journal of Media Research - Revista de Studii Media
- Issue Year: 8/2015
- Issue No: 22
- Page Range: 41-51
- Page Count: 11
- Content File-PDF